Signal Detection Theory- Dr.Muhammad Muzamil
Signal Detection Theory
Stefan Bleeck
Video 3/5: Radar range and velocity measurements using FM chirp signals
In this video we will show a powerful means to perform radial velocity and range measurements using Rohde & Schwarz instruments along with signal ...
Rohde Schwarz
Psychoacoustic Methods and Signal Detection Theory lecture
First LIGO/Virgo detection of a binary neutron star merger (GW170817)
This is a time-frequency representation (spectrogram) of the LIGO detectors data which combines both the LIGO-Hanford and LIGO-Livingston data coherently ...
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut)
ECG's QRS Peak Detection and Heart Rate Estimation using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) in MATLAB
Hello Viewers, in this video, a scheme is presented to detect QRS complex (R-Peaks) of an ECG signal using un-decimated Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).
Dr. Ajay Verma
Peak Detector Circuit Explained
In this video, the peak detector circuits have been explained. By watching this video you will learn the following topics: 0:20 How to Design the peak detector ...
How to detect a radio signal from 10 light years away
Is there intelligent life out there? The Square Kilometre Array will be able to tell us if it does. Professor Danielle George gave us a preview of the radio astronomy ...
What is signal and what is noise?
This lecture discusses the distinction between "signal" and "noise" -- and important definition when working with large or complex datasets. This video is part of ...
Mike X Cohen
Lecture 9 - RPDE: Objective of signal detection and signal parameter estimation
In this lecture, I would like to discuss about what is detection and estimation?; application of detection and estimation; types of detection and estimation, and ...
Asst. Prof. Pravindra Kumar- Signal Processing
Basic Sound Processing in Python | SciPy 2015 | Allen Downey
Can we harness social media for ADR signal detection?
Dr Lucie Gattepaille, Data Scientist, Uppsala Monitoring Centre presented this poster entitled, "Adverse event recognition in Twitter: Results from the ...
Uppsala Monitoring Centre
Signal Analysis using Matlab - A Heart Rate example
A demonstration showing how matlab can be used to analyse a an ECG (heart signal) to determine the average beats per minute. Code available at ...
David Dorran
DSP: Detecting the heartrate of an ECG (MATLAB/OCTAVE) I show you how to detect the heart rate with MATLAB / OCTAVE. This involves three steps: 1) highpass filtering, 2) squaring of ...
BPM biosignals
ECG Analysis 1 QRS Detection
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
How to Measure a Time Delay Using Cross Correlation?
This video illustrates the concepts of auto and cross correlation and their applications in time delay (lag) measurements.
Virtins Technology
13. Speech Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks in Keras/TensorFlow
Learn to build a Keras model for speech classification. Audio is the field that ignited industry interest in deep learning. Although the data doesn't look like the ...
Weights & Biases
Determining Signal Similarities
Get a Free Trial: Get Pricing Info: Ready to Buy: Find a signal of interest within another signal, ...
Gravitational-wave Data Analysis: Matched Filtering GW151226
This was created using the open source PyCBC library. Visualization of how matched filtering works to extract signals from ...
Alex Nitz
Signal Propagation Range | Transmission | Detection | Interference Range
Content : 1.Transmission Range 2.Detection Range 3.Interference Range -ENGINEERING NATION.
Engineering Nation
Discussion and feedback on Module IX: Signal Management
First wave of Good Vigilance Practice modules Fourth Stakeholders forum on the implementation of the new Pharmacovigilance legislation Speaker: Agnieszka ...
Brain Waves for Hackers
Using the Neurosky Mindwave headset we can read brain waves via bluetooth. In this talk I will present ways to interface with this device and to analyze their ...
EuroPython 2014
Blind Deconvolution Using Unconventional Beamforming
When an acoustic wave travels in a medium which encounters the boundary of a second medium, recorded signals by a receiver array (an array of microphones ...
Microsoft Research
Kyle Redinger's Ignite Presentation, "Signal Detection Theory: Man vs Machine", at Strata NYC 2013.
Kyle Redinger's Ignite Presentation, "Signal Detection Theory: Man vs Machine", at Strata NYC 2013.
How Information Travels Wirelessly
Understanding how we use electromagnetic waves to transmit information. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at ...
Gravitational waves finally detected!
Long ago, deep in space, two massive black holes slowly drew together. The stellar ghosts spiraled ever closer, until, about 1.3 billion years ago, they whirled ...
Science Magazine
Aula Rostagni live - Direct detection of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger
Program: Start: 10:48 Dott. J.P. Zendri: 15:30 Dott. G. Vedovato: 01:05:25 Questions: 01:33:12 Abstract: On September 14, 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC the two ...
Aula Rostagni UniPadova DFA
Reducing false, missed detections of seismic activity
Sandia researchers developed a 'majority rules' algorithm that reduced false and missed detection of seismic activity at the Mt. Erebus volcano in Antarctica.
Sandia National Labs
Human Activity Detection Using WiFi Signals and Deep Networks
This meetup was held in San Francisco on 6th February 2018. Abstract: Detecting indoor human activity is used for security, patient care, baby monitoring, etc.
Autoencoder Forest for Anomaly Detection from IoT Time Series | SP Group
Download Slides: WANT TO ...
Data Council
Advanced Signal Processing for Massive MIMO
Tutorial by Associate Professor Emil Björnson from the 2017 Joint IEEE SPS and EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing for 5G Wireless Access, ...
Communication Systems
Can 5G radiation make you sick? What we found.
Can 5G radiation actually make you sick, harm your health, or even kill you? Is 5G dangerous? Is 5G safe? Some interesting reports have emerged - we're here ...
Electrical detection of propagating spin waves in a permalloy strip. PASPS-14
2009/12/21 PASPS-14 C2 Electrical detection of propagating spin waves in a permalloy strip , Lihui Bai , Tohoku university.
慶應義塾Keio University
Q&A - Catching Gravitational Waves - with Sheila Rowan
What about gravitons? How are audio signals used in gravitational wave detection? Do any bodies between us and a source of gravitational waves interfere with ...
The Royal Institution
Hunting and Tracking Rogue Radio Frequency Devices
Eric Escobar, Principal Security Consultant, SecureWorks Rogue radio frequencies pose a substantial and often overlooked threat to both organizations and ...
RSA Conference
Librosa Audio and Music Signal Analysis in Python | SciPy 2015 | Brian McFee
Using sound waves for bomb detection
A remote acoustic detection system designed to identify homemade bombs can determine the difference between those that contain low-yield and high-yield ...
Vanderbilt University
Diode Envelope Detector | Amplitude Modulation AM Demodulation
The diode detector has been used for many years for detecting or demodulation signals using amplitude modulation, AM. The AM diode detector offers simplicity ...
Basics of flow cytometry, Part I: Gating and data analysis
This webinar covers the basic components of a flow cytometer, how to interpret a dye excitation/emission spectrum, how data is displayed, basic gating ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIGO again detects gravitational waves
For the second time, scientists have directly detected gravitational waves — ripples through the fabric of space-time, created by extreme, cataclysmic events in ...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Versatile Comparators Enable Fast Signal Detection, Level Translation and Clock Recovery
Asit Shankar Senior Design Engineer, Signal Conditioning In this video, a new high speed CMOS output comparator family, the ...
How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms | WSJ
A growing number of classrooms in China are equipped with artificial-intelligence cameras and brain-wave trackers. While many parents and teachers see them ...
Wall Street Journal