Lecture— 50 Years a Curator: Whatever Happened to the Art World We Knew?
Tuesday, May 22, 2018, Menschel Hall, Harvard Art Museums Theodore E. Stebbins Jr., curator of American art, emeritus, at the Harvard Art Museums, and ...
Harvard Art Museums
Darwin's Legacy | Lecture 3
October 6, 2008 lecture by Janet Browne for the Stanford Continuing Studies course on Darwin's Legacy (DAR 200). Dr. Browne presents a biography on ...
Sylvère Lotringer. In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities. 2009 7/8
http://www.egs.edu/ Sylvère Lotringer, philosopher and theorist, speaking about Jean Baudrillard, the transition from french theory to media theory, ...
European Graduate School Video Lectures
Lesson on the Samuel Beckett Edition - Guest Lecture by Dirk Van Hulle
Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) - Dirk Van Hulle (Christ College, Oxford) introduces his Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, whose ...
Università di Bologna
Lecture on #Kashmir by Dr Nitasha Kaul at The Graduate Institute, #Geneva, 27 November 2019
"Who Cares About the Scientific Revolution?" Lecture by Peter Dear
From February 5-9, the Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, with the generous support of The CH Foundation, hosted a very unique series of lectures ...
Western Civilization, Texas Tech University
The 2019 Hintze Lecture ( High Res. Version)
University of Sydney | 5 November 2019 Dr. Parag Khanna was invited by The Centre for International Security Studies (CISS) at the University of Sydney to ...
Dr. Parag Khanna
Noam Chomsky ??? Everything Philosophers ????
Everything Philosophers ? YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE http://www.youtube.com/c/SeeHearSayLearn?sub_confirmation=1 In this video series we're covering ...
See Hear Say Learn
The Art of Noise
With particular attention to the writing of Virginia Woolf and Jean Rhys, Anna Snaith explores the 'sonic-mindedness' of interwar modernism and its relationship ...
Reality, Reason, and Action In and Beyond Chinese Medicine: The Myriad Things – Terry Lectures 2017
Reality, Reason, and Action In and Beyond Chinese Medicine: The Myriad Things – Dwight H. Terry Lectures 2017 Judith Farquhar, Max Palevsky Professor ...
Walter Benjamin: History and Postcolonial Literature
(Walter Benjamin: History and Postcolonial Literature)Presented by: Dr Justine Baillie/ University of Greenwich, London An online workshop coordinated by Dr ...
English Literature
Commerce and Culture, Lecture 2: Shakespeare's Theater | Paul A. Cantor
A ten-lecture course presented by Paul A. Cantor, Clifton Waller Barrett Professor of English at the University of Virginia, and a pioneer in literary criticism from ...
Man, Economy, and State | Introduction
This classic treatise by Murray N. Rothbard provides a sweeping presentation of Austrian economic theory, a reconstruction of many aspects of that theory, ...
Concept of the Anthropocene - Lecture by Professor Yadvinder Malhi
In this opening lecture of the Environmental Change Institute's MSc in Environmental Change and Management, Professor Yadvinder Malhi discusses the ...
Environmental Change Institute
"I had no choice but to adapt my nature": PRESUMPTION, ADAPTATION, & NEW PERSPECTIVES (Frankenstein)
The University of Notre Dame was pleased to host the conference "Why Frankenstein Matters at 200: Rethinking the Human through the Arts and Sciences"July ...
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study University of Notre Dame
Haus der Kunst: Symposium: Exile and Return of the Avantgarde 1937 -- 1955
The panel examines the fate of the European avant-garde between 1937 and 1955: from its ostracism and expulsion by National Socialist art policy, to its ...
Haus der Kunst
Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy #8
The early 1900s was an amazing time for Western science, as Albert Einstein was developing his theories of relativity and psychology was born, as Sigmund ...
The New Jim Code? Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life
Co-sponsored by CSTMS, The CITRIS Policy Lab, Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, and the Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity working group ...
Berkeley School of Information
2003 John W. Kluge Prize for Achievement in the Study of Humanity
Leszek Kolakowski was awarded the 2003 Kluge Prize for lifetime achievement in the study of humanity. Writing from within the Soviet system, Kolakowski's ...
Library of Congress
Professor Shane McCausland Inaugural Lecture | SOAS University of London
Professor Shane McCausland's Inaugural Lecture - "The Art of Quitting Court: Parting Gifts from China's Last Emperor" was given at SOAS University of London ...
SOAS University of London
The New Tech: From Boston to Cambridge
Mark Jarzombek Professor of the History and Theory of Architecture.
MIT2016: Celebrating a Century In Cambridge
الأدب الأمريكي د محمود الحرثاني المحاضرة الثامنة الفصل الدراسي الصيفي
The "Other" in Persian Literary Traditions, with Dr. Abbas Jamshidi
In December of 2018, Dr. Abbas Jamshidi presented a talk at ACMCU on the concept of the "Other" in Persian storytelling traditions and how this othering ...
Lecture 36: An Age without Giants: A Reflection on British Poetry since 1945
36th Installment of the Online Lecture Series Organized by the Department of English, University of Gour Banga. Title: An Age without Giants: A Reflection on ...
Dept. of English University of Gour Banga
Women and Modernism in Landscape Architecture: A Colloquium, Part III
In recent years, the pace of research on women in landscape architecture has accelerated. Many monographs, anthologies, and scholarly books on their ...
Harvard GSD
History of Education in South Asia by Nita Kumar
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
2017-2018 Visiting Fellow T.J. Clark on "Velázquez, Aesop, and War"
The Institute for the Humanities at UIC 2017-2018 Visiting Fellow is T.J. Clark, Professor Emeritus of Art History at the University of California, Berkeley. To learn ...
UIC Institute for the Humanities
Tolkien's Sigurd and Gudrún - Lecture 1 of 3
From early childhood, the story of Sigurd the Dragonslayer exercised a fascination on J.R.R. Tolkien. Elements and echoes from the medieval Vǫlsung-Nibelung ...
Signum University
Digital Urbanisms - Part 3 Keynote
https://www.arch.columbia.edu/events/1454-digital-urbanisms-conference The Digital Urbanisms Conference October 11, 2019 The development of urban ...
Columbia GSAPP
museum global: Encounter III mit Dipesh Chakrabarty
Veranstaltung im OPEN SPACE im K20 am 17.2.2019 mit: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Moderation: Jörg Häntzschel Dipesh Chakrabarty, Professor für Geschichte, ...
F. L Lucas "The Night is Chilly but Not Dark" Poem animation WW1
Heres a virtual movie of a recitation of "The Night is Chilly but Not Dark" an obscure but exquisite World War One poem by F. L Lucas (Frank Laurence Lucas) ...
Cultures of the Crisis - Lec. 8 - Robbe, den Toonder & Jiresch - Covid-19 and Feminism
Covid-19 and Feminism by Dr Ksenia Robbe, Dr Jeanette den Toonder and Dr Ester Jiresch Host: Dr Florian Lippert This is the eighth lecture of the series ...
F.J. Lippert
"Nietzsche and the Crisis in Philosophy" -- Walter Kaufmann 1960
Walter Kaufmann taught philosophy at Princeton University from 1947-1980. This is a public domain audio program of a lecture he gave in 1960 entitled ...
Craig Campbell
Encountering Antiquity in Renaissance Europe: Greeks, Jews, and Humanists
(April 2, 2009) Princeton University History Professor Anthony Grafton discusses the role of Jewish and Greek texts and individuals in shaping Renaissance ...
Join My Free group Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FNSoK4SOs1bFEPELbeunYq Best MCQ books – History of ...
How To Live Not By Lies
Learn English with Famous Peoples #5
We will learn about: 1. Enzo Ferrari Racing car and F1 pioneer 2. Eva Peron Ex-Argentina First Lady 3. Fernando Botero Painter and sculptor 4. Fidel Castro ...
Practice set 6 Geography MCQs UGC NET Geography #ugcnet #ugcnetgeography #geographymcqs by Shubendu
Demo Lecture link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H9jK91kr6-SebOj2bRdUb4FsPtYuwWoX/view?usp=sharing UGC NET Geography online batch form: ...
Shubendu Mukherjee
Bilingual Literary Readings (Part 1)
At the UChicago Center in Delhi, poets and translators came together and showcased their work in the languages of Hindi, Bangla and Urdu. ➡ Subscribe: ...
The University of Chicago
Introduction | Individualism: A Reader
Introduction by George H. Smith. Individualism is one of most criticized and least understood ideas in social and political thought. Is individualism the ability to ...
Jean Bricmont: A Physicist Looks at Idealism and Relativism
Jean Bricmont, co-author with Alan Sokal of Intellectual Impostures: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science, will share his thoughts on idealism and ...
Rotman Institute of Philosophy
Yale School of Architecture: "Lessons from Two Gardeners"
Yale School of Architecture Public Lecture Series Professor Tatiana Bilbao considers the dialogue with the craftsmen to be a learning process that has enriched ...