New Regional Orders and New Ways of War: Europe, the Middle East, and Asia
The global order of the past seven decades is being disrupted by regional dynamics. Powers of the past are reasserting themselves—Russia in Europe and the ...
Perceiving is Believing: Crash Course Psychology #7
Want more videos about psychology every Monday and Thursday? Check out our sister channel SciShow Psych at!
Social Thinking: Crash Course Psychology #37
Want more videos about psychology every Monday and Thursday? Check out our sister channel SciShow Psych at!
Life After Conflict: Healing the Environmental Wounds of War | earthrise
earthrise looks at ways of healing one of the silent and often forgotten casualties of war - the environment. In conflict, one of the silent and forgotten casualties is ...
Al Jazeera English
Learning from consumer culture | Tori Flower | TEDxKCS
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. How consumer brands are designed to attract large communities of ...
TEDx Talks
National Emergency: Global Pandemic in a Deteriorating Security Environment | David Kilcullen
In Episode 126 of Hidden Forces, Demetri Kofinas speaks with David Kilcullen, a theorist and practitioner of guerrilla and unconventional warfare, and ...
Hidden Forces
War stories from the future
In the inaugural event for the Atlantic Council's newly-established FORWARD DEFENSE practice, Gen James Cartwright, Max Brooks, August Cole, and Valerie ...
[LIVE] CAC2020 | Discussion on Climate & Environment | CAC(Cities Against COVID-19) Global Summit
CAC2020 #Seoul #COVID19 To participate in the survey related to CAC Global Summit 2020 "COVID-19 is ...
Seoul City Official
How can people from different cultures get along with each other? | Richard Evanoff | TEDxRoppongi
Globalisation is bringing people from different cultures together as never before. While cultural diversity is often regarded as a good thing, in some cases cultural ...
TEDx Talks
Globalization I - The Upside: Crash Course World History #41
In which John Green teaches you about globalization, a subject so epic, so, um, global, it requires two videos. In this video, John follows the surprisingly complex ...
EMGS—Protecting Our Most Precious Assets: Our Genome and Our Environment
This video highlights the scientific and social developments starting in 1927 that led to the founding of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society ...
Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society
Overpopulation facts - the problem no one will discuss: Alexandra Paul at TEDxTopanga
Actress Alexandra Paul breaks the silence on one of the most taboo subjects of our time: human overpopulation and how to resolve the crisis that is adding ...
TEDx Talks
We’re all in this together? World Visual Cultures and Covid-19 | COVID-19 in Context | UMW
COVID-19 in Context is an eight-week online summer course starting June 1 that is open to UMW students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the broader community.
University of Mary Washington
The Importance of Learning About New Cultures | Joshua Moody | TEDxYouth@AISR
In his talk, Josh shares his passion for learning about new cultures and why you should too. Josh, a 5th grader, has been living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for three ...
TEDx Talks
What is normal? Exploring folkways, mores, and taboos | Behavior | MCAT | Khan Academy
Created by Jeffrey Walsh. Watch the next lesson: ...
What are the universal human rights? - Benedetta Berti
View full lesson: The basic idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter ...
How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything - Rosa Brooks
How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything presented by Rosa Brooks Associate Dean, Graduate Programs, Professor of Law, ...
Japan's Economic Bubble and the Lost Decade, with William Tsutsui
William M. Tsutsui, Professor of History and Associate Dean for International Studies, University of Kansas, speaks at the 2009 Summer Teacher Institute ...
The University of Chicago
Current challenges in protecting civilians in armed conflict
It is broadly accepted that civilians are not legitimate targets in war. However, the humanitarian crises generated by the conflicts in Yemen, Syria and elsewhere ...
Blavatnik School of Government
Utilitarianism: Crash Course Philosophy #36
Our next stop in our tour of the ethical lay of the land is utilitarianism. With a little help from Batman, Hank explains the principle of utility, and the difference ...
How Level Design Can Tell a Story
Can a video game level tell a story? In this video I look at a bunch of examples and best practices for embedding narrative elements into the very spaces and ...
Game Maker's Toolkit
Global Strategic Review 2014: A New Cold War in Asia?
Global Strategic Review 2014 Fourth Plenary Session Ichita Yamamoto, former Minister in charge of Ocean Policy and Territorial Issues, Japan Eric Li, ...
The International Institute for Strategic Studies
Classical sociological theory - Marx, Weber, Durkheim
In this lecture, Dr. Tom Rudel overviews three classical sociological theorists – Marx, Weber and Durkheim. He notes that all three are structuralists, but that each ...
sesync annapolis
Here's why Rolling Stone's UVA rape story went viral | FACTUAL FEMINIST
The recent Rolling Stone story about a gang rape at the University of Virginia has fallen apart. But why was it so easy for so many to believe it? Find out on this ...
American Enterprise Institute
Are the US and China in an Ideological Competition?
Among the growing sources of tension between the US and China, an underexplored topic is the potential for ideological competition. In addition to battle for ...
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Changing Social Norms to Reduce the Acceptability of Smoking
Madeleine Solomon of Emory University and the Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium examines the social and policy changes that have affected tobacco ...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
A Conversation with Charlie Munger and Michigan Ross - 2017
To jump directly to the conversation with Charlie, click here: 2:57 To jump directly to Charlie's discussion of bitcoin and cryptocurrency, click here: 38:40 Charlie ...
The Ross School of Business - University of Michigan
Philanthropy Cloud Keynote: Transform Your Corporate Giving Culture
Want to know how purpose can drive your business and your community? Join's CEO Rob Acker and EVP Nasi Jazayeri as they walk us through ...
How Will the Wars of the 21st Century be Fought?
Dr. Anne-Marie Slaughter (moderator) – President and CEO, New America Dr. Brad Allenby – Lincoln Professor of Engineering and Ethics, Ira A. Fulton Schools ...
New America
Aggression vs. Altruism: Crash Course Psychology #40
Want more videos about psychology every Monday and Thursday? Check out our sister channel SciShow Psych at!
Richard Falk: International Law and The Nature of Security
In this Symposium on International Law and the Quest for Security, Professor Richard Falk discusses the origins of the modern state and the issue of sustaining ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
Prof. Rana Mitter: "Modern China" | Talks at Google
For this talk about Modern China Talks at Google welcomes Rana Mitter, Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China in Oxford, fellow of St. Cross ...
Talks at Google
A Discussions About Race at ACE2019 with Beverly Daniel Tatum and Robin DiAngelo
In this plenary session at ACE2019, two of the country's leading voices and best-selling authors on race and racism—Beverly Daniel Tatum and Robin ...
American Council on Education
The adaptable animal: the evolutionary context and practical tactics for building your resilience
What does evolutionary theory tell us about the aftermath of this pandemic? Nigel Nicholson, Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour, applies ...
London Business School
General Angus Campbell on War in 2025
General Angus Campbell, AO, DSC, Chief of Defence Force, delivered the keynote address at the ASPI War in 2025 conference dinner. ASPI's War in 2025 ...
Metaethics: Crash Course Philosophy #32
We begin our unit on ethics with a look at metaethics. Hank explains three forms of moral realism – moral absolutism, and cultural relativism, including the ...
The Legacy of plastic | Rebecca Altman | TEDxSanFrancisco
Rebecca Altman explores the social history of chemistry, plastics, pollution and environmental legacy and what we pass from one generation to the next.
TEDx Talks
The enduring power of radio to change lives | Sam Hall | TEDxBrixton
Digital did not kill the radio star! In this passionate and energetic talk, DJ Sam Hall explains how radio still has the power to promote worldwide access to ...
TEDx Talks
Introduction to Swedish culture
An anecdotal account of Loretta Qwarnström's encounters with the Swedes.
Högskolan Dalarna
White People | Official Full Documentary | MTV
What does it mean to be white? MTV's 'White People' is a groundbreaking documentary on race that aims to answer that question from the viewpoint of young ...
Why China Will Not Become the Dominant Power in Asia
Public Lecture by Emeritus Professor Paul Dibb and Adjunct Associate Professor John Lee. The belief that China will soon become the dominant power in Asia ...
TIF Talks - From Drapetomania to PTSD: The Socio-Cultural Context of Mental Disorders
A presentation by psychologist and U.S. Army veteran Katherine Sharpe Jones '79 at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum on Dec. 5, 2015.