EHJ Today - An EchoCRT Substudy
European Heart Journal - EHJ Today: William Wijns in conversation with John Gorcsan and John Cleland on an EchoCRT Substudy. ESC 2015, London.
European Society of Cardiology
A randomized controlled trial of vagal stimulation for treating systolic heart failure: The NEural Cardiac TherApy foR Heart Failure (NECTAR) Trial.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - Investing in your Arteries
European Heart Journal – EHJ Today – Prof. T. Lüscher interviews Prof. J. Deanfield on Investing in Your Arteries. Cardiology Update Davos 2015.
European Society of Cardiology
FOCUS: Fixed-dose combination drug for secondary cardiovascular prevention.
European Society of Cardiology
C. Chrysohoou | Ασθενής με Στεφανιαία Νόσο & Σταθερή Στηθάγχη: Η Θεραπευτική αξία της Ρανολ...
4/5Αίθουσα N. Skalkotas Hall, MAICC - 13:00-14:00 SATELLITE LECTURE MENARINI / ΔΟΡΥΦΟΡΙΚΗ ΔΙΑΛΕΞΗ MENARINI Πρόεδροι: P. Nihoyannopoulos ...
EHJ Today - Meet the Legends
Legends in Cardiology - Prof. Marc Pfeffer. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here:
European Society of Cardiology
Management of Atrial Fibrillation in critically ill patients
Stay tuned for our next Webinar. This webinar will help guide physicians to manage atrial fibrillation in critical care settings; present newly-published guidelines; ...
EHJ Today - The Italic Trial
6-month DAPT post coronary stenting. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here:
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - From Fellow to Senior Cardiologist
European Heart Journal - EHJ Today: Erik Holy in conversation with Frans van de Werf on career choices in the field of cardiology. ESC 2015, London.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - The randomized ALBATROSS Trial
European Heart Journal - EHJ Today: Bernard Gersh interviews Gilles Montalescot on the randomized ALBATROSS Trial. ESC 2015, London.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - TAVI
EHJ Today - Tavi: from high risk patients to first line therapy Tuesday, 14 February Presenter: Fabian Nietlispach - University Hospital Zurich Moderator: Thomas ...
European Society of Cardiology
Comparison of RV septal pacing and RV pacing in patients receiving a CRT-D.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - Early Diagnosis of Acute MI
European Society of Cardiology
EuroIntervention 10th anniversary
Thomas Lüscher, Editor-in-Chief of the European Heart Journal and Chairman of the ESC Publications Committee, explains the role EuroIntervention has ...
EHJ Today - the NOMI Study
S. Taddei, S. Janssens, M. Marber on the NOMI Study NO for inhalation to reduce reperfusion injury in acute STEMI.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - miRNAs in Acute Rejection
Prediction of acute rejection in heart recipients: Interest of circulating miRNAs.
European Society of Cardiology
Randomized comparison of a novel, ultrathin strut biodegradable polymer sirolimus-eluting stent with a durable polymer everolimus-eluting stent for ...
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - COPPS-2
Colchicine for Prevention of the Post-pericardiotomy Syndrome and Post-operative AF (COPPS-2 trial).
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - The CTSM MMR Trial
Surgical treatment of moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here: ...
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - HCM Guidelines
Spotlight on the new ESC Guidelines for HCM.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - Results of the ARTS-HF Trial
European Heart Journal - EHJ Today: Freek Verheugt and Gerasimos Filippatos discuss the results of the ARTS-HF Trial. ESC 2015, London.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - Mission Lifeline STEMI
Regional STEMI systems of care. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here:
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - Primary Results of FACTOR-64
Asymptomatic obstructive coronary artery disease among high risk diabetics. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here: ...
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - The INHERIT Trial
Losartan In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here:
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - Early management of acute HF
European Heart Journal – EHJ Today – Prof. G. Filippatos interviews Prof. P. Ponikowski. Acute HF – Time is also Muscle! Cardiology Update Davos 2015.
European Society of Cardiology
Alirocumab vs Ezetimibe in patients with statin intolerance. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click here: ...
European Society of Cardiology
Holistic Medicine
Norton Healthcare
EHJ Today - The EVOLVE II Trial
Investigation of a novel bioabsorbable polymer-coated, everolimus-eluting coronary stent. For more resources from the European Heart Journal please click ...
European Society of Cardiology
Una nueva mirada de al Desequilibrio Neurohormonal en ICC
III Simposio Internacional de Falla Cardíaca, Trasplante cardíaco e Hipertensión Pulmonar. Bogotá 2 y 3 de Diciembre de 2016.
Sociedad Colombiana de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular
EHJ Today - IBIS-4
Effect of high-intensity statin therapy on atherosclerosis in patients with STEMI: Results of the prospective, longitudinal intravascular ultrasound follow-up study.
European Society of Cardiology
EHJ Today - STICS Trial
Perioperative statin treatment in cardiac surgery for preventing AF and perioperative myocardial damage: The Statin Therapy In Cardiac Surgery (STICS) Trial.
European Society of Cardiology
Evaluating the Efficacy of Herbs and Supplements
Supplements, herbs, aromatherapy - Americans are estimated to spend $15 billion annually on alternative therapies. But remember, herbal remedies are drugs, ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
Más información en Trataremos aspectos relevantes de la suplementación alimenticia tales como: situaciones de salud donde pueden ...
Escuela de Salud Integrativa
Outcome of biodegradable vs DES and BMS.
European Society of Cardiology
New Health Study: Coconut Oil is Over
A recent 2020 meta-analysis of clinical trials has some interesting findings about coconut oil... - Links and Sources - Support Me Here: ...
Mic the Vegan
Peptidos Natriureticos BNP // Guias ESC 2019 para el uso del BNP
Aproximadamente el 50% de los pacientes con disnea en urgencias tienen Falla cardiaca, de ahí la importancia de la exactitud para su diagnostico; ya existen ...
Medicina Interna Revisiones Urgencias
Patient case Sarah - Information from Benecol for Healthcare Professionals
This video is for Healthcare Professionals only. Meet Sarah, a low-risk patient who can manage hypercholesterolemia with diet and lifestyle. International ...
Basic Management of Perioperative Pacemakers - Dr. Murphy
University of Kentucky Department of Anesthesiology
Omega 3 destekleri faydalı mı? - Dr. Murat Kınıkoğlu Sağlıkta Doğrular
Dünyada yılda 100 bin ton omega-3 üretiliyor. Bunun için kaç milyar balığın öldürüldüğünü bilmiyorum. 2048 yılında denizlerde avlanacak balık kalmayacakmış ...
Dr. Murat Kınıkoğlu
Dangers of vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 deficiency can occur in all kinds of individuals. It may be of particular concern if you are following a vegan or vegetarian diet, or taking medications ...
Demystifying Medicine
Basic Management of Perioperative Pacemakers (Murphy 20181127)
University of Kentucky Department of Anesthesiology
New Cholesterol Targets and Treatments
NYU Langone cardiologist Dr. Howard Weintraub discusses how cholesterol levels can predict cardiovascular disease and how lowering cholesterol levels can ...
NYU Langone Health