Leslie T. Chang: The voices of China's workers
In the ongoing debate about globalization, what's been missing is the voices of workers -- the millions of people who migrate to factories in China and other ...
The Apocalypse | ContraPoints
Is it hot in here or is the world just like this now? Support this channel: https://www.patreon.com/contrapoints ✿Donate: https://paypal.me/contrapoints ...
Сергей ГУРИЕВ - Лекция «Информационные автократии» (Алматы, Казахстан)
Лекция экономиста Сергея Гуриева в университете Нархоз, город Алматы, Казахстан. Сергей Гуриев - доктор экономических наук, профессор ...
Ekonomist - Только Важное
A conservative's plea: Let's work together | Arthur Brooks
Conservatives and liberals both believe that they alone are motivated by love while their opponents are motivated by hate. How can we solve problems with so ...
The habits of happiness | Matthieu Ricard
http://www.ted.com What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these ...
Eric Liu: Why ordinary people need to understand power
Far too many Americans are illiterate in power — what it is, how it operates and why some people have it. As a result, those few who do understand power wield ...
Виктория Смолкин — Советский эксперимент между секуляризацией и десекуляризацией
Полное название доклада: Второе крещение Руси? Советский эксперимент между секуляризацией и десекуляризацией. Доклад на XXVI Банных ...
The modern world is an environment that did not exist before. We ended up in a different world. It is fluid, transparent, unstable, ultrafast, hybrid. Everything ...
The case for optimism on climate change | Al Gore
Why is Al Gore optimistic about climate change? In this spirited talk, Gore asks three powerful questions about the man-made forces threatening to destroy our ...
Почему глобальная политика - ключ к будущему России?
12 февраля 2014 года в Шанинке прошла Лекция Робина Льюиса на тему «Почему глобальная публичная политика — ключ к будущему России?» ...
Шанинка Shaninka
Mesajul Politic de la Extraterestri(Ancient Aliens)!
Mesajul Politic de la Extraterestri(Ancient Aliens)! "Paradismul este un sistem politic care este similar cu comunismul, dar care nu are niciun “proletariat”. Intr-un ...
Tomi Spatial
Оздчан Саритас: "The evolution of Humanity: past, present & alternative futures"
Лекция Оздчана Саритаса "The evolution of Humanity: past, present & alternative futures"в рамках лекционного марафона "Идеи 2020. Путешествие в мир ...
Высшая школа экономики
Сity: Between Experience and Theory. Luděk Sýkora
Сity: Between Experience and Theory International Interdisciplinary Conference in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of The New Literary Observer Journal ...
¿Qué se Esconde detrás de la Portada de The Economist?
Qué se Esconde detrás de la portada de The Economist?. En los ultimos años la revista the economist no ha sorprendido con sus portadas ya que mucho de los ...
Misterio a la Vista
Teacher's Skills for the school of the future in different geographic areas
Now we are presenting the research done in Eastern Europe By Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska -- Silesia University - Poland.
Zeitgeist Addendum
Please support Peter Joseph's new, upcoming film project: "InterReflections" by joining the mailing list and helping: http://www.interreflectionsmovie.com LIKE ...
Liberty Betrayed
Probably, like me, you are feeling horrified by the attacks on police now under way across America. These attacks are undoubtedly making all Americans, ...
Tsiyon Tabernacle