TEDxOrangeCoast - Daniel Amen - Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
Change your Brain, Change your Life. Revelations based on studying 63000 brain images across 90 countries over 20 years. How Brain imaging can change ...
TEDx Talks
Dinner makes a difference: Laurie David at TEDxManhattan
Producer of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," Laurie David has authored best-selling books, executive produced television specials & documentaries and has ...
TEDx Talks
A DAY IN THE LIFE: The World of Humans Who Use Drugs (FULL FILM)
https://www.adayinthelifemovie.com/ You can turn on subtitles at the lower right corner of the video window. Available subtitles: Eng, Ger, Hun, Ind, Rus, Spa, Bul ...
TAKING BACK WHAT’S OURS! – Episode 6. Australia and New Zealand
In this episode of the oral history of the movement of people who use drugs, we learn about the successes and challanges in Australia, from four veterans of the ...
Conformity - Mind Field (Ep 2)
We are all unique individuals. We follow the beat of our own drum. We wouldn't throw our own beliefs out the window just to fit in...or would we? In this episode ...
The political power of being a good neighbor | Michael Tubbs
Michael Tubbs is the youngest mayor in American history to represent a city with more than 100000 people -- and his policies are sparking national ...
Роберта Гатти (Всемирный банк) «Инвестиции в человеческий капитал – мировой опыт»
Апрельская конференция – 2018 http://conf.hse.ru Приглашенный доклад Роберты Гатти (Всемирный банк) «Инвестиции в человеческий капитал ...
Высшая школа экономики
J. Krishnamurti - San Diego 1974 - Conversation 13 - A different way of living
J. Krishnamurti - San Diego 1974 - Conversation 13 - A different way of living Summary: Q: What is living? What actually is existence, living, this whole field of ...
J. Krishnamurti - Official Channel
Zemnian Nights | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 11
The Mighty Nein finally make it into the Tri-Spire, exploring the upper echelon of Zadash and investigating the Knights of Requital's claims of corruption within ...
Geek & Sundry
Is Social Media Bad for Autistic People?
I had to do an argumentative research paper for one of my college classes and thought it was a topic I'd like to also cover over here, so I adapted it (very slightly) ...
Stephanie Bethany
Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, and Healing - Jon Kabat-Zinn
This video is included in the Introduction of the free online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (MBSR) by Palouse Mindfulness ...
Palouse Mindfulness
✅ Как не стать пи3д*стpaдaльцeм? Любовная зависимость
Тема этого видео – Как не стать пи3д*стpaдaльцeм? Любовная зависимость? Приятного просмотра! ✓ Поддержи видео лайком напиши в ...
IRONMIND - FULL MOVIE - My Plant Fuelled Challenge To Race The Ironman Triathlon - London Real
BrianForMayor https://BrianForMayor.London MAKE 2021 YOUR BEST YEAR EVER: https://londonreal.tv/2021/ “Ironmind – The Movie” is not affiliated with ...
London Real
Бунты в США [Обнимашки с диктаторами]
Важнейший международный сюжет на сегодня - протесты в США. Авторская программа Владимира Милова возвращается в эфир в регулярном ...
Владимир Милов
AUTISMUL VIRTUAL - Explicat de la A la Z, chiar de autorul termenului - psih. Marius Teodor Zamfir
Acest film prezinta subtitrare in Romana, Engleza, Franceza, Germana, Spaniola, Italiana, Rusa, Chineza, Indiana, Araba, Ebraica . Autismul Virtual - boala ...
Stop Autism Virtual
HyperNormalisation (2016 + subs) by Adam Curtis - A different experience of reality FULL DOCUMENTARY
Added subtitles (french, braziianl, hebrew, english, croatian, spanish, turkish and russian) The cult documentary maker explores the falsity of modern life in his ...
Adam Curtis Documentary
the «hidden example» method wiht family psychologist
We'are talking about the method of "hidden example" – this is your strong weapon in the fight against undesirable behavior of the child. If you are interested in ...
Psychology Online courses by Olga Kuleshova
Речь Жака Фреско в Стокгольме | 2020 версия в 4К | Проект Венера
Одна из самых популярных лекций Жака Фреско теперь, в 2020 году, доступна в 4к! В рамках всемирного турне в 2010 году Жак Фреско дал эту ...
Жак Фреско и Проект Венера
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward (2011)
Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, by director Peter Joseph, is a feature length documentary work which presents a case for a needed transition out of the current ...
Linguistic Team International
В ближайшие 10 минут вы узнаете, как наркотики, рок-н-рол, хиппи, тяжёлый метал, и вообще всё современное психоделическое искусство вошли в ...
Существует ли Бог?
Существует ли Бог? Реален ли Духовный мир? Рано или поздно эти вопросы задаёт себе каждый человек, независимо от того, состоит ли он в ...
АллатРа ТВ
ИГРА ПРОФЕССИОНАЛОВ. Что такое сознание? Фильм 1
Научно-дискуссионный проект “ИГРА ПРОФЕССИОНАЛОВ” - новый цикл передач на канале АЛЛАТРА ТВ. В данном проекте принимают участие ...
АллатРа ТВ
Сознание и Личность. От заведомо мёртвого к вечно Живому
СОЗНАНИЕ И ЛИЧНОСТЬ. От заведомо мёртвого к вечно Живому. https://allatra.tv/video/soznanie-i-lichnost Это живая беседа с Игорем Михайловичем ...
АллатРа ТВ
«Наркатызацыя і аўтарытарызм»: дакумэнтальны фільм пра беларускую вайну з наркотыкамі
У фільме расказваеца пра практыку прымяненьня артыкулу 328 Крымінальнага кодэксу, пра ўмовы ўтрыманьня ў пэнітэнцыярных установах Беларусі, ...
Finding freedom in facing pain: Amy Dalton at TEDxLaJolla
For each of us, how we deal with pain varies. Amy Dalton faced her pain to find freedom from eating disorders, drug and alcohol addictions, cheating, and ...
TEDx Talks
What obligation do social media platforms have to the greater good? | Eli Pariser
Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized Talk recommendations and more. Social media has become our ...
Shereen El-Feki: How to fight an epidemic of bad laws
http://www.ted.com There is an epidemic of HIV, and with it an epidemic of bad laws -- laws that effectively criminalize being HIV positive. At the TEDxSummit in ...
Have You Ever Met a Monster? | Amy Herdy | TEDxSanJuanIsland
Messaging around sexual assault prevention is largely aimed at women and cloaked in helpful advice: don't walk alone, don't get drunk, don't put yourself at risk ...
TEDx Talks
How Covid and A Lack Of Diversity Has Affected Clinical Trials
How Covid and A Lack Of Diversity Has Affected Clinical Trials I am honored to have Dr. Bierer on the podcast this week to discuss how COVID and a Lack of ...
Elite Clinical Research
Beyin - Dua Mekanizması - Ahmed Hulusi
http://ahmedhulusi.org/ http://twitter.com/AhmedHulusi http://www.facebook.com/Ahmed-Hulusi Beyin - Dua Mekanizması - Ahmed Hulusi "Dua" özünüzdeki ...
Ahmed Hulusi
La propiedad intelectual y el desarrollo económico | Stephan Kinsella
Grabado en una emisión en directo de Mises.tv, esta conferencia de Stephan Kinsella fue presentada en la Mises University 2011, en Auburn, Alabama. Incluye ...
Centro Mises
Islamic Economics, The Concepts and Principles of Islamic Finance Hello friends. Some of us may think that popular videos should be published on youtube.
Cansel Erkal Eğitim TV
The Brain And The Mechanics Of Prayer (Enhanced Voice-over) - Ahmed Hulusi
http://ahmedhulusi.org/en/ http://twitter.com/AhmedHulusi http://www.facebook.com/Ahmed-Hulusi The Brain And The Mechanics Of Prayer - Ahmed Hulusi Thus ...
Ahmed Hulusi
"What have we learned from the HIV/AIDS pandemic with COVID-19?" US & Canadian LGBTQI2-S panel.
Recorded LIVE on 6/26/20; expand description for clickable index. Visit https://bit.ly/AgeFriendlyLive for more info or to join this week's livestream. Subscribe and ...
Aging King County
Ruins - Chronicle of an HIV witch-hunt [HD]
ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΕΚΔΟΣΗ: http://youtu.be/9zyEegBtC1Q RUINS: Chronicle of an HIV witch-hunt Α documentary about a shocking case of HIV criminalization ...
Ruins, Doc
John Lennon and George Harrison on Transcendental Meditation - Beatles Interview
Sgt. Pepper outtakes: https://amzn.to/2CKb1S0 White Album outtakes: https://amzn.to/2CGIZqk All These Years - Extended Special Edition: ...
In The Life of...The Beatles
POSITIVE док фильм о ВИЧ /2016/ Eng sub
"POSITIVE" - документальный фильм с ошеломляющими, веселыми, грустными и простыми историями от людей, живущих с ВИЧ. Герои фильма - очень ...
Alina Alieva
Jacque Fresco - What the Future Holds Beyond 2000 - Nichols College (1999)
Jacque Fresco's introduction lecture at Nichols College. Feb. 02, 1999 From archive. http://www.thevenusproject.com/
Jacque Fresco Foundation
Suspense: Portrait Without a Face / The Defense Rests / Narrative About Clarence
Suspense is a radio drama series broadcast from 1942 through 1962. One of the premier drama programs of the Golden Age of Radio, was subtitled "radio's ...
Remember This
Graham Hancock - The War on Consciousness BANNED TED TALK
Re-uploaded as TED have decided to censor Graham and remove this video from the TEDx youtube channel. Follow this link for TED's statement on the matter ...
James Dearden Bush
The Vietnam War: Reasons for Failure - Why the U.S. Lost
In the post-war era, Americans struggled to absorb the lessons of the military intervention. About the book: ...
The Film Archives
SCP-2480 An Unfinished Ritual | object class Neutralized | City / Sarkic Cults SCP
This SCP Foundation wiki reading is about SCP 2480 "An Unfinished Ritual", which appears to be centered around Bodfel Manor, home of the late Cornelius P.
Eastside Show SCP