Fighting Food Fraud from Hassall to Horsemeat
Food fraud has been around since food was traded and the further the distance that food travels the more likely it is to be adulterated. Frederick Accum and later ...
Royal Society Of Chemistry
Oct. 15, 2019 - House of Assembly Proceedings
Proceedings start: 21:23 Question Period: 1:15:37 Government Business: 2:05:47 Guidelines for Use: The Speaker of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly grants ...
Nova Scotia Legislature
Luke O Neill - What does it Mean to be Human in the 21st Century?
It all started with a bang. Or did it? Opposites attract. Or do they? We're only human. But for how much longer? We'll all die one day. Or will we? Professor Luke ...
Trinity College Dublin
'What is Life? A 21st Century Perspective' by Dr Craig Venter
One of the landmark events of 20th century science was celebrated and reinterpreted for the 21st century in Trinity College Dublin on 12 July 2012 as part of the ...
Trinity College Dublin
Fall Meeting 2011: History of Global Warming Lecture
AGU Fall Meeting 2011 - GC43H History of Global Warming Lecture Moscone South, Room 103, 1440h.
Accessing Scholarly Databases - Part-3
Dr. Vinit Kumar
The Best Books for the Worst Times. Reading for the Summer that Wasn’t. Part 2
Professor of English, Meg Cronin, is back with more book suggestions for any of your reading goals. Maybe you want to dig into the best novels of the twenty-first ...
Saint Anselm College
De Solla Price Award 2013
14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference (ISSI 2013). Part 4: De Solla Price Award 2013 Produced by the University of Vienna ...
Covid-19: Social Justice, and Rebuilding Ireland
The global experience of Covid-19 has turned the world into a laboratory for the study of the complex and intertwined relationships of people and society.
The Royal Irish Academy
Big, Fast and Flexible: Grid Operations for Efficient Variable Renewable Integration
A growing body of research and operational experience highlights the value of large balancing areas and fast system operations to cost-effectively integrating ...
Clean Energy Solutions Center
Integrating Variable Renewable Energy into the Grid: Key Issues and Emerging Solutions
This webinar reviews the challenges to integrating significant quantities of variable renewable energy to the grid as well as the emerging solutions that ...
Clean Energy Solutions Center
Iain Chalmers - The Evolution of Controlled Trials Before the Middle of the Twentieth Century
Speaker: Sir Iain Chalmers (Editor - James Lind Library) Contrary to widely believed assertions, the concept of unbiased creation of treatment comparison ...
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Robert Boyle's A Sceptical Chemist
2011 was the 350th anniversary of the publication of "A Sceptical Chymist" by Robert Boyle, reckoned to be the most important book about chemistry ever ...
Royal Society Of Chemistry
Palestra Common Celtic Law Ciranda
This video explains for the first time in the European Archeology ( Pena Grana 2011) the reason why throughout all Celtic Europe there is a common Celtic Law ...
André Pena
Fall Meeting 2008 Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture
U15A Frontiers of Geophysics Lecture: The Spread of Scientific Knowledge From the Royal Society to Google Earth and Beyond Presented by: Michael Jones, ...
The Computer Pioneers: Interview footage of Michael Woodger and Brian Randell
Richard Solomon interviews Michael Woodger and Brian Randell ...
Interspeech 2019 -- Opening Session
Interspeech 2019
Webinar: FREYA ambassador webinar - updates from the ambassadors
Fourth webinar for FREYA ambassadors held on 29-09-2019.
Project FREYA Youtube
April. People, Past, and Place: Nuala Johnson, Queens University Belfast
27 April. People, Past, and Place: Studies in Irish Historical Geography II 'Travel, Exchange Networks and Natural History: David Moore's European Excursions' ...
Maynooth University Department of Geography
Emanuela Patti: Performing Italian Authorship in the Digital Age
Full title: Performing Italian Authorship in the Digital Age: Plural Identities and Hybrid Genres Multilingual Digital Authorship Symposium Lancaster University, ...
Authors & the World
Committee for Infrastructure Meeting Wednesday 8 July 2020
The Committee received a Ministerial briefing from Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon on the COVID-19 response and current issues. The Committee also ...
Northern Ireland Assembly
PAGES 5th OSM - Mariano Gracia Room, afternoon session, Wednesday 10 May 2017
PAGES 5th OSM 10 May 2017 - Mariano Gracia Room, afternoon session. Theme: "Volcanic eruptions: the thread connecting climate records, societal change ...
Experiences of Deaf Victims in the Irish Criminal Justice System
On Tuesday 26th May 2015, the Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights hosted a research roundtable event at which the experiences of Deaf crime ...
Behaving badly
In partnership with the Royal Society of Literature, a discussion with John Banville, James Blair, Terrie Moffitt and Fay Weldon. Chair: Professor Uta Frith FRS ...
The Royal Society
Lecture 3: Europe's Role in Food and Nutrition Security
Teagasc & RDS Public Lecture Series 2012-2014.
The Material World of Color: Chemical Characterization of Pigments in Art
Artists have used pigments from the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms and a multitude of man made molecules to satisfy their desire for mimesis and to ...
ACS Webinars
Peter Murray, A History of Irish Art 3: Représentation du paysage au XIXe siècle (février 2018)
Historien de l'art et ancien directeur de la Crawford Art Gallery (Cork), Peter Murray nous éclaire sur le contexte social, politique et économique dans lequel ces ...
Centre Culturel Irlandais
Timeline of women in science | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: 00:00:46 1 Ancient history 00:02:15 2 Middle Ages ...
wikipedia tts
Welcome - Alfonso Valencia - Special Presentation - ISMB/ECCB 2015
Welcome - Alfonso Valencia - Special Presentation - ISMB/ECCB 2015.
Inspiring science books of 2018 with Brian Cox
Join our celebration of the best in popular science writing, as we announce the winner of this year's Royal Society Insight Investment Science Book Prize and ...
The Royal Society
Cambridge Journals Digital Archive, from 1770 to 2018
With over 1.2 million articles in over 450 journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, the Cambridge Journals Digital Archive has long been a ...
The Nobel Prize in 1904 by Various
The Nobel Prize in 1904 by Various 01 Distribution des Prix Nobel en 1904 (French) | 00:00:00 02 Physics: Rayleigh - Presentation Speech (English) | 00:04:50 ...
Free Audiobooks
Modern developments in General Relativity: David Robinson, Larry Ford AND Roger Penrose
Conference web page: David Robinson, Gravity at King's - a brief history Larry Ford, Negative Energy and Quantum Stress Tensor Fluctuations ...
The Origins and History of the Royal Aeronautical Society
Past President Air Cdre Bill Tyack FRAeS delivers a lecture on the origins and the history of the Royal Aeronautical Society as part of the 150th Anniversary ...
Royal Aeronautical Society
Scientific Discovery in the Information Era: The Role of Data, Databases and Categorization
10:00 AM, Monday, May 16th, 2016 John Rumble, R&R Data Services, Gaithersburg MD USA, The Information Era has ...
First meeting of the Pedestrian Rights Organisation in Buswells Hotel October 2019
DSI Workshop Bibliometrics
UC Davis Data Science Initiative Postdoc Dan Hicks will lead this workshop on finding and using bibliometric data. Bibliometrics is a quantitative "science of ...
UC Davis DataLab Data Science and Informatics
IF | 22/09: Palestra 6 - A Cristalografia, uma Ciência Interdisciplinar
Durante a palestra será apresentada a evolução dos métodos de formação de imagens desde a descoberta do microscópio até o uso de difração de raios X, ...
Pet Física UnB
William Molyneux Philosophy: Irish philosophers He is noted as a close friend of fellow philosopher John ...
NUI Galway School of Law Annual Distinguished Lecture 2016
Professor Nicholas Canny delivered the NUI Galway School of Law Annual Distinguished Lecture 2016 - “English Law in Early Modern Ireland:Promoting or ...
NUI Galway School of Law
The Ancient City of Tyre
This symposium explores on the ancient city of Tyre, founded in 2750 B.C. by the Phoenicians, who created an alphabet and the first democracy in the world with ...
Library of Congress
Game-changer: Women Recognizing Tech-based Degrees
Tireless work, over decades, has been invested in increasing the number of women in technology disciplines. While things have improved, the statistics for ...
International Federation of Engineering Education Societies