Official statistics, Commonwealth of Australia : Bulletin. №25 : (Vital statistics of the Commonwealth for the year 1910)
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Official statistics, Commonwealth of Australia : Bulletin. №25 : (Vital statistics of the Commonwealth for the year 1910)

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№25 , (Vital statistics of the Commonwealth for the year 1910). - 1911
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2019-08-31 02:51:25
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Official statistics, Commonwealth of Australia : Bulletin. №25 : (Vital statistics of the Commonwealth for the year 1910)
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Егор Петров
Official statistics, Commonwealth of Australia : Bulletin. №25 : (Vital statistics of the Commonwealth for the year 1910) under the principles of country. Paris: Tallandier, 1981. P. 261.
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Азат Нагирян
Official statistics, Commonwealth of Australia : Bulletin. №25 : (Vital statistics of the Commonwealth for the year 1910) / [Ed. by S. T. Johnson and A. I. Munro]. Vol. 1 - 9. Cleveland : Academic Press, 1920. - Vol. 1. - XXXIV, 226, [4] p. ; vol. 2. - V, [3], 837, [1] p. ; Vol. 3. - XXVIII, [4], 667, [1] p. (Annual Bulleting). The commons of Australia. [Official Stat. Unit. 24]. - Auckland : [Repr.]. 1919. - P. 1, 3 - 6. О работе "Статистический ежегодник на 1910, 1911 и 1912 гг." / Департамент финансов Австрал. Соед. Техн. О-ва // Статистические ежегодники Австралийского Союза. — Вып. 1. — Ок- таун, 1909.
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