A Simple Intro To Neuroscience
A quick, easy introduction to the brain, nervous system and neurons! :) Sources & Further Reading: Becker, W.J., Cropanzano, R. & Sanfey, A.G. (2011) ...
Rachel Oates
Accessing Neuroscience and Neurology Journals
Bucks County Community College Library neuroscience course research tutorial.
Jacqueline Burger
Elsevier Neuroscience Journals
2020 neuroscience journal portfolio developments and highlights.
Elsevier Journals
Les neurosciences peuvent-elles éclairer l'éducation? - Franck Ramus
Conférence de Franck Ramus dans le cadre de la Semaine du Cerveau 2018 organisée par le Département d'études cognitives de l'ENS.
École normale supérieure - PSL
Neuroscience Methods Tutorial
Diego Mendoza-Halliday, MIT.
What can you do with a neuroscience degree?
If you've graduated recently with a degree in neuroscience, or if you're on your way, you might be asking yourself, "what kind of job can I get?" You may feel like ...
Neuro Transmissions
JNP Rebrand for Neuroscience 2018
Check out the new look for JNP in 2019.
Journal of Neurophysiology
University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy Neuroscience and the Law Symposium
The University of St. Thomas Journal of Law and Public Policy hosted its fall 2020 symposium on the cutting-edge topic of Neuroscience and the Law.
University of St. Thomas | Minnesota
BPF Neuroscience Journal Club on El-Boustani et al. 2018
This is a Brain Preservation Foundation Neuroscience Journal Club presentation (presented by Kenneth Hayworth) on the paper "Locally coordinated synaptic ...
Brain Preservation
Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Need Each Other | Marvin Chun | TEDxKFAS
Big data and fast computing have advanced both neuroscience and artificial intelligence. The use of machine learning to compute vast amounts of brain data ...
TEDx Talks
Beyond the impact factor:The example of neuroscience journals? - Seena Fazel
Cochrane UK & Ireland Symposium 2016.
Cochrane UK
THE CNS JOURNAL - Proceedings of the Master's Programme Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University
Proceedings of the Cognitive Neuroscience Master of the Radboud University (CNS journal) is the student journal of the Cognitive Neuroscience Master ...
PRMT8 in motoneurons
This whiteboard presentation is a summary of our paper published in Journal of Neuroscience in 2018: ...
Zoltan Simandi
Talk: Visualizing the research ecosystem of neuroscience research via Wikidata
Speaker: Daniel Mietchen, University of Virginia (grid.27755.32) Title: Visualizing the research ecosystem of neuroscience research via Wikidata Emcee: Alberto ...
Neuromatch Conference
The Journal of Neuro-Oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 6/16/2020
On this week's episode of, Tumor Talk, Attending Lenox Hill Neurosurgeon Randy D'Amico, MD is joined by leaders in neuro-oncology- Chair of Neurosurgery ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
Animal Study February 2003 Journal of Neuroscience
Nurse Anesthesia Content
The Journal of Neuro-oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 8/4/2020
On this week's Tumor Talk, Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa, MD, FAANS, FACS; Karim ReFaey, MD; David S. Sabsevitz, Ph.D. and our very own resident, Nitesh ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
What is Genius? The Neuroscience of Intelligence
The blog: http://www.thebioneer.com Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thebioneer Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thebioneer Twitter: ...
The Bioneer
"Neuroscience Methods Update: Network Neuroscience," John Medaglia, PhD
Penn Center for Neuroscience & Society
The Journal of Neuro-oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 7/14/2020
On this week's Tumor Talk, Elisa Liu – Medical Student, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York, NY and Sylvia Kurz – Interim Co-Director ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
The Journal of Neuro-oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 6/2/2020
Kicking off our new series in conjunction with the Journal of Neuro-oncology, Tumor Talk, Attending Lenox Hill Neurosurgeon Randy D'Amico, MD is joined by ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
Ep:04 Career Insights from MIT student in Computational Neuroscience: Interview with Sugandha Sharma
The following are the topics covered along with timestamps: 00:38 - Field of Computational Neuroscience 04:54 - Demo of a Neural Simulator 07:49 ...
Boarding Pass For Success
[SAGE講座] What do neurology journal editors look for when evaluating manuscripts?
Speaker: Hemi Malkki, Neuroscience PhD, Managing Editor at SAGE Publishing. How can you make your manuscript stand out among the countless academic ...
SAGE Taiwan
The Journal of Neuro-oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 7/21/2020
On this week's Tumor Talk, Veronica Chiang, Lead Neurosurgeon of the Brain Metastasis Program at Yale, joins the Tumor Talk Team to discuss her recent ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
Michael Gazzaniga: The Future of Cognitive Neuroscience - Schrödinger at 75: The Future of Biology
Gazzaniga is Director of the SAGE Center for the Study of the Mind at University of California Santa Barbara. He is the president of the Cognitive Neuroscience ...
Trinity College Dublin
V. Hakim - A statistical physics perspective on some questions of neuroscience
Vincent Hakim Ecole Normale Supérieure (LPENS) Neuroscience has been a topic of scientific interest in the Physics department at ENS almost since a theory ...
Département de Physique de l'ENS
The Journal of Neuro-Oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 9/1/2020
TUMOR SECTION AWARD SERIES - AANS/CNS. Join us as we present awards to our Basic Science Winners: Yoshua Esquenazi, MD, FAANS, from UT ...
Journal of Neuro-Oncology
Anil Seth introduces the Neuroscience of Consciousness journal
Editor-in-Chief Anil Seth answers our questions on the new journal, Neuroscience of Consciousness. http://nc.oxfordjournals.org © Oxford University Press.
Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
The Open Future of Neuroscience Research and Innovation
In his role as Open Science Alliance Officer for TOSI and The Neuro, Dylan Roskams-Edris interfaces with the national and global open science communities to ...
Western University
Research, Publishing and the Future of Neuroscience
Open Theatre session at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum: “Hear what the new European Journal of Neuroscience Senior Editors have to say on Research, ...
The Journal of Neuro-Oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 8/18/2020
On this week's Tumor Talk, Edjah Nduom, MD and Brett Theeler, MD from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) join the JNO Tumor Talk Docs for a discussion ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
The Journal of Neuro-oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 7/7/2020
Dr. Francesco Prada, neurosurgeon from Milan, Italy joins the Tumor Talk panel for a discussion on Flourescein Mediated Sonodynamic Therapy in a Rat ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
Café Stillpoint 34: Beyond Biomechanics: the Role of Neuroscience in Osteopathy
Francesco Cerritelli, PhD, MMSc, DO.
Wiener Schule für Osteopathie (WSO)
Neuroscience Needs Mobile Neurohacking
It is fascinating watching some of the most prestigious journals in neuroscience call for more consistent monitoring of brain activity to fill the many gaps in our ...
Cody Rall MD with Techforpsych
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation: Anniversary, Research, Open Discussion
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation has been at the forefront of neuroscience, biomedical engineering, and rehabilitation research since its ...
Optogenetics: Illuminating the Path toward Causal Neuroscience
The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize honors Edward Boyden, Karl Deisseroth, Peter Hegemann and Gero Miesenböck for the development of optogenetics as a ...
Harvard Medical School
Child and Adolescent Anxiety: Psychopathology and Neuroscience
The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation June Meet the Scientist Webinar featured Dr. Daniel S. Pine of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation
The journal of neuroscience:過夜腦刺激可以提高記憶
The journal of neuroscience:過夜腦刺激可以提高記憶一項發表在《JNeurosci》上的最新研究表明在睡覺過程中使用非侵入性大腦刺激技術具有改善記憶力的潛能。
Foza Channel
Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present & The Journal of Neuro-Oncology : Tumor Talk | 8/25/2020
On this week's Tumor Talk, Dr. Caroline Apra and Dr. Paul Roblot (Neurosurgery Dept. Hôpital Pitié Salpêtrière, Paris, France and University Hospital, Bordeaux, ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
BPF Neuroscience Journal Club on Rossi et al. 2020
This is a Brain Preservation Foundation Neuroscience Journal Club presentation (presented by Kenneth Hayworth) on the paper "Spatial connectivity matches ...
Brain Preservation
The Journal of Neuro-Oncology & Lenox Hill Neurosurgery Present: Tumor Talk | 6/30/2020
The team from University of Miami and Tumor Talk discuss the role of tubular retractors for resection of deep seated brain tumors and their new research ...
Lenox Hill Hospital Neurosurgery
FENS - the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
FENS brings together 20000+ neuroscientists, 44 member societies across 33 European countries. FENS aims to advance research and education in ...