Observing large molecular complexes in situ by electron tomography - Debnath Ghoshal, ICCB 2018
If you wonder how macromolecular complexes are studied in detail, electron tomography is one of the best ways of visualization. It is a technique where a ...
CSIR - Centre For Cellular And Molecular Biology
Mass Spectrometric Quantitation in Lipidomic Studies
Avanti Polar Lipids
Sri Narayan - Advances in Suppressing the Polysulfide Shuttle in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
Presented at Li-SM3 2017 at the IET in London (see www.lism3.org) Presenter: Prof. Sri Narayan Affiliation: University of Southern California Title: Advances in ...
Energy Futures Lab
Measuring Ions and Electrons with Nanoscale Pipettes | Dr. Lane Baker l 2019NSSUS
Title: Measuring Ions and Electrons with Nanoscale Pipettes Speaker: Dr. Lane Baker, Indiana University NanoScientific Conferences are venues for ...
Park Systems
TSQ Vantage HESI-II Probe maintenance
TSQ Vantage HESI-II Probe maintenance.
Mass Spectrometric Approaches to Lipidomic Studies
Avanti Polar Lipids
Panel Design for Multi-Parameter Flow Cytometry
https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home/life-science/cell-analysis/flow-cytometry/flow-cytometers/attune-acoustic-focusing-flow-cytometer.html?cid= ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microscopy: Designing a Fluorescence Microscopy Experiment (Kurt Thorn)
Learn more: https://www.ibiology.org/talks/microscopy-experiment/ With all the microscopy techniques now available, which one should you use for your ...
iBiology Techniques
An introduction to flow cytometric analysis, Part 2: Cell viability and apoptosis analysis
In this webinar, we will discuss flow cytometric analysis of apoptosis and identification of dead cells using numerous assays for Membrane structure, ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) Part 2 (Richard Haasch)
For more information, visit https://nanohub.org/resources/22629 Richard Haasch 6/3/15 "X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron ...
NanoBio Node
Particle Physics (2018) Topic 27: Renormalization
Lecture from 2018 upper level undergraduate course in particle physics at Colorado School of Mines. You can follow along at: ...
Alex Flournoy
Antibody-Sandwich ELISA: Solutions to simplify your development process
Development of a reliable Antibody Sandwich ELISA presents both a challenging and labor intensive project. ELISA formats of this type must be capable of ...
ImmunoChemistry Technologies
Nico Stuurman (UCSF): Fluorescence Microscopy
https://www.ibiology.org/archive/fluorescence-microscopy-archived/ Fluorescence is a physical phenomenon in which a compound absorbs light and re-emits ...
Visualizing Charge Carrier Motion in Nanowires Using Femtosecond Pump Probe Microscopy
John Papanikolas 2013-2014 Seminar Series April 17, 2014 We have combined ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy with optical microscopy to study the charge ...
The Institute for Energy Efficiency
X-ray Electron Spectroscopy / Auger Electron Spectroscopy
X-ray Electron Spectroscopy / Auger Electron Spectroscopy Rick Haasch, FS-MRL, University of Illinois.
NanoBio Node
Proton—a fascinating relativistic many-body system—remains puzzling
Haiyan Gao, Duke University and Duke Kunshan University, speaks at the APS April Meeting 2015 plenary session III. Abstract Proton, a fundamental building ...
APS Physics
20180312 SUN Bioinfo F Proteomic Metabolomic Quantitation
Slides for this lecture are available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NyCCaEftvDIkx68YQl33coPNHOzWoCUk/view This is the sixth lecture of eight for the ...
David Tabb
R12. Mass Spectrometry of the Cysteine Proteome
MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016 View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/5-08JS16 Instructor: JoAnne Stubbe Continuing with Mass ...
MIT OpenCourseWare
Fluorescent Assays for in vitro Imaging in Cancer Research
ImmunoChemistry Technologies offers multiple assays for fluorescent imaging in the context of cancer research and oncology. In this webinar, learn more about ...
ImmunoChemistry Technologies
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
Analytical Technologies in Biotechnology by Dr. Ashwani K Sharma,Department of Biotechnology,IIT Roorkee.For more details on NPTEL visit ...
Lecture 8: Electrons in a periodic potential, Bloch's theorem, the case of weak potential
Electrons in a periodic potential, Bloch's theorem, the case of weak potential.
Arindam Kumar Chatterjee
Experimental Design Best Practice for Multicolor Flow Cytometry
Presented By: Carol Oxford - Field Applications Scientist, Thermo Fisher Scientific Speaker Biography: Carol Oxford is currently a Field Applications Scientist ...
Thermo Scientific ISQ 7000 Single Quadrupole GC-MS System
The truly scalable Thermo Scientific™ ISQ™ 7000 single quadrupole GC-MS system offers extended uptime and robustness, along with easy-to-use smart tools.
Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry Solutions
ZEISS Webinar: LSM 880 with Airyscan - Revolutionize Your Confocal Imaging
In this webinar you will learn the benefits, features and applications of LSM 880 with Airyscan – the new confocal microscope from ZEISS that combines laser ...
ZEISS Microscopy
Tim Mitchison (Harvard) Part 2: Self-organization of meiotic spindles
https://www.ibiology.org/cell-biology/microtubules/#part-2 In his first talk, Tim Mitchison introduces the concept of self-organization of molecules in living systems.
Advanced quantitative fluorescence microscopy to probe the molecular dynamics of viral entry
Presented By: Luis Alvarez, Ph.D. Speaker Biography: Dr. Luis Alvarez studied physical chemistry at the Université Paris-Sud XI in Orsay where he worked on ...
Kayleigh Arthur - A new approach to Breath Biopsy using TD-GC-Orbitrap
At the 2019 Breath Biopsy Conference. Find out more more about Breath Biopsy products here - https://www.owlstonemedical.com/products/
Owlstone Medical
Dr. Graham S. Jackson 2019 Research Grant Recipient
Development of a quantitative, real-time Protein-Misfolding by Cyclic Amplification (PMCA) reaction.
CJD Foundation
Western Blotting Optimization
Understanding the variables to optimize your western blots. Learn more: https://www.rndsystems.com/protocol-types/western-blot.
R&D Systems, a Bio-Techne brand
Real-Time Virus Quantification: Accelerating the Pace of Research, Developemnt and Production
Dr. Mike Olszowy's Talk at the ISBioTech Spring 2015 Meeting. To learn more, contact us at info@virocyt.com or go to www.virocyt.com.
2014 Killian Lecture: Stephen J. Lippard, "Understanding and Improving Platinum Anticancer Drugs"
Lecture title: "Understanding and Improving Platinum Anticancer Drugs" Stephen Lippard, the Arthur Amos Noyes professor in the Department of Chemistry, was ...
MIT Institute Events
Introduction to SEM by Prof K Biswas IIT Kanpur
Introduction to SEM by Prof K Biswas IIT Kanpur.
RSV F glycoprotein structure determines vaccine immunogenicity in a phase I clinical trial
Michelle Crank.
Fondation Mérieux
ATR-FTIR Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Subject:Analytical Chemistry/Instrumentation Paper: Surface Analytical Chemistry-I.
Albert A. Moss Lectureship in Imaging Sciences - Medical Imaging
Medical Imaging: Innovation, Integration and Improvement The UW Department of Radiology welcomes Dr. Elias Zerhouni, director of the National Institutes of ...
UW Video
Cysteine-Mediated Redox Signaling: Chemical Tools for Biological Discovery
Kate Carroll Associate Professor of Chemistry The Scripps Research Institute.
Boulder PeptideSoc
NGenE - "Integrating computational and experimental approaches at the electrochemical frontiers"
Next Generation Electrochemistry (NGenE) has gone digital for 2020! Get full access to their free webinar series - spanning four panels across two days - all ...
ECS - The Electrochemical Society
100 Years of Powder Diffraction - ICDD's Tim Fawcett
100 Years of Powder Diffraction - Tim Fawcett's Plenary Lecture at the 65th Denver X-ray Conference at Argonne National Laboratory for the symposium, ...
The Paraffin Embedded Core - Rediscovering Its Potential in Pathology
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Zoltan Laszik, MD, PhD. Professor of Clinical Pathology, UCSF. Recorded on 05/19/2017. Series: "UCSF Transplant Update" ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
eGOPV - Liwei Chen - Energy band alignment in thin-film organic photovoltaic devices
Understanding energy band alignment in thin-film organic photovoltaic devices Liwei Chen (Invited talk) See the rest of the eGOPV conference at ...
"Advanced Medical Imaging Technologies"
TItle: "Advanced Medical Imaging Technologies" Speaker: Peter Faulhaber, MD Date: 5/16/2017.
Case Western Reserve University
Label-Free Protein Assays for Process Development & More
Label-free techniques for detecting and quantitating biomolecular interactions greatly facilitate such analyses by eliminating the need for labeling reagents and ...