YIB-Talks: PB - 09
Nicolás Saffioti a postdoc student at San Martín National University, Argentina presents his work entitled "Show me how you pump it! Studying the PMCA ...
Young Biophysics
Curating Author Records
Web of Science Training
SPR Highlights EP#24 [GENE]: Aplicações do Imaging Genomics em demências
Nesse episódio do GENE Highlights, gravado durante a 49ª Jornada Paulista de Radiologia, realizada em maio de 2019, em São Paulo, o Dr. Felipe Pacheco ...
Sociedade Paulista de Radiologia
Can Red Wine Prevent Cancer?
At McMaster University, Amit and Karen are examining their specimens when the two begin to share their New Year's resolutions. To Karen's surprise, Amit says ...
Demystifying Medicine
As revistas científicas no Brasil são classificadas conforme o sistema Qualis da CAPES na Plataforma Sucupira. É o modo de avaliação das publicações de ...
Mariana Goldim
Structural and Dynamics based Design of Anti cancer and Antimicrobial Peptides
拍攝日期:2018/04/09 主講人:楊立威▻▻臺大演講網Website: http://speech.ntu.edu.tw Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ntuspeech.
Origins of Life: Chemical Commonalities - Diversity of Energy Harvesting Across Membranes
These videos are from the ComplexityExplorer.org course 'Origins of Life. This course aims to push the field of Origins of Life research forward by bringing new ...
Complexity Explorer
PoLS 2020 Annual Meeting Day 5
International Physics of Living Systems
Simulating Senses @ TCS: A confluence of Physics based modelling, Data Science and IT
Beena Rai, PhD, Principal Scientist & Head, Physical Sciences Research, TCS, Pune, India The Convergent Innovation Webinar Series features cutting edge ...
Desautels McGill
"מטריקס, קרדיומיוציטים ומה שבינהם", פרופ' יהונתן ליאור
השתלמות לבוגרי ובוגרות התמחות בקרדיולוגיה | 3-6 בנובמבר 2019.
האיגוד הקרדיולוגי בישראל
Modeling and drug discovery of Leigh syndrome using patient-derived neural cells
Dr. Alessandro Prigione, Max-Delbrück-Centrum for Molecular Medicine Child Health Conference BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery Tel Aviv University ...
Mega-Dose Thiamine: Benefits Beyond Addressing Deficiency
In this video, I will explain the rationale behind high-dose thiamine therapy as a tool for bypassing metabolic blocks caused by factors unrelated to nutritional ...
#usm #usmlibrarytv a Journal for Publication: Find a journal in SCImago Journal & Country Rank
sholarlypublishing Quick e-Tutorials on step-by-step in identifying high-quality peer-reviewed journal titles in the SCImago Journal & Country Rank The ...
Teil 2 COUNTER Release 5 Reports mit Exc
Seminario 5; Nociceptores y participación del SNA Factores perpetuadores e iniciadores intrínsecos
La situación conflictiva, generadora de la crisis energética, en la que se necesita energía y se anula el aporte de esta, desemboca en el uso de otras vías de ...
Aula del Dr. Santafe
VirolVlog46: كورونا بمؤامراته وسلاطاته وبابا غنوجه
هل وباء كورونا جزء من حرب بيولوجية سرية؟ Please, subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/VirolVlog You can also follow us on Instagram: ...
Virol Vlog
Coenzyme Q10 200 with Vitamin D3 2000 50 Capsules
For More Info or to Buy Now: http://www.hsn.com/products/seo/9227137?rdr=1&sourceid=youtube&cm_mmc=Social-_-Youtube-_-ProductVideo-_-084340 ...
Stig Bengmark - Att välja hälsa del 1 (4)
Presentation av Stig Bengmark i Falköping 10 oktober 2015.
Professor Stig Bengmark
Le Traitement des Problèmes d’allergie et d’immunologie - Dr. Anne Maitland | French (FR)
Dr. Anne Maitland joins us at our 2020 Virtual Summer Conference to speak on the topic of "Treatment of Allergy and Immunology Issues". Dr. Maitland has been ...
The Ehlers-Danlos Society
Searching and browsing
O que é glicação e como este processo químico afeta a saúde?
Gosta deste papo todo de saúde? Quer ajudar outras pessoas? Torne-se um coach de saúde integrativa: www.AndreiaTorres.com/curso Observe pessoas da ...
Dra. Andreia Torres
Merging Multiple BibTeX files for Report/Thesis (LaTeX Advanced Tutorial-08)
In this video, we will merge multiple bib files for report/thesis/book writing. This is useful when you have already created several bib files for your different articles.
Chandra Has
[숀리TV] E140 - 이온칼슘은 정말 암세포를 죽이나? 정말 알고 싶은이야기를 아주 쉽게 풀어서 알려 드립니다.
항암#이온칼슘#숀리칼슘 암세포를 죽이기 위해서는 이온칼슘을 충분히 공급하면 된다는 이야기가 있다. 이런 이야기를 들으면 환자나 환자 가족들은 당연히 귀가 ...
دورة ادارة المراجع والاقتباس باستخدام اندنوت EndNote - من البداية حتى الاحتراف (الجزء الثاني)
دورة ادارة المراجع والاقتباس باستخدام اندنوت EndNote - من البداية حتى الاحتراف (الجزء الثاني) تخصيص الأنماط وتعديلها لمتابعة الجزء الأول ...
Mohammed Kaity
Caio Vitor Dutra da Silva
Aluno: Caio Vitor Dutra da Silva Colégio: Pedro II - Realengo II Orientador: Vítor Ennes Vidal Unidade: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - IOC Laboratório: Estudos ...
EPSJV - Fiocruz
Lipid dan Mielinisasi
內容簡介如何提高論文接受率:運用豐富的經驗與知識,良好的構想,提出新的觀點、技術或實驗設計,或足以推翻前人理論的研究結果被審查委員退稿時:文章書寫不 ...
Elsevier 全球醫藥新知
The Hallmarks of Aging: Mitochondrial dysfunction | LifeXtenShow
X10'S NEW CHANNEL: youtube.com/lifextenshow Your cells teem with small machinery and devices of all kinds, including teeny tiny batteries called ...
Life Extension Advocacy Foundation
?Is Alcohol Safe in Skincare Products?
The heated debate about alcohol in skincare products JOIN THE PALM PALM FAM http://bit.ly/subscribetoliah 야자수팸 조인하기! 구독하기 꾹 ...
Liah Yoo
Ημερίδα του ΙΣΑ για τον ιατρικό κόσμο, με θέμα το εμβόλιο για τον Sars-Cov-2 (11/12/2020)
Ημερίδα του ΙΣΑ για τον ιατρικό κόσμο, με θέμα το εμβόλιο για τον Sars-Cov-2. Την ημερίδα, άνοιξε ο Πρόεδρος του ΙΣΑ Γ. Πατούλης και στη συνέχεια η κυρία ...
Cu,Zn Superoxide Dismutase (SOD1)
Video introduction to SOD1 by Margaret Mraz. PDB code 1sxz was used to make this video.
Kathryn Haas
Recomendações de Exercícios Aeróbicos Sem Sair de Casa ll conciência
Como vimos no post anterior sobre os "Efeitos da atividade física no sistema imune" os exercícios de intensidade moderada podem estimular fatores ...
Projeto consciência UnB -Fisioterapia e ciência
COUNTER Foundation Class 10: Working with COUNTER 5 reports in Microsoft Excel
This tutorial has been prepared by Kornelia Junge the Senior Research Manager at Wiley and member of the COUNTER Executive Committee. It provides a ...
Is A Glass Of Red Wine Equivalent To An Hour At The Gym?
Subscribe for more FREE health and fitness content!: http://bit.ly/1ksrQUk A.J. talks about a recent online article that compares the health benefits of a glass of ...
Simple Strong Science
Les piliers nutritionnels de l'immunité, P1: les oméga 3
Bonjour et bienvenue, dans cette vidéo la première partie d'une série sur l'immunité, l'inflammation et la nutrition, avec comme sujet pour ce jour les oméga 3.
Dr Vincent
Leonardo Assis, IB-USP
A SBBq convidou os candidatos finalistas ao 22 Prêmio Jovem Talento em Ciências da Vida, promovido pela SBBq e GE Healtcare a gravarem um depoimento ...
Soc Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular
Toxinologia de Venenos Animais: Proteínas de Venenos de Serpentes com Potencial terapêutico
O pesquisador Eladio F. Sanchez do Serviço de Bioquímica Proteínas e Venenos Animais fala sobre sua pesquisa que utiliza toxinas de serpentes com ...
mRNA Day 2020 Celebrating the Past, Present, and Future of mRNA
In celebration of mRNA Day 2020, TriLink proudly presents back-to-back webinars by two pioneers of the mRNA therapeutic platform: Dr. Katalin Kariko and Dr.
TriLink BioTechnologies
I Jornada ECOPET: Estresses ambientais e Nutrição (1º dia).
I Jornada ECOPET: Ecofisiologia aplicada à agricultura. 1º dia - Fotossíntese e Estresses Ambientais (Pesq. Dra. Cristina Rodrigues Gabriel Sales); ...
PET-Agronomia UFC
Embase_ Fast Start
Demonstration of a basic Embase search.
Lister Hill Library Tutorials
Termodinámica y Complejidad del Cáncer | Dr. José M. Nieto-Villar
Seminario de Sistemas Complejos, Instituto de Física, UNAM.
COVID-19 and Interleukin-6 & Janus Kinase Inhibitors Lecture
OSU Medical Center Clinical Pharmacist, Austin Hinchey examines the affect of Interleukin-6 inhibitors & Janus Kinase inhibitors on COVID-19. Stay Connected: ...
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences