The Alexander lectures
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The Alexander lectures

2001-; Связанные записи
Иностранная периодика
The Alexander lectures. - Toronto [etc.] : Univ. of Toronto press, 2001-
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Политическая социология → Периодические издания
Дата создания:
2021-01-06 21:42:48
Соц. сети:
Lecture: The Persian Romance of Alexander the Great with Prof. Michael Barry
Setting out to conquer the Persian Empire in 334 BC, Alexander the Great lamented that no poet would narrate his history and ...
Aga Khan Museum
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The Alexander lectures
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Мойка листов, чистка, отбеливание, устранение заломов, восстановление разрывов, следов от влаги, травление насекомых, реставрация обложки и корешка, устранение укусов от собак и восстановление заломов на картоне, восстановление после падений, восстановление тиснения и рисунков, художественная покраска всех элементов обложки от мастеров Ленинской библиотеки. Мелкий ремонт (удаление пятен, плесени) или реставрацию обложки, уголков, корешка, листов, переплета книги

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Alexander lecture 2020: The future of dispute resolution
The 46th Alexander Lecture This year's lecture is entitled 'The future of dispute resolution' and was delivered by Richard Susskind ...
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
CIArb Alexander Lecture 2021
This online event was hosted by CIArb and took place on 11 November 2021 at 6.00pm UK time. The Alexander Lecture 2021 ...
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
2014 Personality Lecture 13: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Existentialism)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, perhaps the greatest Russian author of the twentieth century, was an Orthodox Christian existentialist, ...
Jordan B Peterson
45th Alexander Lecture - ''The Search for Order within Chaos in the Evolution of ISDS"
Hong Kong, 16 January 2020. The 45th Alexander Lecture entitled “The Search for Order within Chaos in the Evolution of ISDS” ...
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) 2023 Last Lecture Series | Alexander Chen
The Last Lecture Series at Harvard Law School, sponsored annually by the 3L and LL.M. class marshals, is an HLS tradition in ...
Harvard Law School 45th Alexander Lecture – Q & A session
Hong Kong, 16 January 2020. Q & A session following the 45th Alexander Lecture entitled “The Search for Order within Chaos in ...
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) "The New Jim Crow" - Author Michelle Alexander, George E. Kent Lecture 2013
Michelle Alexander, highly acclaimed civil rights lawyer, advocate, Associate Professor of Law at Ohio State University, and author ...
The University of Chicago
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