Photographing the Violent End of Apartheid in South Africa (2003)
The Bang Bang Club (2003) - At the end of apartheid in South Africa, four photographers captured some of the most compelling pictures of the transition to ...
Journeyman Pictures
Apartheid in South Africa (1957)
This film explores South Africa's apartheid policy, focusing on issues such as race relations, political practices, and segregated dwellings. The footage includes ...
South Africa is still under apartheid | AJ+
AJ+'s Dena Takruri explains how, more than two decades after the end of apartheid in South Africa, Cape Town remains racially segregated, with many black ...
Top 5 Apartheid Facts
Histoire de l'Afrique du Sud et pourquoi l'Apartheid ?
Aidez-moi financièrement sans payer : ▽▽▽ LIRE LA DESCRIPTION ▽▽▽ Tout d'abord, abonnez-vous aux réseaux sociaux pour ...
Joe Biden makes impassioned speech on apartheid in resurfaced 1986 footage
A clip of Joe Biden blasting South Africa's apartheid system has gone viral. The clip dates back to 23 July 1986, during a senate hearing involving Reagan's ...
The Independent
APARTHEID │ História
APARTHEID│ História #ApoieEssaIdeia - CROWDFUNDING: Aula por André Nicacio Lima A juventude de Nelson Mandela e o ...
Apartheid in South Africa
A documentary I made for the history day competition in 2011. Made it to state and nearly nationals.
Brian Jr. Vance
south african apartheid explained by official of native Affairs department
This was filmed by an American film crew in 1957 in Mamelodi near Pretoria, South Africa. Mr. Prinsloo is a representative from the Native Affairs or Bantu Affairs ...
Apartheid Wetenskaplike
'Reverse apartheid': South Africa's white slums
Coronation Park is a squatter camp with a majority white population in Krugersdorp, South Africa. ... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe ...
euronews (in English)
Trevor Chats with His Grandma About Apartheid and Tours Her Home, “MTV Cribs”-Style | The Daily Show
In this special Self-Deportation Edition of The Daily Show, Trevor heads back to South Africa, tours the neighborhood he grew up in, talks to his grandmother ...
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Mandela: From Prison To President (Apartheid Documentary) | Timeline
A moving and intimate portrayal of Nelson Mandela filmed on the campaign trail in the days leading up to South Africa's first democratic election. It's like Netflix ...
Timeline - World History Documentaries
How Did Apartheid Work?
This video looks in to the inner workings of South Africa's system of racial segregation and the laws that enforced it.
Max Hammond
Brutal night time policing in Apartheid-era Soweto (1990)
Apartheid flying squad - This extract shows examples of the mistreatment of black people by the police during Apartheid. Watch the full film on Journeyman: ...
Journeyman Pictures
Apartheid in South Africa: Part I
This clip begins with a British newsreel about the imposition of apartheid in South Africa under the tutelage of Hendrick Verwoerd, leader of the Nationalist Party ...
Jeff Jones
The Death Of Apartheid - The Whites Last Stand
Documentary about the doomed attempt of Eugene Terreblanche's AWB to stop the 1994 elections which brought the ANC to power in South Africa.
South Africa: Sport and Apartheid: The World About Us (1984)
The World About US: Documentary Series on BBC 2 Ron Pickering visits SOuth Africa to look at sport under Apartheid in 1980s Can Normal Sport exist in an ...
Shaun Pickering
Entenda a História do Apartheid na África do Sul, desde as suas origens, aplicação e fim, para o ENEM e demais vestibulares. Seja um apoiador do Parabólica: ...
Germans In Namibia: Apartheid Continued (Part 1) - I Deutsche Untertitel I
Nambians want their land back from the descendants of German colonisers who were responsible for the first genocide of the 20th century. German subs also ...
South Africa's FW De Klerk on apartheid, Mandela and Ramaphosa - BBC Africa
Two weeks ago, in an interview with the national broadcaster, SABC, South Africa's former president FW De Klerk said he was "not fully agreeing" with the ...
BBC News Africa
STRUGGLE: South Africa, Scotland & Apartheid - 1hr History Documentary
In South Africa, apartheid is destroying the lives of millions. Many are trying to fight back. And thousands of miles away in Scotland, a group of ordinary people ...
Freedom TV
South Africa - The White Laager (Suid-Afrika: Die Wit Laer)
This 1977 United Nations (UN) documentary examines the role of Afrikaners in South Africa's former Apartheid system during the 20th century. While the director ...
Apartheid Propoganda, militarised society.
From the 1983 documentary film by Kevin Harris, titled: "No Middle Road To Freedom". Go to -
Kevin Harris
South Africa's coloured community: 'Still marginalised after apartheid' - BBC Africa
South Africa's coloured community, the official term for mixed-race people in the country, were alienated during the country's apartheid regime. Many in the ...
BBC News Africa
What Apartheid in South Africa LOOKS Like
Email for business enquiries But before we go any further, let's turn back the clock to its humble beginnings, with Gauteng ...
Sleeping Giant Africa
Why South Africa adopted the Apartheid system? | REACTION
Why South Africa adopted the Apartheid system? | REACTION "BIG CHUNE OF THE DAY" : TO SIGN UP FOR PROMO: ...
Mansa Mayne
Interview with young kids during apartheid
Trevor Khaba
Death of Apartheid: The Whites' Last Stand. 4/6
Documentary about the doomed attempt of Eugene Terreblanche's AWB to stop the 1994 elections which brought the ANC to power in South Africa.
Indian South Africans: The role they played during apartheid
Apartheid is often characterized by the struggles Black South Africans experienced under strict "apartness" laws that limited the freedoms of individuals and ...
Global News
South Africa Apartheid | Constitutional Design | Civics | Class 9th | Magnet Brains
Get Notes Here - Complete Course: ...
Magnet Brains
Qué es el Apartheid
En este nuevo vídeo de Unprofesor os explicaremos "Qué es el Apartheid". Qué es el Apartheid. El Apartheid es un termino que pertenece a la lengua afrikaner, ...
Rzeczy ważne i ważniejsze - Rasizm wobec białych w RPA (reverse apartheid)
Przetłumaczylem film na Polski aby więcej ludzi dowiedziało sie o odwróconym rasizmie wobec białych w RPA. Podczas gdy swiat rozglasza swoja milosc do ...
Bartek Romanowski
The propaganda films of apartheid-era South Africa | The Listening Post (Feature)
In 1973, a ground-breaking film, Joe Bullet, was screened - for the very first time - at the Eyethu Cinema in Soweto. It was the first South African-produced film ...
Al Jazeera English
#BlackLivesMatter Jim Crow and Apartheid (segregation systems in America and the South Africa)
Through non-violent and more direct methods, people rally to fight segregation in South Africa, and several racist states in the United States like Georgia, ...
Norberto M. Garcia
The Gospel of Apartheid - Professor Alec Ryrie
South Africas Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) and the Afrikaner people it served had, since the 17th century drawn a distinction between white Christians and ...
Gresham College
Mandela, apartheid and the African National Congress (1982) - The Fifth Estate
From 1982 Fifth Estate host Bob McKeown presents a profile of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC). McKeown interviews Winnie ...
The Fifth Estate
Sharpeville massacre was turning point in anti-apartheid movement
On March 21, 1960, 3000 black South Africans gathered to protest one of the most hated restrictions against the nation's black majority: passbooks, which ...
CBS News
As origens e o legado da luta contra o apartheid na África do Sul
Os 70 anos de criação do regime de segregação racial e a luta dos sul-africanos para reunificar o país Acesse o Nexo: Curta a ...
Nexo Jornal
Trevor McDonald: Return to South Africa | White Poverty After the Apartheid | ITV
Trevor visits a Squatter Camp in Munsieville where white families, once protected by the economics of Apartheid, are now struggling to make ends meet.
UN Report on Apartheid: 20th Century Slavery (1971)
Reveals the policy of apartheid ascribed to by South Africa and portrays how the country's particular character of segregation is threatening world peace.
My life in Apartheid South Africa | Tobie Openshaw | TEDxTaipeiAmericanSchool
Tobie Openshaw speaks about growing up in South Africa during the time that Mandela was in prison. Tobie's current passion lies with the marginalized ...
TEDx Talks
Brecha educativa en Sudáfrica: la cicatriz del apartheid - learning world
En Sudáfrica, el sistema educativo todavía mantiene los vacíos y desigualdades que dejó el apartheid. Los precios de las matrículas han subido. La falta de ...
euronews (en español)