Human-Powered Flight: Potentials - MIT 1998 Gardner Lecture - Paul MacCready and John Langford
Paul B. MacCready and John S. Langford III '79, SM '83, SM '85, PhD '87 present the annual Lester T. Gardner Lecture at the MIT AeroAstro Department on April ...
MIT Video Productions
Modelling to support composite Materials Technology at TWI
Composite materials are increasingly being used in many industry sectors thanks to their potential to offer significant weight savings and superior performance ...
Wind and Geothermal Energy: Part-2: Wind turbine materials
This is the fourth lecture of our Lecture Course Advanced Materials for Energy and Information Technology. This lecture is in four parts. Here is the second part of ...
Neel M
How the CN Tower was Built
A look at the design and construction of the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada. Support Art of Engineering on Patreon: ...
Art of Engineering
Aerospace - Structural Optimization with Nastran SOL 200
One of the largest drivers in aircraft design is the lightweighting of structures. This 40 minute presentation discusses the use of Nastran SOL 200 for structural ...
The Engineering Lab
How Do Engineers Build Safe Bridges? | Built From Disaster | Spark
Examining how previous bridge disasters such as the Minneapolis collapse of 2007 have shaped future designs. Subscribe to Spark for more amazing science, ...
Are We Applying Lessons Learned from Past Programs KSF
May 21, 2008 - A HEOMD-sponsored Knowledge Sharing Forum (KSF) on the discussion of the application of lessons learned from previous NASA programs ...
NASA Video
Wind turbine design
Wind turbine design is the process of defining the form and specifications of a wind turbine to extract energy from the wind. A wind turbine installation consists of ...
MSC Nastran, Patran Tutorial - Linear Static Analysis of a 3D Solid
Problem Description: This is a repeat of Problem 6: Linear Statics, 2D Axisymmetric Solids, 346 with the exception that the cylinder and end caps are entirely ...
MSC Software
The beginning of Hanggliding / Playground in the Sky Full Movie
Playground in the Sky, great movie.
How Did The Wright Brothers Invent The Aeroplane? | Inventions That Shook The World (1900s) | Spark
Subscribe to Spark for more amazing science, tech and engineering videos - The 1900's gave us some of the world's most important ...
PARC Forum: The DaSH Project - Building a 'Simple' Human-Powered Airplane
PARC Forum Presents: The DaSH PA project stands for "Dead-Simple Human-Powered Airplane." Learn more at
PARC, a Xerox Company
Active Matter Summit: Session 3
In recent decades, developments in software and hardware technologies have created dramatic shifts in design, manufacturing and research. Software ...
Arts at MIT
Lec 5 MIT 16 885J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005
Антон Добрыденко
It is a parallel drop; the fuselage remains horizontal while falling. The segment that was modeled shows the typical effect. This is a Tu-154M fragment.
Gregory Szuladzinski
Lec 22 MIT 16 885J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2005
Антон Добрыденко
Calling All Cars: Alibi / Broken Xylophone / Manila Envelopes
The radio show Calling All Cars hired LAPD radio dispacher Jesse Rosenquist to be the voice of the dispatcher. Rosenquist was already famous because home ...
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