ฉายแวว [by Mahidol] ไคร้หางนาคต้านมะเร็ง
จากสถิติ ผู้ป่วยมะเร็งท่อน้ำดี พบมากที่สุดในโลกที่ประเทศไทยบริเวณภาคอีสาน ทำให้สาวอีสานอย่าง บิวตี้ - กิตติมา เล็กมณี เกิดไอเดียลงมือทดลองว่าสารสกัดจากสมุนไพร ...
Mahidol Channel มหิดล แชนแนล
Pharmacologic Treatment of Pancreatic Disorders
Speaker: Scott M. Tenner, MD, MS, MPH, JD, FACG Learning Objective: Differentiate the latest options for the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic ...
AmCollege Gastro
Hope you like the video and hope it helps you in better understanding of the concepts. Happy studying and God bless your efforts. Video lectures for medical ...
Magnesium Magnesium takes part in more than 300 reactions in our body. It is the second most abundant intracellular cation. It is anti-inflammatory, excitable ...
Drbeen Medical Lectures
很多人都夢想著在不增加體重的情況下想吃什麼,就吃什麼。那真是太棒了!不再節食或執行嚴格的膳食計劃。或者你的時間安排得太緊了,沒法一天吃3-5頓飯?那麼 ...
亮生活 / Bright Side
Geriatric Pharmacology - Irene Hamrick, MD, FAAFP, AGSF
UW Dept. of Family Medicine and Community Health Faculty member, Dr. Irene Hamrick, discusses drug interactions in elderly patients and recent updates to ...
UW - Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
PK/PD Modeling Exercise
PK/PD Modeling Exercise with Cody Peer, a clinical pharmacologist and staff scientist in the National Cancer Institute's clinical pharmacology program.
NIH Clinical Center
Performance of oral anticoagulants in high risk patient populations with atrial fibrillation
Lean more about the European Heart Rhythm Association: https://www.escardio.org/EHRA.
European Society of Cardiology
Ozonoterapia en medicina del dolor
La ozonoterapia se está popularizando como un tratamiento analgésico. Pero, ¿qué bases la sustentan? ¿cómo actúa? Aquí lo resumimos en un breve video.
Sinapsis MX
Antihistamine Pharmacology
Background music provided by: longzijun https://longzijun.wordpress.com/2012/04/10/preview-background-music-tracks-1-10/ A basic summary of antihistamine ...
Levi Nguyen
Drug Transporters in ADME and Drug Action - Module 3, Session 2
Drug Transporters in ADME and Drug Action - Module 3, Session 2 with Dr. Joseph Ware This is Module 3, Session 2, of the NIH Clinical Center's "Principles of ...
NIH Clinical Center
Drug Therapy in the Geriatric Population - Module 4, Session 6
Drug Therapy in the Geriatric Population - Module 4, Session 6 with Dr. Darrell R. Abernethy This is Module 4, Session 6, of the NIH Clinical Center's "Principles ...
NIH Clinical Center
Pharmacogenomics - Module 7, Session 2
Pharmacogenomics - Module 7, Session 2 with Dr. Michael Pacanowski This is Module 7, Session 2, of the NIH Clinical Center's "Principles of Clinical ...
NIH Clinical Center
8 Paramedic Pharmacology - Antidysrhythmics
In this final lecture, we review cardiac antidysrhythmics with a fairly introductory discussion of how they are classified and how they work. For more, go to ...
Paramedicine com
PHARMAC seminar: Chronic pain, 4: Pharmacology including prescribing & de-prescribing
Video from the one-day PHARMAC seminar on Managing chronic non-malignant pain in Primary Care held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 23 May 2018. 1.
Clinical pharmacology in the poisons unit: Lilly Prize lecture 2014
Professor Nick Bateman, University of Edinburgh, delivered the Lilly Prize lecture: Clinical pharmacology in the poisons unit at Pharmacology 2014.
British Pharmacological Society
Pediatric Pharmacology Module 1 What's New in Pediatric Pharmacology
Pediatric Pharmacology Module 1 What's New in Pediatric Pharmacology.
NOACs should replace warfarin in all patients with atrial fibrillation - Pro - J. Camm
This video was recorded during the ESC Heart & Brain workshop course held at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. The goal of this first edition of ...
European Society of Cardiology
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 99: "Long Haulers" - Lingering & Long-Term Symptoms After COVID-19
A significant number of patients who've had COVID-19 report lingering and persistent symptoms 2 months or longer after their initial diagnosis. Dr. Seheult of ...
MedCram - Medical Lectures Explained CLEARLY
An update on the use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery
dx.doi.org/10.1097/FJC.0000000000000551 Guarracino et al., "The use of levosimendan in cardiac surgery: an update after the LEVO-CTS, CHEETAH and ...
Research Square
Convocation 2019: Full Ceremony
The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai celebrates its 2019 Convocation ceremony on October 17, 2019.
Icahn School of Medicine
Management of Acute Diarrhea in Adults: A Global Perspective
Speaker: Michael Farthing, MD Learning Objective: Discuss the management of acute diarrhea in adults, comparing differences in developed versus developing ...
AmCollege Gastro
Introduction to Module 7: Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacotherapy
Introduction to Module 7: Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacotherapy Elvin Price This is the introduction for Module 7 of the NIH Clinical Center's "Principles of ...
NIH Clinical Center
Pain Symposium: Cannabinoids in Arthritis
Pain: Relief is within Reach Symposium Presented by the Arthritis Society November 3, 2018 Dr. Sana-Ara Ahmed, Anethesiologist and Chronic Pain Specialist ...
Arthritis Society
Pain Management during COVID-19 Webinar 2020
The European Pain Federation EFIC organized a webinar about "Pain Management during COVID-19". The European Pain Federation President Bart Morlion ...
European Pain Federation - EFIC
Treatment of type 2 diabetes and renal impairment - Video abstract 82008
Video abstract of a review paper "The treatment of type 2 diabetes in the presence of renal impairment: what we should know about newer therapies" published ...
Dove Medical Press
Spotlight on Migraine - Episode 17 - Cannabis for Treating Migraine and Cluster Diseases
Dr. Shivang Joshi of the Dent Neurologic Institute gives a presentation on the use of Marijuana or Cannabis for treating migraine and cluster diseases.
Migraine Disorders
EHRA Free Webinar: Anticoagulation Issues in the Elderly and Patients with CKD & AF
EHRA webinar on-demand: Anticoagulation Issues in the Elderly and Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Atrial Fibrillation www.escardio.org/EHRA.
European Society of Cardiology
Dr. Paul Mason - 'How lectins impact your health - from obesity to autoimmune disease'
Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health.
Low Carb Down Under
Pharmacology mcq part 2
Dr.Hemant sharma
14- La surveillance clinique de la pharmacothérapie chez l'aîné
Voyer Philippe
Grupo 7 y 8 Alisson Pabon Agudelo Julia Cibeth Asprilla Tatiana Roldan Valencia Juan Pablo Rojas Sergio Andres Lopez Julian Tobon Lujan.
Orphan Drugs: An Introduction
In the United States, the median price for an orphan drug is about $100000 per year, twenty times the price of the median non-orphan drug. Given the staggering ...
Healthcare Triage
Your heart health - Statins, Cholesterol CoQ10 and Ubiquinol Cholesterol CoQ10 and Ubiquinol
TITLE: The Relationship of your Heart with Cholesterol GUEST: Dr. Ross Walker PRESENTER: Henry Acosta OVERVIEW: In this segment, Dr. Ross expounds ...
Health Professional Radio
Sociedad Valenciana de Nefrología
Hot Line III Diabetes Mellitus and Pharmacology
Mark Creager, MD, president of the American Heart Association, and Mariell Jessup, MD review some of the science presented at Hot Line III at the European ...
Probiotyki - czym są i czy warto je stosować? ?
WIEDZA NA ŻYCIE to edukacyjna seria kanału FORMA NA ŻYCIE Ten odcinek powstał we współpracy z firmą https://holistic-polska.pl Tu: ...
Forma na życie!
EHJ Today - Comparison of NOACS
European Heart Journal – EHJ Today – Prof. T. Lüscher interviews Prof. R. Giugliano on NOACS – Comparison of efficacy and safety. Cardiology Update Davos ...
European Society of Cardiology
Macrolides: Mechanisms of Action and Resistance
Developed and produced by http://www.MechanismsinMedicine.com Animation Description: The DNA is shown as a circular double strand within the bacterial ...
Mechanisms in Medicine
Can Psychedelics Cure Depression? - Dr Robin Carhart-Harris, PhD
Get early access to our latest psychology lectures: http://bit.ly/new-talks Psychedelics have an ancient and more recent history of medicinal-use. Administered in ...
The Weekend University
Methylprednisolone And COVID-19: Steroids Preventing Progression To Critical Respiratory Disease
In this video we will discuss a well-constructed study looking specifically at methylprednisolone, a steroid, to prevent the progression of COVID-19 to critical ...
Whiteboard Doctor
Biomarqueurs d’imagerie et Prévention vers une science de l’anticipation
Table ronde présidée par le Pr Alain Luciani Nîmes : René Mazars (patient) / Paris : Gregory Lenczner ; Samuel De Luze (INCA) ; Mikael Azoulay (Direction ...
Société Française de Radiologie