Abstract: The Art of Design | Bjarke Ingels: Architecture | FULL EPISODE | Netflix
Step inside the minds of the most innovative designers in a variety of disciplines and learn how design impacts every aspect of life. In this episode: Architect ...
Resuscitation 2018 — Best of the Best Resuscitation Science Abstracts
21 September 2018 Chairs: Jerry Nolan and Peter Morley Judges: Maaret Castrén, Nikolaos Nikolaou, Leo Bossaert and Hans Friberg BoB 1: Impact of ...
Using World Wide Political Science Abstracts
Emily Mross
Writing abstracts
This video looks at the aim, audience and structure of abstracts and provides an example for you to analyse. Visit our website for more helpful resources: ...
Academic Skills, The University of Melbourne
Writing Abstracts: An Overview
In this video for the NUST MISiS Academic Writing Center, English Language Fellow John Kotnarowski provides an overview introduction to abstract writing.
Writing powerful research paper/conference abstracts
This is a presentation requested by Memorial University's GSU Alrdrich Conference committee, 2018.
cecile badenhorst
Scientific Sessions 2019 - Call for Abstracts
Submit your cardiovascular science and medicine research to the premier cardiovascular event of the year, Scientific Sessions 2019, Nov. 16-18, in Philadelphia ...
VIDEO ABSTRACTS Trailer - In Motion Science
In Motion Science (IMS) is an audiovisual studio specialized in providing researchers with audiovisual services and helping them diffuse their work.
In Motion Science
Scientific Sessions 2014 - Call for Abstracts
Some of the top leaders in cardiovascular medicine explain what they get out of AHA's Scientific Sessions.
Writing Scientific Abstracts
Tutorial by Dr. Kevin Anderson Creation Research Society An aid for authors.
Creation Research Society
Did you know that scientific abstracts can move?
Apply for the next workshop in January, 2016 in Hannover, Germany. http://blogs.tib.eu/wp/videoabstracts/ More details: www.filmjungle.eu/popsci.
PopSci Video Workshop
CA5 Zebras' Group 'Good News' Science Abstracts.
Hi! We are Zebras Group and here is our 'Good News' Skype discussion. Zebras are Raül M. , Eva G. & Nora C.
Raul Wey
Unsupervised Contextual Clustering of Abstracts
This study utilizes publicly available data from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Web Application Programming Interface (API). In this paper, various ...
SAS Users
Exploring Video Abstracts in Science Journals: An Overview and Case Study
Video abstract for the article: Spicer, S. (2014). Exploring Video Abstracts in Science Journals: An Overview and Case Study. Journal of Librarianship and ...
Physics Abstracts. Science Abstracts. Series A | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspec 00:02:48 1 Print counterparts 00:04:15 1.1 iComputer and Control Abstracts/i ...
wikipedia tts
Sociological Abstracts
This video will show you how to use the database Sociological Abstracts, center around research in sociology.
USU Libraries
Abstracts at PAS
The Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) Meeting brings together thousands of pediatricians and other health care providers united by a common mission: ...
Pediatric Academic Societies
Abstract: The Art of Design | Season 2 Trailer | Netflix
Abstract: The Art of Design returns to take you beyond blueprints into the art, science, and philosophy of design. From how we see the world to how we impact ...
Advanced Materials Video Abstracts
Advanced Science News
Scientific abstracts and information overload
In this video, I describe how the success of the scientific enterprise has led to information overload and how scientific abstracts help scholars manage this ...
Yasha Hartberg
11 Tips for writing a great abstract
The abstract is one of the first elements of your manuscript that both journal editors and readers will look at. It serves as a preview of your research paper, and ...
Editage Insights
How to Write Abstracts that Capture Your Audience
The purpose of an abstract is to convince a fellow scientist to actually read your paper or come to your talk. In today's competitive, information-overloaded ...
ACS Webinars
Demo of FSTA on Web of Science - Food Science and Technology Abstracts
A short demonstration on how to most effectively use the FSTA (Food Science and Technology Abstracts) database on Web of Science. For more information ...
IFIS Publishing
Biological Abstracts: The Basics of Topic Searching
Judy Mishriki
Abstracts for Masters Dissertations
Advice on writing an abstract for a Masters level or under graduate disseration. www.ablesim.com.
Nuclear Science Abstracts | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_Science_and_Technology_Database 00:00:37 1 Nuclear Science ...
wikipedia tts
Library and Information Science Abstracts | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_and_Information_Science_Abstracts 00:00:26 1 Coverage 00:01:10 2 Other ...
wikipedia tts
How to Use Biological Abstracts and Web of Science: Topic Search
Script and video created by Andersen Library, Reference & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. If you wish to reuse our videos, you may do so for ...
Andersen Library, UW-Whitewater
How to Prepare Scientific Abstracts and Posters
This video, by Corrine Y. Jurgens, PhD, RN, FAHA and Kristen A. Sethares, PhD, RN, describes how to prepare abstracts and posters for submission to scientific ...
Heart Failure Society of America
Web of Science: Advanced Search
Web of Science Training
Sociological Abstracts
A short introduction to using Sociological Abstracts to find journal articles.
Web of Science - Search Tips
Web of Science Training
ESC Congress 2013 - Call for abstracts -- Heart failure, LV Dysfunction
Submit your abstract online http://www.escardio.org/congresses/esc-2013/call-science/Pages/welcome.aspx before 14 February 2013 -- Professor Filippatos, ...
European Society of Cardiology
CAB Abstracts Basic Searching
EBSCO Tutorials
ESC Congress 2013 - Call for abstracts - Russia
Submit your abstract online http://www.escardio.org/congresses/esc-2013/call-science/Pages/welcome.aspx before 14 February 2013 -- Professor Shlyakhto, ...
European Society of Cardiology
Sociological Abstracts
How to Paraphrase in Research Papers (APA, AMA)
Researchers must often discuss other studies for a variety of reasons: to provide background information, review current scientific knowledge, bolster their own ...
Wordvice Editing Service
Concrete and abstract nouns | The parts of speech | Grammar | Khan Academy
The difference between concrete and abstract nouns can be a little fuzzy. Let's start by focusing on the word origins of "concrete" and "abstract", and see if that ...
Khan Academy
Writing Abstracts for Manuscripts and Meetings 1 of 6
Duke Clinical Research Institute
Google I/O 2013 - Cognitive Science and Design
Alex Faaborg This session will provide an in-depth look at human perception and cognition, and its implications for interactive and visual design. The human ...
Google Developers
ASTMH Webinar on Submitting Abstracts
Tips for Submitting Successful Abstracts for ASTMH's Annual Meeting. An hourlong webinar featuring Stephanie Yanow is the Assistant Scientific Program Chair ...
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
FCMS - SSP2015 PhD Thesis Abstracts & Langauge Pattern
Summer Scholarship Project 2015 by Shuzu Li University of Waikato – Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences.