Learning Resource 6MWT
References: • https://www.sralab.org/rehabilitation-measures/6-minute-walk-test • Redelmeier, D. A., Bayoumi, A. M., Goldstein, ...
Zach McGirr
Chalk Talk: Pulmonary Embolism
Video reviewing submassive and massive pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolism nomenclature, right ventricular dysfunction, ...
The ICU Curriculum
21 Critical Care Medicine ARDS, Sepsis, Shock Vasopressors
Anesthesia_Exams_#FRCA# EDAIC
Macrolides in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
ผู้บรรยายจะนำเสนอข้อมูลโดยใช้หลักการของ Evidence based medicine มาแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลการศึกษาที่มีมากขึ้นในปัจจุบัน ...
Bandarn Suetrong
Red in Motion: Vaporized E-Cigarette Liquids Induce Ion Transport Dysfunction in Airway Epithelia
In a new study published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, researchers dug deeper into the ...
American Thoracic Society
Respiratory Tract Dysbiosis is Associated with Worse Outcomes in Mechanically-Ventilated Patients
A new paper published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine examines microbiota profiles in the ...
American Thoracic Society
Summary for Clinicians: Asthma Update 2020
An article published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine summarizes the current research on ...
American Thoracic Society
Mr. Ziggki Channel Fans Boy 2021
Live Event for April 28th: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study 50 Years Later. Why It Still Matters
It's been 50 years since the Tuskegee Study was disclosed to the American public. In May, a new riveting account of the Study, ...
American Thoracic Society
KUTV 2 News - Brief Exposure to Tiny Air Pollution Particles Triggers Childhood Lung Infections
Even the briefest increase in airborne fine particulate matter PM2.5, pollution-causing particles that are about 3% of the diameter ...
Decoding Disparities: Health Disparities and Respiratory Disease
Dr. Juan Celodon presents "Health Disparities and Respiratory Disease" at Brown University.
The Warren Alpert Medical School
Vanderbilt University Medical Center: ECMO for COVID-19 Patients
http://cnn.com/2022/02/25/health/ecmo-cuts-covid-19-death-risk/index.html http://vumc.org/coronavirus CNN Health writer Brenda ...
Vanderbilt Health
New Guideline for Evaluating and Managing Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
The American Thoracic Society has published an official clinical guideline on the evaluation and management of obesity ...
American Thoracic Society
ePrognosis: Making a Recommendation, example 2
BACKGROUND After carefully eliciting patient values and reviewing their individual risk factors, it is important for the clinician to ...
UCSF Division of Geriatrics
Porque você precisa aprender USG? - Episódio 45
Pedro, Raphael e Guilherme tentaram te convencer a se aproximar cada vez mais do USG nesse episódio! Essa ferramenta ...
Ta de Clinicagem
ePrognosis: Making a Recommendation, example 1
BACKGROUND After carefully eliciting patient values and reviewing their individual risk factors, it is important for the clinician to ...
UCSF Division of Geriatrics
Blue Briefing: The Accuracy of Race/Ethnicity-based Equations for Spirometry Assessments
A new population-based study shows including race and ethnicity in the calculation of spirometry reference equation does not ...
American Thoracic Society
ICU Grand Rounds -- COVID and ARDS
Chief Fellow
Bacteriophages: Is medicine going viral?
Bacteriophages have been a hot topic in the science community in recent years. This video looks at the structure of ...
Demystifying Medicine McMaster
How I set PEEP in ARDS: Professor Laurent Brochard
The AVF Podcast: ICU Tips & Tricks invites colleagues to share anything and everything on how they deal with various clinical ...
Asia Ventilation Forum
Blue Briefing: Low-Dose Nocturnal Dexmedetomidine Prevents ICU Delirium
Nocturnal administration of low-dose dexmedetomidine in critically ill adults reduces the incidence of delirium during the ICU stay; ...
American Thoracic Society
KSTU Fox 13 - Brief Exposure to Tiny Air Pollution Particles Triggers Childhood Lung Infections
Even the briefest increase in airborne fine particulate matter PM2.5, pollution-causing particles that are about 3% of the diameter ...
Prone Positioning
Prone Positioning has been a very hot topic since the pandemic and a very important topic that could save lives. It is used to treat ...
Demystifying Medicine McMaster
Hospital-Level Variation in Death for Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19
New study reveals how COVID-19 mortality rates of ICU patients vary across hospitals based on hospital-level socioeconomic ...
American Thoracic Society
Listen to Wisia Wedzicha discuss the ATS journals and how to submit papers
At the European Respiratory Society International Congress this year, AJRCCM editor in chief Jadwiga "Wisia" Wedzicha, MD, ...
American Thoracic Society
Draw my life: How I almost died from taking birth control
The use of hormonal birth control has magnified over the years due to its increasing popularity and easy access to prescriptions.
Demystifying Medicine McMaster
Blue Briefing: Primary Care Physicians Can Comprehensively Manage Sleep Apnea Patients
In this installment of Blue Briefing, we look at Sánchez-Quiroga and colleagues' paper "Primary Care Physicians Can ...
American Thoracic Society
Current Topics in Respiratory Care 2019: 6 ml/kg Tidal Volume is Not Appropriate for All Patients
Adult data support the use of 6 ml/kg tidal volume for ARDS. Despite pediatric data this approach is commonly extrapolated to ...
Respiratory Awareness for Collaboration, Education & Advocacy | Helping the World to Breathe | ATS
The American Thoracic Society (ATS) talks about being an incubator for advancements in global care through multidisciplinary ...
American Thoracic Society
Prediction of Recovery from Coma and Vegetative State
Brain Responses to Propofol in Advance of Recovery From Coma and Disorders of Consciousness: A Preliminary Study This ...
McGill University
Meet Dr. Alpha A. Fowler III, Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Specialist
New research led by Virginia Commonwealth University and published in the October 2019 issue of the Journal of the American ...
VCU Health
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine: Strategy in the War on COVID-19
03:15 - Cross-Border and Near Border COVID-19 Collaborations - Jess Mandel, 13:37 - UC San Diego Pulmonary Critical Care ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
HEPA air cleaners may improve indoor air quality and benefit COPD patients
An environmental intervention study by Nadia N Hansel and team has revealed potential health benefits of portable HEPA air ...
Medical Dialogues
Episode 69 - Liz Klings, MD
Dr. Elizabeth Klings is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the Director of the Center for Excellence in Sickle Cell Disease at ...
phaware global association
Pulmonary and Critical Care Review (Comprehensive) with Dr. El-Kersh
Dr. Karim El-Kersh is currently a Sleep Medicine fellow at the University of Louisville. He completed his Pulmonary and Critical ...
UofL Internal Medicine Lecture Series
KUTV 2 News - Brief Exposure to Tiny Air Pollution Particles Triggers Childhood Lung Infections
Even the briefest increase in airborne fine particulate matter PM2.5, pollution-causing particles that are about 3% of the diameter ...
Intermountain Healthcare
GB0139 (formerly TD139): A potential therapeutic for IPF?
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a lung disorder characterized by chronic and progressive scarring of lung tissue. The cause ...
Demystifying Medicine McMaster
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - MedNet21
This video segment serves as a short introduction and educational lesson for our MedNet21 webcast on Acute Respiratory ...
Ohio State Wexner Medical Center
Neck Tension and Hyperinflation
Hyperinflation is a pain in the neck. . . Anyone with a tensed neck will demonstrate some form of breathing dysfunction. Why?
International Respiratory Coalition Summit - Impact of COVID on respiratory medicine
European Respiratory Society
Cystic Fibrosis and Lung Transplants
This video is the third installation in the “Transplantation and Rejection” series. The video overviews cystic fibrosis, which is a ...
Demystifying Medicine McMaster
Vaping-induced lung illnesses
This video delves into the lung illnesses which may be caused by the use of vapes. Specifically, it explores the risk of using illicit ...
Demystifying Medicine McMaster