What is Ethnic minorities in Armenia?, Explain Ethnic minorities in Armenia
EthnicminoritiesinArmenia #audioversity ~~~ Ethnic minorities in Armenia ~~~ Title: What is Ethnic minorities in Armenia?, Explain Ethnic minorities in Armenia ...
SD2. Modernisation is a must – six reasons why
Modernizing statistical business processes is a necessity for all NSOs. Central to this is the standardization of the statistical production process and the adoption ...
United Nations ESCAP
Chris Benner - 7 September 2016
University of California: Berkeley, Department of Geography Department Weekly Colloquium: 7 September 2016 Chris Benner “Social Equity and Economic ...
Geography at Berkeley
Labor Studies Working Group Symposium, "Workers’ Rights Are Human Rights?..."
October 27, 2016. PARCC Conversations in Conflict Studies: The Tenth Decade Work, Labor, and Citizenship Project presents “Workers' Rights Are Human ...
Maxwell School of Syracuse University
Mod-01 Lec-29 Population Policy
Population and Society by Prof. A. K. Sharma , Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in.
Dangerous Demographics
Over the next few decades, the developed world will age and weaken. Meanwhile, demographic trends in the developing world-from resurgent youth booms in ...
New America
Почетный доклад лауреатов Национальной премии по прикладной экономике
Национальная премия по прикладной экономике присуждается раз в два года за выдающиеся опубликованные...
XXI Апрельская конференция / XXI April Conference
Results of the Population and Housing Census 2011 in Estonia
Diana Beltadze (Statistics Estonia)
SESSION 2: Internationalist Politics, Transnational Biographies, Local Activism
Zoé Grumberg, Sciences Po, Paris Yiddish-Speaking Jewish Communists from Poland in Paris: Social and Political Trajectories from the 1920s to the 1960s ...
Muzeum POLIN
Russia's Peacetime Demographic Crisis: Dimensions, Causes, Implications
On August 12, 2010, the Hudson Institute and the National Bureau of Asian Research held a panel discussion to mark the launch of Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt's new ...
The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR)
The State of State Reform in Ukraine: A Teach In
This informal talk with Watson Senior Fellow Tony Levitas will touch upon the headlines, the war in Donbas, and the character of the new Zelensky Government ...
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
Darren J. Doherty: The Regrarians Platform
The Regrarians Platform is a systematic approach to land and resource use design, developed by Darren Doherty and based on the Keyline Scale of ...
Sustainable Design Masterclass
Data in Motion: 25 Years of Demographic and Health Surveys
Environmental Change and Security Program "Statistics should be the intellectual sidewalks of a society, and people should be able to build businesses and ...
Immigration: A Boon or Burden to U.S. Society? - 2019 Arthur N. Rupe Great Debate
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Experts on immigration, national security and refugee movements engage in a debate about the U.S. immigration system, the values ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
CREES Security Conference: Mariya Omelicheva (Political Science), 4/10/2017
CREES Security Conference: "Migration and Crime: Debunking the Entrenched Myths in Russia," Mariya Omelicheva (Political Science), 4/10/2017.
Ageing expert group meeting: Session 7
Session 7: Case studies: SDG1: Reduce poverty and increase social protection for older persons The Population Division of the Department of Economic and ...
"Urbanisation, migration and the future metropolis" with Prof Michael Keith
Mass migration to cities perpetuates urban-rural economic inequality, and can pose a heavy burden for material and social infrastructure. Professor Michael ...
Oxford Martin School
Douglas Rae on Capitalism: Knowledge Drives Wealth (Part 2)
Douglas Rae, Richard Ely Professor of Management Emeritus at Yale, gave a series of three lectures in October 2019 on “Capitalism: Knowledge Drives Wealth” ...
SIEPR Associates meeting with Michael Boskin - June 2015
Michael Boskin, Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics & Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution and SIEPR, discusses "What Will Determine Our Economic Future ...
Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)
Keynote - Myron Momryk
Kule Folklore Centre
The 1st Energy and Economics Conference Research Papers Session 3 Diversification & Transition
American University of Beirut
Richard Florida: "Who's Your City?" | Talks at Google
Richard Florida visits Google's Mountain View, CA headquarters to discuss his book "Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the ...
Talks at Google
Genocide in a Multiethnic Town: Event, Origins, Aftermath
The 2011 Hans Heilbronner Lecture was delivered on October 20, 2011 by Omer Bartov, the John P. Birkelund Distinguished Professor of European History, ...
Baltic Tiger or Paper Tiger? - Latvia's austerity experiment.
World fertility survey
Subject: Popualation Studies Paper: Fertility.
1939 Register: The Perfect Place to Start Your Family History | Findmypast
The 1939 Register is the perfect jumping off point for your British family history research. This easy-to-follow masterclass explains exactly what the Register is ...
Contested Embrace: Transborder Membership Politics in Twentieth-Century Korea
Jaeeun Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan Recorded on September 27, 2017 Scholars have long examined the ...
Sesja III: Realia (Session III: Realities) - międzynarodowa konferencja "Listopadowe nadzieje..."
Dariusz Stola - Chair / Prowadzący Wykłady: 1. Konrad Zieliński - Jewish Population on the Polish Lands on the Eve of Poland's Independence / Żydzi na ...
Muzeum POLIN
Devesh Kapur Book Adda – The Other One Percent: Indians in America
Skip ahead to main speaker at 6:11 Adda means a site for collective deliberation in South Asia. This series features panel discussion of important new books ...
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
2019 IR Honors Conference
Stanford Global Studies
Calumet Roundtable: History of Birth Control
Calumet Roundtable formerly Calumet Perspectives, a television program produced under the leadership of students within the Communication and Creative ...
Calumet Perspectives
Conversatorio: Stephen G. Rabe. Inmigration in the Contemporary United States
Departamento Historia Universidad Nacional Colombia
"White Race" Privilege and the Centrality of Struggle Against White Supremacy per Thodore W. Allen
This video – “'White Race' Privileges, 'The Invention of the White Race,' and the Centrality of the Struggle Against White Supremacy -- Insights From the Work of ...
Jeffrey B. Perry
Theodore W. Allen and The Invention of the White Race - Jeffrey B. Perry
This slide presentation/talk on “Theodore W. Allen and 'The Invention of the White Race'" by Jeffrey B. Perry was presented on Sat., June 18, 2016, at a ...
Jeffrey B. Perry
How do we improve the immigration system?
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Claiming Ancestral Homelands: Mongolian Kazakh Migration in Inner Asia
Anna Genina, doctoral candidate, anthropology, U-M. Sponsor: CREES. December 5, 2012.
Prof. Stephen Nafziger: Was Everything Revolutionized?
03.01.17 Prof. Steven Nafziger, Williams College, Williamstown: Was Everything Revolutionized? Long-run Economic Legacies of Imperial Russia An der Freien ...
Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Unversität Berlin
Migration and integration issues of Azerbaijanis in the US: a look from the outside and inside
CCIS Seminar: June 3, 2020 Presented by: Rufat Efendiyev, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher at the Department of Demography and Problems of Labor ...
CCIS at UC San Diego
Just Growth: Inclusion and Prosperity in America's Metropolitan Regions
Chris speaking at Step Up Silicon Valley & Santa Clara University, November 19, 2013.
Everett Program
Making a Visual Map of Demographic and Social Changes: Variety of Asian Americans and Others
Speaker: Andrew Beveridge Professor Beveridge will present an analysis of the varieties of Asian Americans and other groups in New York Metropolitan area ...
Whom We Shall Welcome: Report of the President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization | 3/9
Audible Summer Promo: https://amzn.to/2B8RhYz It helps us get our channel up and running with ease: https://bit.ly/TubePricelessAudiobooks What jobs can I ...
Priceless Audiobooks
Keynote talk: Structural disruptions in the reward system of science
Cassidy Sugimoto, Associate Professor, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Bloomington April 19th, 2016 Zeeba TV is part of the River ...
Zeeba TV