China 70th anniversary parade and celebrations | FULL
China celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic with a military parade and a speech by President Xi Jinping. MORE: ...
Global News
Victory Day parade kicks off on Moscow's Red Square
Victory Day parade kicks off on the Red Square, marking the 74th anniversary of the end of the World War II. More than 13600 servicemen, 130 pieces of military ...
Serbia holds a military parade as a show of military might in a tense region
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: Subscribe to our channel ...
euronews (in English)
HELL MARCH _ Indian Army [ Republic Day Parade ]
Copyright Owner - Doordarshan Clips Editing Courtesy : Herron Wask / Black Panther LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE This is a motivational...
Russia's Victory Day Parade 2019: Best Moments - Parada do Dia da Vitória 2019 Melhores Momentos HD
Russia's Victory Day Parade 2019: Best moments - Parada do Dia da Vitória 2019: Melhores Momentos The 2019 Moscow Victory Day Parade was a military ...
HD Russian Army Parade, Victory Day 2015 Парад Победы
This is the parade on Moscow's Red Square devoted to the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Helping Russia mark the 70th anniversary of ...
Best Military Parade in the World
top 10 military soldiers with the most discipline on earth Subscribe to our channel: For copyright matters please contact us at: . اجمل عرض عسكري في العالم. Which.
Porfirio Millard
Japanese Military Parade
JSDF Military Exercise.日本陸上自衛隊演習. 0:05 陸軍分列行進曲 Rikugun Bunretsu Kōshinkyoku. 10:55 水師営の會見 Suishiei No Kaiken.Marche Defile ...
Andy Cruise
Azerbaijani Military Parade 2013 - land forces // Hərbi parad - 26 iyun 2013
Азербайджан - Военный парад 2013 - только сухопутные войска Azerbaijani Military Parade 2013 - only land forces Azərbaycan Herbi Parad 2013...
Khan Araz
Russian Army - The Best Hell March HD
Videos taken from both the 2015 (WW2 bonus) and 2016 Russian Victory day parades. Also take a look at: Mexican Army: ...
Oscar Diaz
Official Video of Czech Military Parade 2018
Czech military parade of October the 28th 2018. Vehicles starting at 12:17.
"It appeared Washington was under attack": Inside the 1991 Washington military parade
President Trump has requested that the military begin preparations for a military parade in the nation's capital, CBS News has confirmed. The last military parade ...
CBS News
United States Military Parade
America Forever
Full video: China’s grand military parade marks PLA 90th birthday | 中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵
China on Sunday held a military parade at Zhurihe training base in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, to celebrate the 90th birthday of the ...
Russian Army Parade, Victory Day 2019 Парад Победы
This is the parade on Moscow's Red Square devoted to the 74th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War. This parade would introduce new limousines ...
AMAZING! Mexican Military Parade 2018
DesfileMilitarMexicano #Desfilemilitar #Independencia #México #Mexicanindependenceday #Sept16 #MilitaryParade #DesfileMilitar #VivaMexico ...
Señor T
German Army Parade (1938) | British Pathé
This segment from Pathé Gazette shows the German army marching past the Dictator of Hungary, Admiral Worthy, in 1938 as the crowds give them a Nazi salute ...
British Pathé
Africans Incredible Military PARADE you must Watch in 2019: RDF Military best Parade
Commissioning Ceremony for Officer Cadets in Rwanda This RDF (Rwanda Defence Forces) ...
RedBlue JD Studio
CHILE'S 2018 Military Parade "Wehrmacht Parade Prussian Style"
Chile hired a French military training mission in 1858, and the Chilean legation in Berlin was instructed to find a training mission during the War of the Pacific in ...
Javier Ravanal
China's largest military parade marks National Day
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: A lavish military parade was held on October 1, 2019, in Beijing to celebrate the ...
South China Morning Post
Swedish Military Parade
Compilation of swedish military parades during royal weddings, the national day, and military ceremonies. This video is not monetized and no commercial profit ...
World Best military parade by Kenya Airforce
This parade was displayed at the Jamuhuri Grounds during official opening ASK show Nairobi County famously known as Nairobi International Trade Fair.
Cliff Media Productions
Japanese Military Parade 2016 with U.S. Army
WW2 ↓↓↓
x core
Xi reviews armed forces at China's National Day military parade
Chinese President Xi Jinping ordered the start of a troops review at Beijing's Tian'anmen Square and Chang An Avenue on Tuesday morning, to mark the 70th ...
Saudi Arabia Military Parade 2015
Sir Salem
South Korea Military Parade
In Military Music March [ 韓国軍歌 ] 65th Parade 2013 : Korean Military Song -The Army Glee Club. 1.육군군가 전우야 잘 자라. [ 0:05 ] 2.향토 방위의 노래.
Andy Cruise
India's Military Might On Display At Grand Republic Day Parade
A spectacular display of India's military might, complete with a grand parade of the armed forces and a majestic flypast by fighter jets of the Air Force, marked the ...
Nigerian Army Colour Party Parade
Viable Tv
Kiev Military Parade - August 2018
Défilé militaire à Kiev le lundi 20 août 2018. Military Parade in Kiev, on Monday 20th August 2018.
Nantes shipspotting
The Annual Army Day Parade 2020
The Annual Army Day Parade 2020.
Doordarshan National
Thai Military Aircraft and Vehicle in 2020 Military Parade
A Vow to the King, 2020 Thai Military Parade
Armenia’s military parade in Yerevan 2016 (Full version, HD)
Gevorg Mansuryan
Foreign contingents join victory parade in Moscow (by RT)
A military parade to mark the 65th anniversary of victory in Great Patriotic War brought together troops from 13 countries on Moscow's Red Square in front of war ...
Парад в Минске 3 июля 2019. День Независимости Беларуси. Самая полная версия
Полная версия вечернего парада. 3 июля 2019 года. Минск. День Независимости. Празднование по случаю 75-летия...
Indian Defense Regiments & Bands at the 71st Republic Day Parade 2020
India celebrates her 71st Republic Day on 26 January 2020. We at Doordarshan extend our warm regards to all Indians in the country as well as abroad. It is the ...
Doordarshan National
Russia marks Victory Day with military parade on Red Square
Russia marked the 74th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany on Thursday with a military parade on Red Square in Moscow. Russian President Vladimir ...
Argentine Military Parade 2019 | Desfile Militar Argentino | Independence Day
Los mejores momentos del Desfile militar por el dia de la Independencia Argentina. Argentine Military Parade 2019. #EjércitoArgentino #Argentina.
Provincias Unidas del Sud - Argentina
North Korea 70th Anniversary Military Parade 2018 (FULL)
NORTH Korea has staged a huge military parade WITHOUT ballistic missiles - as the regime marks its 70th anniversary today. Kim Jong-un seemingly decided ...
The Sun
Bastille Day parade 2018
Watch the live broadcast of the French National Day parade in Paris, where Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is guest of honour at the invitation of President ...
The Straits Times
Pakistan Day Military Parade 2018: Pakistan's Newest and Deadliest Weapons
Pakistan Day Military Parade 2018: Pakistan's Newest and Deadliest Weapons پاک مسلح افواج Pakistan Armed Forces Pakistan Army Pakistan Navy Pakistan ...