The Battle of Maldon
A modern English translation of the heroic Anglo-Saxon poem. From The Earliest English Poems Penguin books 1966 Translated by Michael Alexander Read ...
Nigel Verney
Christopher Marlowe (In Our Time)
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Christopher Marlowe. In the prologue to The Jew of Malta Christopher Marlowe has Machiavel say:"I count religion but a ...
BBC Podcasts
Future of Humanities #3 - Terry Eagleton
Introduction of Prof. Terry Eagleton, Dr Clare Broome Saunders, Blackfriars Hall, Oxford - Prof. Terry Eagleton, Lancaster University, “The Crisis in the ...
Las Casas Institute
In Our Time: S17/21 Beowulf (March 5 2015)
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the epic poem Beowulf, one of the masterpieces of Anglo-Saxon literature. Composed in the early Middle Ages by an ...
In Our Time
Dirac Lecture 2011 - Beauty and truth:their intersection in mathematics and science
Please watch: "UNSWTV: Entertaining your curiosity" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Lord Robert M. May Zoology ...
Caught in a Net of Words: Tolkien's Translation of Beowulf
The Marion E. Wade Center and the Wheaton College Tolkien Society present “Caught in a Net of Words: J.R.R. Tolkien's Translation of Beowulf” by Dr.
Wade Center
6. Lycidas
Milton (ENGL 220) Milton's poem "Lycidas" is discussed as an example of pastoral elegy and one of Milton's first forays into theodicy. The poetic speaker's ...
5 Tips on How to Read Pynchon
I'm sorry Mr. Berressem! I thought you were Luc Herman. There are worse people to be mistaken for. My tips on how to approach a supremely rewarding author ...
Foresight in music, by Nicholas Cook
Abstract The idea of music as a harbinger of future social trends is associated with French banker, economist, and all-purpose intellectual Jacques Attali, but the ...
Darwin College Lecture Series
Litigating International Law: Sir Christopher Greenwood
Sir Christopher Greenwood GBC CMG QC spoke about "Litigating International Law" on Tuesday 23 October 2018 at the Faculty of Law, as a guest on the ...
Cambridge Law Faculty
On Uncertainty: Wittgenstein: Habits of Thought and Thoughts of Habit
6:40 - Main Presentation, 1:03:47 - Q&A) This lecture by South African writer, playwright and academic Jane Taylor considers Ludwig Wittgenstein's paper, “On ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
Introduction to the Age
Subject:English Paper: English Literature upto 1590.
Great Books: The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
Dr. Jay Antle, Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Sustainability, discusses "The Lord of the Rings," by J. R. R. Tolkien. This presentation, in the ...
Richard J. Evans, Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History - 12 novembre 2019 Seminari della Classe di lettere e filosofia RICHARD J. EVANS Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History.
SNS Channel Humanities
Introducing the CEFR Companion Volume with Brian North
Hosted by Brian North, this webinar introduces the recently published CEFR Companion Volume with New Descriptors (CEFR/CV) and the new CEFR ...
Macmillan Education ELT
The Big Two: Churchill and Stalin
SIMON SEBAG MONTEFIORE & ANDREW ROBERTS discuss two of the great warlords of WW2 and leadership across history and in the age of Trump and Kim ...
Cliveden Literary Festival
Important Themes in Tennyson's In Memoriam: An Overview by Dr. Oindrila Ghosh
Netaji Subhas Open University Audio Visual Lecture [AV Lecture] - School of Humanities Important Themes in Tennyson's In Memoriam: An Overview by Dr.
Netaji Subhas Open University Official
"Tess of d'Ubervilles" by Thomas Hardy: Plot, Characters and Themes *REVISION*
Download our "Tess of d'Ubervilles" Revision Pack: ...
First Rate Tutors
Shakespeare's Lovers - Professor Sir Jonathan Bate FBA CBE
William Shakespeare made his name as a poet before he became famous as a playwright. His erotic poem Venus and Adonis was the most popular work of ...
Gresham College
Andrew Roberts | Remarks on Winston Churchill
The study of statesmanship is central to the teaching mission of Hillsdale College, which includes cultivating the moral and intellectual virtues. The classics teach ...
Hillsdale College
ENGL 2321 Research Tutorial: Cambridge Collections Online
This tutorial for ENGL 2321 British Literature (Carol Lowe) demonstrates the use of Cambridge Collections Online to retrieve electronic books and book chapters ...
Kristen Cook
Book Launch and Discussion of 'The Cambridge Companion to Sayyid Ahmad Khan' on 15th Dec, 2018.
PANELISTS - Sugata Bose, Harvard University - Rajmohan Gandhi, Historian and Biographer - Laurence Marie Agnes Gautier, O P Jindal University ...
Cambridge India
Stanley Kubrick, The Irony of Feeling
Robert P. Kolker, emeritus professor, department of English, University of Maryland, and adjunct professor of media studies, University of Virginia. Stanley ...
National Gallery of Art
Poetry & Remembrance: Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard - Professor Belinda Jack
A critical examination of one of the greatest works of British Poetry: ...
Gresham College
Shakespeare's Ghosts and Spirits - Professor Sir Jonathan Bate FBA CBE
Where do the ghosts in Shakespeare come from? And what about the magic? In this lecture, Jonathan Bate will summon up the ghosts of Old Hamlet, the victims ...
Gresham College
James Chandler, "Doing Criticism/Doing Without Criticism"
2016 Humanities Day Keynote Address University of Chicago October 15, 2016 Rumors of the death of criticism have been greatly exaggerated. It is, after all, ...
UChicago Division of the Humanities
Jean-Michel Rabaté - Oct 24 2017- “What can we learn from Derrida today?”
The Centre for Comparative Literature presents a public lecture by our 2017 Northrop Frye Professor Jean-Michel Rabaté Department of English, University of ...
Bao Nguyen - Grad. Admin Comparative Literature
Modernism in the Home
Modernism in the Home was an interdisciplinary conference held 1-2 July 2019 at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the Centre for Modernist ...
University of Birmingham
For useful revision Resources visit: Pressed for time? This is a ...
First Rate Tutors
Winifred Mercier Public Lecture - Germaine Greer
For the latest updates from Leeds Beckett University please visit our new channel here - Feminist icon Professor ...
Leeds Beckett University
Clifford Ando | The Long Defeat: The Fall of the Roman Empire
Clifford Ando, David B. and Clara E. Stern Professor; Professor of Classics, University of Chicago speaks at third lecture in our four-part series: Why Did ...
The Oriental Institute
Beowulf : The Anglo - Saxon narratie poem
Steven Crowell - “Methodological Atheism: An Essay in Second-Person Phenomenology”
Steven Crowell is Joseph and Joanna Nazro Mullen Professor of Humanities and Professor of Philosophy at Rice University, where he has taught since ...
Total Mobilization: World War II and American Literature - Roy Scranton
World War II was a time of paradox: victory amidst catastrophe, democracy spread by violence, individualism drafted for propaganda. Looking at poetry and ...
ND College of Arts and Letters
Henry Louis Gates: Genealogy and African American History
Author, documentarian and Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr gives a stirring address on race in the United States with a look at the genealogy and ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
Oppenheimer: The Father of the Bomb
Check out Brilliant: →Subscribe for new videos every Monday and Thursday!
Decolonising the Mind Ch 1 by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
Decolonising the Mind: The Politics of Language in African Literature Ch 1 by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o Fair Use. Audio recording by
Liberation Spring
Gravity's Rainbow: A Reader's Guide
A video for readers of Gravity's Rainbow who have finished this endless, imposing, impossible beast, and are looking for discussion points and brainstorming in ...
Lewis Walpole Library Lecture | The Many Lives of Horace Walpole
George E. Haggerty, Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of English, University of California, Riverside In his charming biography of Horace Walpole, ...
Ted Hughes: Stronger Than Death
Twenty-First Century Fudge
Turing Lecture: Professor Jon Crowcroft, Cambridge University
Jon Crowcroft has been the Marconi Professor of Communications Systems in the Computer Laboratory since October 2001. He has worked in the area of ...
The Alan Turing Institute
Dickens at 200: Why Keep Reading Him Today?
Jordan will show that Dickens remains funny, relevant, and eminently readable in the twenty-first century. Jordan is Professor of Literature at UC Santa Cruz and ...
Santa Rosa JC