Developments in marine technology
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Developments in marine technology

1985; Связанные записи
Developments in marine technology. - Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier, 1985. - 27 см
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2020-03-01 15:11:25
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Shipping and Marine Technology
The Department of Shipping and Marine Technology conducts research regarding the development, design, and operation of vessels and their associated ...
Chalmers University of Technology
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Army partnership links worldwide scientific community,#laboratory,#science,#engineering,#research,#future,#universities,#Army Research Laboratory ...
Defense Flash News
Development of marine terminals & facilities in new or existing ports
The United States has become one of the largest LNG producers in the world, but today we have only 6 existing and operational LNG export terminals. Presently ...
The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST)
Chalmers Shipping and Marine Technology
Shipping and marine technology conducts research and development of the latest technologies for propulsion and navigation of ships. We train shipbuilders ...
Chalmers University of Technology
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IMarEST TV recording of the 8 March 2019 lecture presented by Lowri Mai Griffiths, Maritime Policy Unit at the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to the ...
The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) [Money Monster] Marine 4.0, roadmap for the ocean industry
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ARIRANG ISSUE DHI Tech Talk #1: Scour around marine structures
Dealing with scour related problems in water environments presented by Thor Petersen, Research Engineer, PhD. MSc. at DHI, Ports and Offshore Technology.
Егор Петров
Developments in marine technology. В произведении Д. Чемберлена приводятся названия продукции, производимой на военных верфях США и других стран.
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Developments in marine technology. В произведении „The greatest scientific achievement of all time” (Harmondsworth, W. M. Dent, 1960) К. Кларк пишет: ‹...› уже в XIX веке было ясно, что человек не сможет изменить природу без помощи науки. Но не только человек, но и все человечество в целом, вся биосфера Земли не смогут выжить, если они будут продолжать загрязнять и истощать окружающую среду. Если бы мы смогли взять на себя управление окружающей средой, то это была бы большая честь для человечества и для любого из нас.
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