Lunchtime Lecture: Tombs, Temples, and Sacred Sites: Testing the Limits with Alexander the Great
Join Hidden Stories co-curator Dr. Suzanne Conklin Akbari on an artistic exploration of the adventures and enduring legend of ...
Aga Khan Museum
Will Alexander Lecture
This was recorded on April 3, 2015, in Timken Lecture Hall at the San Francisco campus of California College of the Arts. Will ...
California College of the Arts - CCA
Ancient Greek History: Lecture One
Matthew Keil
Lecture: Quantum Mind and Social Science | Alexander Wendt
Professor Alexander Wendt (Ohio State University) presents the argument behind his latest book 'Quantum Mind and Social ...
Project Q
Provost's Lecture Series: Alexander Nehamas
Metaphors in Our Lives: "I Love You for Yourself" (April 20, 2018) Alexander Nehamas is Professor of Philosophy and ...
Stony Brook University
Lecture on turbulence by professor Alexander Polyakov
With an intro by professor and Director of the Niels Bohr International Academy Poul Henrik Damgaard, professor Alexander ...
Niels Bohr International Academy
9. Guest Lecture by Jim Alexander: Managing the Crooked E
Capitalism: Success, Crisis and Reform (PLSC 270) Jim Alexander, former CFO of the Enron subsidiary Enron Global Power and ...
Lecture Series: "The World of Alexander von Humboldt" with Senior Curator Eleanor Jones Harvey
On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) presented a lively lecture with Eleanor ...
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Lecture 2: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Noomakhia Lecture 1. Introduction - Alexander Dugin (Serbia 2018)
Lecture 1. The introduction. The Noology as the science of the multiplicity of the human thought. The philosophic basis of ...
Key West Sicilian
2023 Shevchenko Lecture | Alexander Vindman | The Russia-Ukraine war: Roots and geopolitical context
In this lecture, Alexander Vindman analyzes the roots of the Russia-Ukraine war and examines its geopolitical context. His talk ...
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies
Alexander Pruss Presents a POWERFUL Argument for God (Stanford Lecture)
The other day, I heard an AMAZING lecture from Dr. Pruss where he presents a cumulative case for God's existence using some of ...
Capturing Christianity
Alexander Piatigorsky - Lecture in Tallinn - 2001_part_1
Alexander Piatigorsky on lecture in Tallinn on the occasion of the Yuri Lotman Memorial Conference at Tartu School of Semiotics.
Lecture 1: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Centenary Inaugural Lecture – Professor Richard Alexander
Exoplanets and their origins. Join Professor Richard Alexander as he discusses how planets and planetary systems are formed, ...
University of Leicester
Lecture 4: Fusing Capitalist Economics with Communist Politics: China and Vietnam
In this lecture, Prof. Shapiro discusses China and Vietnam as the two most successful examples of capitalist authoritarian regimes ...
Lecture Series: "The World of Alexander von Humboldt" with artist Dario Robleto
On Wednesday, October 14, 2020, the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) presented a lively lecture with Dario Robleto, ...
Smithsonian American Art Museum
A Lecture by Alexander Stubb on 'Europe in the New World (Dis)order'
Alexander Stubb is Vice-President of the European Investment Bank since August 2017. He served as Prime Minister, Finance ...
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies
Lecture 3: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Art History Lecture Series, Orientations in Renaissance Art | Alexander Nagel
Art History Lecture Series, Orientations in Renaissance Art Alexander Nagel, Professor, New York University December 9, 2013 In ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Lecture 4: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Communication Professor's Reaction to Jordan Peterson Lecture & Delivery Skills
Communication Professor's reaction to Dr. Jordan Peterson lecture on intelligence to look at his public speaking delivery skills.
Communication Coach Alexander Lyon
Lecture 16: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Faculty Research Lecture in Basic Science awarded to Dr. Alexander (Sandy) Johnson.
The Academic Senate is pleased to announce the selection of Alexander (Sandy) Johnson, PhD, as recipient of the Sixty Fifth ...
UCSF Academic Senate
Ted Schatzki: Alexander von Humboldt Lecture: "The Spaces of Practices and Large Social Phenomena"
Alexander von Humboldt Lecture Series 2011-2012 on "Spatial Practices" see also: Alexander von Humboldt ...
Huib Ernste
Lockdown Lectures: Professor Claire Alexander
Claire is Professor of Sociology at The University of Manchester and a member of the Critical In/Equalities research cluster where ...
The University of Manchester
Jumuah Lecture - Shaykh Abduragman Alexander
Jumuah Lecture - Shaykh Abduragman Alexander.
Masjidul Quds
Lecture 5: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Alexandr Melnikov | Balance, Coordination, Movement | Lecture
Excerpts from a lecture on "Balance, Coordination, Movement" held by Danish trainer Alexandr Melnikov on the occasion of the ...
Lecture 9: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Lecture 13: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Lecture 6: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Lecture Series: "The World of Alexander von Humboldt" with George Steinmann
On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) presented a lively lecture with artist, musician ...
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Lecture Series: "The World of Alexander von Humboldt" with professor of art history Randall Griffin
On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) presented a lively lecture with Randall Griffin, ...
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Lecture 11: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Lecture 8: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
Lecture Series: "The World of Alexander von Humboldt" with professor Tom Lovejoy
On Wednesday, October 21, 2020, the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM) presented a lively lecture with Tom Lovejoy, ...
Smithsonian American Art Museum
MCT 2020 Biopolitics Lecture by Alexander G. Weheliye (African American Studies, Northwestern)
On October 6, 2020 Professor Alexander G. Weheliye (African American Studies, Northwestern) presented a lecture on Biopolitics ...
Unit Fellows
Virtual Lecture: Jeffrey Alexander on "The Double Whammy Trauma"
On June 17, Professor Alexander, Lillian Chavenson Saden Professor of Sociology, joined members for a talk and Q&A on the ...
The Yale Club Tv
Lecture 10: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary
2005 Historic Lecture Series: Furniture Styles of Historic Smithfield and the Alexander Black House
Oscar Fitzgerald.
Blacksburg Museum & Cultural Foundation
Lecture 7: Exposition of Ezekiel - Dr. Ralph Alexander
The Master's Seminary -
The Master's Seminary