Essential Library resources for your research and study - Smart research for HSC students
This session brings together the key resources for HSC subjects, including those that are useful for studying Advanced and Extension courses. These resources ...
State Library of New South Wales
Suffrage and WWI - Cherie Kelly, Geralyn Ducady & Sarah Carr
At the centennial of the ratification of the 19th amendment, learn how WWI had a direct impact on the centuries long battle for a federal provision that voting rights ...
National WWI Museum and Memorial
Feminism and Fossils | Sci Guys Podcast #70
Finding fossils frequently for financial funding was Mary Anning's sole source of income for most of her life, but she didn't just find and sell fossils - she was one ...
Sci Guys
Woman billboard was 'transphobic' and 'dangerous'
A giant poster quoting a Google dictionary definition of the word 'woman' has been removed from a wall in Liverpool. The poster read: “Woman, women, noun, ...
Sky News
Prof. Ann Oakley - The Invention of Gender: Social Facts and Imagined Worlds
Professor Ann Oakley, distinguished sociologist, feminist and writer, delivers the annual Chrystal Macmillan lecture. Prof Oakley is Professor of Sociology and ...
The University of Edinburgh
Plato was one of the world's earliest and possibly greatest philosophers. He matters because of his devotion to making humanity more fulfilled. For books from ...
The School of Life
Race and The Legal Profession - Session 2
In the first of an annual round table series examining race equality within the legal profession, our panel seeks to examine the current issues and debates facing ...
Inner Temple
Margaret Thatcher: The View from the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
The John Marshall International Center for the Study of Statesmanship at the University of Richmond Jepson School of Leadership Studies presents Sir David ...
University of Richmond
noc18-hs31 Lecture 29-Feminism and Literature I:Mary Wollstonecraft
IIT Kanpur July 2018
What Is Gravitas? The Feminist Quest for Inclusivity in the Arts
Co-authors of Junctures Women's Leadership: The Arts, artist Judith K. Brodsky and art historian Ferris Olin speak about their new book profiling diverse leaders ...
Portland Community College
Sarah Grimke & The Feminist Tradition: Shimer College Thought Series Lecture by Louise Knight
Heard of the Grimke Sisters? Author Louise Knight's documentary history: the feminist & abolitionist activism & philosophy of American icon, Sarah Grimke.
Shimer College Chicago
"A thing inexpedient and immodest": Women in the University of Oxford's School of Geography
This event forms part of the University's celebrations marking 100 years since women were first permitted to take degrees in Oxford. Dr Elizabeth Baigent ...
School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford
Finding the right sources online - Smart research for HSC students
You search online all the time, but are you finding what you need? This session helps you look for sources of scholarly content for the HSC, including ...
State Library of New South Wales
Food for Thought: Reading in a Pandemic: Learning from Joyce, Beckett, and Heaney
The College of Arts and Sciences' Food for Thought series has hosted many lifelong-learning events around the country, and in the midst of the global pandemic ...
IU College of Arts + Sciences
Feminism Now Symposium: Anna Fisher
Highlighting the work of emerging scholars, including graduate and postgraduate students, Feminism Now presents groundbreaking contemporary research ...
Brooklyn Museum
James Charles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions
HI SISTERS! I recently found out that I was the THIRD most Googled person in the world this year... insane. I figured with that many searches, there must be a ...
James Charles
2019 Furphy La Trobe Lecture featuring Hon Dr Barry Jones AC - Democracy’s Existential Crisis
'Australian Exceptionalism' • 'Terra nullius', implicit in James Cook's declaration of British sovereignty, applied from 1788 to 1992. • High levels of anxiety about ...
La Trobe University
Geek Knowing: From FAQ to Feminism 101
In addition to information sharing and helpfulness, geek culture has a complementary norm obliging others to educate themselves on rudimentary topics.
Microsoft Research
Books to Read: B is for Biography
Welcome to a Sunday Morning Meet-Up in which I discuss Books to Read: B is for Biography. Books discussed: Parallel Lives by Plutarch. Life of Charlemagne ...
The Book Traveller
Confessions of a Yiddish Writer and Other Essays by Chava Rosenfarb
Confessions of a Yiddish Writer and Other Essays by Chava Rosenfarb Tuesday Feb 18, 2020 6:00pm Chava Rosenfarb (1923-2011) was one of the most ...
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Challenging power in data science
As data are increasingly mobilized in the service of governments and corporations, their unequal conditions of production, asymmetrical methods of application, ...
The Alan Turing Institute
Karl Marx remains deeply important today not as the man who told us what to replace capitalism with, but as someone who brilliantly pointed out certain of its ...
The School of Life
American National Biography: Libraries and Institutions
Featuring 19000+ entries on notable historical figures, American National Biography Online is the premier biographical resource in the United States. General ...
Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
משה חזן: מדוע לתמוך בזכויות נשים? עדויות מבית המחוקקים הבריטי במאה ה-19
הכנס השנתי השביעי - 2018. צילום: סטודיו האנה בי. עריכה: סטודיו האנה בי, דרור גולדברג.
האגודה הישראלית להיסטוריה כלכלית
Class 3 Video Lecture - Spring 2021
Loreen Peritz
In conversation with Julia Gillard
In this virtual Meet the Author live event, Julia Gillard and Quentin Bryce discuss Julia's new book, co-authored with Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Women and ...
The Daily Show - Admiral General Aladeen
Admiral General Aladeen, star of "The Dictator," discusses his country's stance on WMDs, and assures Jon that his family is safe. The Comedy Central app has ...
Comedy Central
Nii Parkes, Colleen Higgs, José Eduardo Agualusa & Hemely Boum: How to write in multiple languages
'African Perspectives - Writers and Literary Experts in Conversation'. Authors, publishers and experts discuss the developments of the past decades and visions ...
DW Books
Joanna Szczepanski & Christopher Thomson - Ladies First: Crowdsourcing the Macdonald Dictionary
Wednesday November 22, 2017 11:30 - 12:00 Rangimarie 1, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Presentation slides are here: ...
National Digital Forum
Offensive Shakespeare
From The Merchant of Venice to The Taming of the Shrew, it's easy to see how Shakespeare's plays can cause offence to contemporary audiences. Is it harder to ...
Gresham College
Old Mistresses: Women, Art and Ideology, with Griselda Pollock
Why is everything that compromises greatness in art coded as 'feminine'? Has the feminist critique of Art History yet effected real change? With a new preface by ...
Five Leaves Bookshop
Feminist Wikipedia Takeover Webinar
Feminist Wikipedia Takeover: An action marking International Women's Day 2018 in Canada to promote gender equality in the free, online, open source ...
Amnesty International Canada
Amy Coney Barrett: What the Controversial Justice Could Mean for America's Future - TLDR news
Support TLDR on Patreon: With Trump's Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, now getting grilled by the Senate ...
Celebrating Juneteenth: The Legacy of Frederick Douglass
Program date: June 11, 2020 What did the nation look like in the years following the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of African Americans?
New-York Historical Society
Emma Clery. The Jane Austen Society, founded 1940: From Grate to Greatness
It all began with the discovery of a Regency fire grate, lying on a scrapheap in Chawton village. When Dorothy Darnell saw it there and learned that it had been ...
Introducing Kathy Battista, Editor in Chief of the Benezit Dictionary of Artists
Kathy Battista, the new Editor in Chief of the Benezit Dictionary of Artists, discusses her role and vision for Benezit's future. With ...
Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
Was Robin Hood A Real Person? | Absolute History
Tony Robinson sets out to sift the fact from the fiction on whether Robin Hood, the legendary dispossessed nobleman hiding out in Sherwood Forest did actually ...
Absolute History
Important MCQ of English Literature | English Literature Questions with Answers | UP TGT-PGT Exams
EngLIT_Zone Important MCQ on English Literature | English Literature Questions with Answers | UP TGT-PGT Exams #(PART-I) MCQ on English Literature ...
EngLIT Zone
Nicola Courtright, Editor in Chief of Grove Art Online
Grove Art Online welcomes its new Editor in Chief, Dr. Nicola Courtright of Amherst College. She explains her path to becoming an art historian, her work with ...
Oxford Academic (Oxford University Press)
The Old Guard | Official Trailer | Netflix
Forever is harder than it looks. Led by a warrior named Andy (Charlize Theron), a covert group of tight-knit mercenaries with a mysterious inability to die have ...
Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed - Dr James Davies, PhD
Get early access to our latest psychology lectures: Why, without solid scientific justification, has the number of mental disorders risen from ...
The Weekend University
Émilie du Châtelet (1706-1749). Online Teaching. Robyn Arianrhod (2018)
History of Women Philosophers