High-density mango intensification: the basics
Intensification of tropical tree crops is a new and expanding area of research in Australia and overseas. A new project, Transforming Mango Futures, ...
Queensland Agriculture
Directional Control Valve Centers
When analyzing a system schematic, it's worth thinking about how the directional control valve centers were chosen. It depends on whether a fixed or variable ...
LunchBox Sessions
Pressure Compensated Flow Control - Part 1
We'll spend the next three videos looking at the Pressure Compensated Flow Control. This valve has a fairly simple design, and it produces a simple effect, but ...
LunchBox Sessions
Migrations and Intensification: Crash Course Big History #7
In which Hank and John Green teach you about humanity conquering the Earth. Or at least moving from Africa into the rest of the Earth. As human beings spread ...
Proportional Directional Valves: Fun With Electro-Hydraulics
See an operating cutaway of a single stage electro-hydraulic proportional valve, a fully operational hydraulic circuit with all electronics, and some simulations to ...
LunchBox Sessions
Pressure in Parallel Circuits
The path of least resistance — you've probably heard of this concept, and you probably know how it works. But what happens to a system when the hoses are ...
LunchBox Sessions
Meter-In vs Meter-Out
New Follow-Up Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F-QKI6eT10 When you're looking to control the motion of a hydraulic actuator, you will encounter the ...
LunchBox Sessions
Cylinder Speed Control Demonstration
Air over oil is the traditional method for controlling the speed of a cylinder pneumatically. This is accomplished via a reservoir of oil, driven by air pressure on the ...
Proportion-Air, Inc.
Экономическая теория. Лекция 1. Введение в экономическую теорию. Потребности и ресурсы.
Курс лекций по предмету "Экономическая теория" для бакалавров читает Аброськин Петр Николаевич. ПЛАН ЛЕКЦИИ: - Предмет науки. - Методы ...
Сетевой Лекторий
Flow Control Valves in Hydraulics - Full lecture with animation
In hydraulics, flow control valves are used to control the volume of oil supplied to different parts within a hydraulic system. This way, the speed of a cylinder or the ...
長文はこう解け。どうやって長文に取り組むべきか。そのノウハウを寺島よしき講師が解説。 教材はこちら→https://tadayobi.jp/lineup.php#english_lecture08 ...
What can be done to ensure food security and preserve water resources? l Inside Story
Over 800 million people live in hunger-stricken areas. The majority of those live in conflict zones. Ensuring quantity and quality of water for survival, but also for ...
Al Jazeera English
Pressure Compensated Flow Control - Part 2
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCPJvrEiXCA Last week we saw the layout and basic function of the Pressure Compensated Flow Control. Now, let's ...
LunchBox Sessions
We Need to Talk About the Rise of Veganism
If you find my work valuable, you can become a regular supporter or make a one-off contribution through the following links (thank you!)
Earthling Ed
Libye : intensification des combats au sud de Tripoli
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR Les combats redoublent ...
PhD admission JAN 2021 in NIT
List of Departments where PhD admission available with Institute Fellowships: Architecture – 4 seats Chemical – 3 Chemistry – 1 Civil Engg – 05 Computer ...
AK Mechanical lecture
Advanced Training Techniques: Supersets, Eccentrics, Dropsets, High Volume ft. Dr. Brad Schoenfeld
For 10% off your first purchase: http://squarespace.com/nippard Check out my squarespace created website: http://jeffnippard.com You can listen to this ...
Jeff Nippard
In full: Michael Gove says there will be no Brexit trade deal 'as things stand'
Michael Gove updated the Commons on Brexit talks, telling MPs "as things stand [a deal] will not now happen". The Cabinet Office minister says the UK is ...
The Telegraph
What to Worry About in 2021
Panelists discuss potential and ongoing crises that may erupt or escalate in 2021, as well as their global political implications. This event will explore the results ...
Council on Foreign Relations
Food for the Future: Agriculture in a Sustainable World
This video is part of the UNRISD project "Social Dimensions of Green Economy and Sustainable Development" - http://www.unrisd.org/greeneconomy Modern ...
Russia Seminar 2021 Morning session 26.1.2021: Ven Bruusgard, Forsström, De Spiegeleire
Russia Seminar 2021, Day 1 26.1.2021 The purpose of the seminar is to increase discussion on Russia's Military and Security policy, and offer a meeting forum ...
Hurricanes & Climate Change (TYTI Daily)
For more from TYT Investigates, SUBSCRIBE at: https://www.YouTube.com/TYTInvestigatesReports You can read our stories at https://www.
TYT Investigates
Dr William Yancy - 'Carbohydrate Restriction for Diabetes: Clinical Trials, Experience & Guidelines'
Dr. William Yancy is an Internal medicine doctor, obesity medicine specialist, researcher and Fellow of The Obesity Society and a diplomate of the American ...
Low Carb Down Under
2013 Bicknell Lecture -- Abigail Saguy
The event featured an address by Paul Campos, professor of law, University of Colorado Law School, and author of "The Obesity Myth"; and commentary by ...
America's Patchy Response to COVID-19
Ed Yong is staff writer for The Atlantic with a focus on science, but these days his writing has centred on explaining the COVID-19 pandemic. He joins Steve ...
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
February Astrology Forecast | Early Access for Patrons
This forecast is available early for Patrons; to join the Patreon family and get this and other astrologico-magical benefits, visit ...
Nina Gryphon
Transformation of Our Food Systems The Need for a Paradigm Shift
ORFC Global 2021 Session “Business as usual is not an option” – the global report by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and ...
Oxford Real Farming
Obama to ISIS Leaders: You’re Next
Dec 14 -- President Obama spoke at the Pentagon on Monday after a meeting with his national security team. He discussed the intensification of U.S. actions in ...
Bloomberg Quicktake
California Wildfires Scorch 4 Million Acres, Kill 31 People in Record Season
California is poised to hit a fearsome milestone: 4 million acres (1.6 million hectares) burned this year by wildfires that have killed 31 people and incinerated ...
Bloomberg Quicktake: Now
Rhodes Center Podcast: Who Owns the Economy, and Who Pays for It?
On this episode Mark talks with political economist Brett Christophers. Brett's a Professor at Uppsala University, and author of 'Rentier Capitalism: Who Owns the ...
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
EU Responses to the Pandemic
Centre for European Research, QMUL
COVID-19: Is The Way We Eat Causing Pandemics? | For Food's Sake! 3 | Episode 4/4
Living in a quarantine triggers unhealthy eating habits but now, more than ever, these habits can have deadly consequences. Why are overweight Asians more ...
CNA Insider
ГМО – правда и вымысел
Проблема поиска новых источников пищевых продуктов для человека в современном мире стоит как нельзя более остро.
Городской методический центр
Adjusting Pilot Chokes
Solenoid Controlled Pilot Operated Directional Control Valve: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbgNZ_09ABQ Meter-In vs Meter-Out: ...
LunchBox Sessions
Joseph Stiglitz: An Economy Without Spare Tires
Nobel laureate economist and Professor at Columbia University Joseph Stiglitz talks to Rob (his former graduate student in the Princeton Econ Department and ...
New Economic Thinking
Climate change and plant health: impact, implications and the role of research
This webinar, the first in a series of four by CGIAR for the 2020 International Year of Plant Health, will discuss the anticipated impacts of climate change on plant ...
Протокол TCP: управление перегрузкой, часть 2 | Курс "Компьютерные сети"
Вторая часть лекции об управлении перегрузкой в протоколе TCP. Лекции по курсу "Компьютерные сети" https://goo.gl/0aIOuf Страница курса ...
Andrey Sozykin
The IMF Crisis of 1976 - Professor Vernon Bogdanor
Professor Bogdanor explains how a loan ended the post-war consensus and drove the Labour Party from Government until the 90s: ...
Gresham College
Contribution of Forests & Challenges to Address Deforestation: Eye on Africa with Johanne Pelletier
Topic: The Contribution of Forests and the Challenges to Address Deforestation: Evidence for Zambia Forests play an important role globally for climate change.
Новости КНДР 2021.01.31.
31 января 107 года чучхе (2018) высший руководитель Ким Чен Ын посетил реконструированный Пхеньянский троллейбусный завод, осмотрел ...
Sveta T
5 Ways Humans Make It Rain
There are quite a few ways that humans influence the weather, and even on local levels, human activity can produce more rain. Whether by accident or on ...
Hydro Speed Regulator RB-2430, Hydraulic Speed Control, (PARTS FOR SELFEEDER)
Hydro Speed Regulator RB-2430 is Parts for Selfeeder, Spring loaded regulators are used primarily for standard drilling operations and are designed to ...
Purros Machinery