Scopus Physical Education Journals | Psychology, Yoga Journals Publish in 30 days| #rapidpublication
physicaleducationjournal #scopusjournalforsports #sportsjournals Dear Friends! In this video you will find the Scopus indexed journals for physical education, ...
Computer Science Academy By Dinesh Sir
Goal-Setting & Athletic Performance- Applied Sport Psychology
Applied Sport Psychology- How to Improve Athletic Performances through the use of effective Goal-Setting based on Locke and Latham' well-developed ...
Louisa D.
Virtual Visit Day - Sport Psychology - How to Train the Brain for Success?
Dr Andrew Cooke - Senior Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Science, gives a presentation about how to train the brain for success.
Bangor University
Sport and Performance Psychology - The Psychology of Injuries
Richard Keegan
Mental Toughness- Sports Psychology
Resources Thelwell, R. C., (2010). Developing mental toughness: Perceptions of elite female gymnasts. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Aidan Potvin
Dr. Jaime Diaz-Ocejo, Peak Performance in Music: What have we learnt from Sports Psychology?
Dublin International Piano Festival & Summer Academy THURSDAY 27TH JULY 2017 AT 11:00AM DIT CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC & DRAMA, RATHMINES ...
Dublin International Piano Festival & Summer Academy
Can ageing be delayed, stopped or even reversed? BBC News
Is ageing a disease? One that can be 'cured'? BBC's Gabriela Torres meets the self-experimenters and scientists who are trying to dramatically extend our lives.
BBC News
Intro to Sport & Exercise Psychology
Mark P. Otten
Episode 1: What does it mean to be Mentally Tough?
Mental Skills are necessary to hockey success, but what are they and how do you attain them? Whether you're a goalie, coach, or parent, this series will look at ...
Evolution Goaltending Corp.
Sport Psychology in Motion - Confidence
Students: Myles Doan, Josh Enzlin, Chris Scott, and Stefan Tosic of the University of Windsor's Faculty of Human Kinetics. References: Bandura, A. (1986), ...
Josh Enzlin
Imagery and Golf using PETTLEP
References Forlenza,S., Weinberg , R., & Horn, T. (2013). Imagery speed and self-efficacy: how fast (or slow) to go? International Journal of Golf Science, 2, ...
Sport Psychology - Effects of Goal Setting and Self Talk on Performance
Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2012). The Effects of Self-talk and Goal Setting on Self-regulation of Learning a New Motor Skill in Physical ...
Kelsey Storey
Is Most Published Research Wrong?
Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false. Check out Audible: Support Veritasium on Patreon: ...
Intro to Sport Psychology
Why People Believe Covid-19 Conspiracies
Scientists have been studying Covid-19 in real-time as the world collectively goes through a traumatic, world-changing event. It's killed more than half a million ...
Joe Cambray, Ph.D., Talks About His Journey To Depth Psychology
Joe Cambray, Ph.D.,is past President of the International Association for Analytical Psychology; he has served as the U.S. Editor for the Journal of Analytical ...
Pacifica Graduate Institute
Best of Trading Psychology · Part 1
EP 199: Best of Trading Psychology · Part 1 Much like the recent Best of Risk Management episodes, here's another compilation. Except this time, I've compiled ...
Chat With Traders
Hafele Webinar 2-2 : Sports Psychology and Dealing with the lockdown.
2 highly motivated achievers on our panel today. Kunashni Parikh is a sports psychologist and counselling psychologist with a background in behavioural ...
PIFA Sports
Using Sport Psychology to Guide Coaching & Program Design
USA Hockey ADM Manager of Female Hockey Heather Mannix will share insight into research of how players' perception of fun impacts sport participation, ...
Minnesota Hockey
How Robinhood's app design may lead to investors taking more risk
Tesla is just one of the most popular stocks among retail investors who have flocked to the Robinhood app in recent months. A recent Wall Street Journal article ...
CNBC Television
Anxiety in Sport
Michael Long References Dias, C. (2011). The Relationship Between Multidimensional Competitive Anxiety, Cognitive Threat Appraisal, and Coping Strategies: ...
Mike Long
Sport Psychology Chapter 1
Introduction to Sport Psychology-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated ...
Budin Traceur
What is Public Health??
In this video we take a look at Public Health – the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts of ...
Let's Learn Public Health
What New Marine Corps Recruits Go Through In Boot Camp
We got an inside look at the United States Marine Corps' intense 13-week basic training program. Senior video correspondent Graham Flanagan spent five days ...
Business Insider
How to get more Tips by Touching the Customer (Psychology)
Can you earn more Tips by touching the customer? Author: Eskil Burck (degreed psychologist)
What is Talent?
Atikovic, A, Kalinski, D, S & Cuk, I. (2017). Science of Gymnasts Journal; Age Trends in Artistic Gymnastics Across World Championships and The Olympic ...
Mercedes' Talent Pathways
Physiological and Psychological Consequences of Overtraining & Detraining
During the best of times and during challenging times we need to be mindful of the impact of training. This lecture discusses the states of overtraining, ...
Canadian Sport Institute Ontario
Home Field Advantage
In this video I look at home field advantage. Does it exist? And what causes underly this concept. If you enjoyed the video, please like and subscribe to my ...
JWK Mental Performance Training
퍼스널트레이너자격증 생활체육지도사 생활스포츠지도사2급 _ 스포츠심리학② 스포츠지도사 필기 시험합격
[업계유일 - 현직교수님 / 저자직강] 2020 생활스포츠지도사 2급 - 스포츠심리학 샘플강의② 헬스트레이너, 필라테스, 헬스보디빌딩, 퍼스널트레이너자격증 대비 ...
스포츠지도사 TV _ PY러닝메이트
Specialisation and Diversification
Script 1 reference list Carter, C. and Micheli, L., 2011. Training the child athlete: physical fitness, health and injury. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(11), ...
conner scrivens
Psychology of Mortality: Living with Death
The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus has induced fear in many people concerned with their own potential vulnerability to the disease. At the same time, many ...
Aydin Paladin
Clinical Sport Psychology
Julia Preece
Os fundamentos do 2v1 no Rugby
Fundamentado na riqueza da percepção-acção, que ocorre quando dois jogadores adversários se confrontam, este vídeo explica porque é que um exercício ...
Actio Motus
Coffee Chat with SIM Alumni: Let's Chat Psychology
Recording of Coffee Chat with SIM Alumni Brought to you by SIM GE Malaysia Representative Office —— This session on 9 May features our Psychology ...
SIM Global Education
2017 PGA show - How to practically teach sports psychology
Iain Highfield discusses how he takes the sports psychology literature and makes it practical and digestible for golfers.
Game Like Training
George Lakoff: How Brains Think: The Embodiment Hypothesis
Keynote address recorded March 14, 2015 at the inaugural International Convention of Psychological Science in Amsterdam.
A Celebration of Scholarly Works
Visit today to learn more about our programs.
John F. Kennedy University
Relationship Between Anxiety and Performance
By: Michelle Louwagie, Samantha Butterworth and Sarah Lopresti Journals Dias, C., Cruz, J., & Fonseca, A. (2012). The relationship between multidimensional ...
Michelle Louwagie
Psychology of Rivalries: The Battle for Easter
On April 1st an interesting natural experiment in group psychology occurred on the Internet's infamous underwater basket-weaving enthusiast website when ...
Aydin Paladin
Admissions Webinar Series - Applied Psychology
Meet the Programme Leader of the Psychology Department at Amity University Dubai during this Admissions Webinar. To find out more about the programme or ...
Rituals of a Rocket Launch
Why do astronauts pee on the wheel of a bus before they take off? Do superstitious traditions really help astronauts about to fire into space? Kevin Fong ...
The Royal Institution
RCSEP: Interview with David Horrocks on applied sport psychology
Andy Lane interviews David Horrocks. We discuss work with elite athletes, his research with Manchester United and Gary Neville, and performing under ...
Andy Lane