U.S. Launch: World Migration Report 2020
In late 2019, IOM's Director General released the tenth edition of the IOM flagship publication, the World Migration Report 2020. Designed to provide the latest ...
Center for Strategic & International Studies
97% Owned - Money: Root of the social and financial crisis | Free Documentary
97% Owned - Money: Root of the social and economic crisis | Finance Documentary from 2012 When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it's essential ...
Free Documentary
Per Jacobsson Lecture: The World Turned Upside Down: Economic Policy in Turbulent Times
There Is No Planet B | Carolyn Porco | TEDxBerkeley
Carolyn Porco is a planetary explorer & scientist known for her work on the Voyager mission during the 1980s and as the leader of the imaging team on the ...
TEDx Talks
BEPS webcast #8: Launch of 2015 BEPS reports
Senior members from the OECD's Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (CTPA) commented on the final outputs of the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Project ...
Cost Analysis In Nonprofits: Don Howard, The Bridgespan Group
The Bridgespan Group's Don Howard, MBA '90 discusses the importance of economic clarity in the world of nonprofits. He addresses a group of Alumni ...
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Inspirational Talk - David Harvey. Right to the City
The question of what kind of city we want cannot be divorced from that of what kind of social ties, relationship to nature, lifestyles, technologies and aesthetic ...
Smart City Expo World Congress
HLS in the World | Markets and Morals with Michael Sandel
What should be the roles of money and markets in a just society? Are there some things that money should not be able to buy? During Harvard Law School's ...
Harvard Law School
Strategic National Security Space: FY 2020 Budget and Policy Forum
Please join the CSIS Aerospace Security Project and Defense Budget Analysis Program on Wednesday, March 20, for "Strategic...
Center for Strategic & International Studies
15. Factor Modeling
MIT 18.S096 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance, Fall 2013 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-S096F13 Instructor: Peter ...
MIT OpenCourseWare
The Cold War - OverSimplified (Part 1)
Get 75% off NordVPN! Only $2.99/mo, plus you get an additional month FREE at: https://nordvpn.com/oversimplified Use codeword: oversimplified NEW COLD ...
Economic Incentives, Self-Motivation, and Social Pressure by Jean Tirole
French economist Jean Tirole talks about his research on the economics of motivation, probing the reasons that people engage in selfless, prosocial behavior ...
Boston University
China and the World: Inside the Dynamics of a Changing Relationship
The Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE) and the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) hold a release event for the new MGI report “China and the ...
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Kate Raworth - Doughnut economics: How to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
Kate Raworth is the author of the acclaimed book 'Doughnut Economics', and joined us in the studio for an exploration of a new 21st century economic model ...
Disruptive Innovation Festival - DIF
World War II, A War for Resources: Crash Course World History #220
In which John Green teaches you about World War II, and some of the causes behind the war. In a lot of ways, WWII was about resources, and especially about ...
[Webinar] Resilience and connectivity during the C-19 (14May10am)
Resilience and Connectivity during the COVID-19 Outbreak: Snapshots of Good Practices [Webinar Series - SEAMEO's Response to COVID-19 Pandemic] ...
SEAMEO Secretariat
New Urbanism 101: Principles of New Urbanism
New urbanists measure success by aligning practical strategies with the principles most identified with places people love. Andres Duany, one of the founders of ...
Congress for the New Urbanism
What Sets Professional and Retail Traders Apart
(Re-upload) There is much mystique and lore around professional trading and how organizations like hedge funds and prob traders operate.
Natureza como Bem Público com Ailton Krenak e Cristina Adams
Palestra “Natureza como Bem Público” com Ailton Krenak e Cristina Adams, realizada durante o seminário “Diálogos sobre os Desafios Socioambientais ...
Sesc São Paulo
Learn from the Experts Ep 5: Alpha Factor Optimization with Cheng Peng
In this video, Quantopian community member and guest speaker, Cheng Peng, walks through his algorithm creation process with Quantopian's Thomas Wiecki.
China's Authoritarian Economic Model: Temporary Hiccup or in Terminal Decline?
Leland Miller, John Lee, and Eric Brown discuss the viability of the Chinese authoritarian economic model.
Hudson Institute
China: Economic Growth and Opening Up
Zhu Min, former deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund, discusses "China: Economic Growth and Opening Up" at an event organized by ...
Peterson Institute for International Economics
COVID-19: How Business Can Support Women in Times of Crisis
Many of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are hitting women disproportionately hard. Women are more likely than men to work in low-paying, insecure and ...
United Nations Global Compact
1. Introduction and What this Course Will Do for You and Your Purposes
Financial Markets (2011) (ECON 252) Professor Shiller provides a description of the course, including its general theme, the relevant textbooks, as well as the ...
Retirement: What you don't know will bankrupt you (Live w/ Raoul Pal)
Get this limited time deal now. Access all of Real Vision's retirement content for 3 months for just $1: https://rvtv.io/2UJS4Hg Watch more Real Vision™ videos: ...
Real Vision Finance
Why The Stock Market Is Not Overvalued
Michael Kantrowitz, Chief Investment Strategist at Cornerstone Macro, returns to Real Vision to articulate his stock market outlook for 2020. Noting ultra-low ...
Real Vision Finance
The Atlantic Slave Trade: Crash Course World History #24
In which John Green teaches you about one of the least funny subjects in history: slavery. John investigates when and where slavery originated, how it changed ...
Kopi time E12: Former Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Treasury Robert Dohner on Fed, IMF, Asia
In this highly informative and insightful podcast, former senior US Treasury official Dr. Robert Dohner illustrates the contrast between a lack of US political ...
The Concept of Race with Richard Lewontin
In this Hitchcock Lecture from UC Berkeley, evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin reviews a number of studies on the genetic differentiation between ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
HLS Library Book Talk | When Misfortune Becomes Injustice
"When Misfortune Becomes Injustice: Evolving Human Rights Struggles for Health and Social Equality" by Alicia Ely Yamin surveys the progress and challenges ...
Harvard Law School
Social work's contributions to Direct Practice: Jeanne Marsh, Mary Bunn, Izumi Sakamoto
The Social Work Profession's Contributions to Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups — Washington DC, Jan 14th 2018 — Jeanne C. Marsh and Mary ...
The University of Chicago
Watch NBC News NOW Live - June 25
NBC News NOW is live, reporting breaking news and developing stories in real time. We are on the scene, covering the most important stories of the day and ...
NBC News
Joseph Stiglitz: Williams College Center for Development Economics 10.13.10
Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor, Columbia University, Nobel Prize in Economics, 2001, spoke on "A Half Century of Changing Perspectives on ...
Getting & Getting Across the Message. 2019 Ryerson Lecture—Michael Silverstein, Constantine Nakassis
The 2019 Nora and Edward Ryerson Lecture: Michael Silverstein & Constantine V. Nakassis The Charles F. Grey Distinguished Service Professor of ...
The University of Chicago
(తెలుగు )21st MAY 2020 EENADU & INDIAN EXPRESS News Analysis
ఈ వీడియో లో ఈనాడు, Indian express న్యూస్ పేపర్ ఎనాలిసిస్ ని discuss చేయడం జరుగుతుంది. వీడ...
Mana La Ex Mana Kosam
The politics and governance of basic education
Brian Levy discussing his recently released book, The Politics and Governance of Basic Education: A Tale of Two South African Provinces. The event is hosted ...
Blavatnik School of Government
Investing Insights: Facebook, REITs, and IRAs
We examine Facebook and McKesson, clear up home loan deduction questions, and look at the tax efficiency of Vanguard ETFs on this week's episode.
Morningstar, Inc.
NASA ARSET: NASA Remote Sensing and Socioeconomic Data for Disaster Risk Assessment, Part 1/4
Introductory Webinar: Earth Observations for Disaster Risk Assessment & Resilience In this part, attendees will learn basic concepts and definitions in disaster ...
NASA Video
The Economy of Modern Day China
Yes, modern China has come along way from where we left it on the previous video in this series. It is now the second-largest economy in the world and it looks ...
Economics Explained
? Essay Paper Analysis - CSE Mains 2017 by Roman Saini
In this session, Roman Saini gives important guidelines on how to write a perfect essay. He analyses the 2017 paper and talks about the four topics. The topics ...
Let's Crack UPSC CSE
What is a healthy and sustainable diet? The EAT-Lancet Lecture - Johan Rockström & Walter Willett
EAT gathered 37 of the planet's foremost experts who, for the first time ever, propose scientific targets for what constitutes both a healthy diet and a sustainable ...
Lecture - 26 Economic Evaluation of New Products & Services
Lecture series on Project and Production Management by Prof. Arun kanda, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi. For more details on NPTEL visit ...