Ricardo Schiappa - Resurgent Transseries and Painlevé Equations
I will review older work, and report on work in progress, concerning applications of resurgence andtrans series within the realms of matrix models and ...
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Dunne 1/4
Introduction to Resurgence and Non perturbative Physics.
Kavli Asian Winter School 2019
Planar Ising Model: Discrete and Continuous Structures
Clement Hongler Columbia University May 10, 2013 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu.
Institute for Advanced Study
Jean-Pierre Ramis - The Mano Decompositions...
The Mano Decompositions and the Space of Monodromy Data of the q-Painlevé V I Equation The talk is based upon a joint work with Y. OHYAMA and J.
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Hodge Theory -- From Abel to Deligne - Phillip Griffiths
Phillip Griffiths School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study October 14, 2013 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu.
Institute for Advanced Study
Thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in classical and quantum theories of solitons - Enej Ilievski
For more information visit: http://iip.ufrn.br/eventsdetail.php?inf===QTU1Ue.
AdS/CFT Correspondence, Part 1 - Juan Maldacena
AdS/CFT Correspondence, Part 1 Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study July 20, 2010.
Institute for Advanced Study
λ ϕ⁴ in dS - Victor Gorbenko
High Energy Theory Seminar Topic: λ ϕ⁴ in dS Speaker: Victor Gorbenko Affiliation: Member, School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study Date: ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Monodromy in QCD: Insights from Supersymmetric Theories with Soft Breakings- Michael Dine
NatiFest - September 15, 2016 "Monodromy in QCD: Insights from Supersymmetric Theories with Soft Breakings" by Michael Dine http://www.sns.ias.edu/natifest ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Lattices, Hecke Operators, and the Well-Rounded Retract - Mark McConnell
Mark McConnell Center for Communications Research, Princeton University March 7, 2012 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu.
Institute for Advanced Study
David Treumann - F-fields
Abstract: An F-field on a manifold M is a local system of algebraically closed fields of characteristic p. You can study local systems of vector spaces over this local ...
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics - Reyer Sjamaar
Teacher: Reyer Sjamaar Poisson geometry has its historical roots in the 19th century formulation of classical mechanics, going back to the work of Poisson, ...
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
A brief review of some work on BPS states, wall-crossing, hyperkahler geometry... - Greg Moore
Physics Group Meeting Topic: A brief review of some work on BPS states, wall-crossing, hyperkahler geometry, Hitchin systems, etc. Speaker: Greg Moore ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Floquet Theory of Resistance Oscillations in the Microwave Modulated Hall Gas
speaker: Assa Auerbach (Technion) Tel Aviv-Tsinghua Xin Center 2nd International Winter School “Physics at the Edge: from Topological Surfaces to Oxide ...
Lie algebras of the XXI century | Andrei Okounkov | Coloquio
Coloquio del Departamento de Matemática Andrei Okounkov (University of Columbia - USA) Lie algebras of the XXI century. Miércoles 15 de agosto de 2018.
Difusión DM
5.6 P. Sarnak : Some problems in number theory and analysis
Visions in Mathematics Towards 2000 All videos playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP0YToNcfAwLBd8yibTtjv3aHfcbT4GBA The Proceeding of this ...
Visions in Mathematics Towards 2000
Non-commutative rank - Visu Makam
Computer Science/Discrete Mathematics Seminar II Topic: Non-commutative rank Speaker: Visu Makam Affiliation: University of Michigan; Member, School of ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Wall Crossing, Part 2 - Greg Moore
Wall Crossing, Part 2 Greg Moore Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey July 28, 2010.
Institute for Advanced Study
Paul Seidel - Lefschetz pencils and noncommutative geometry
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Quantum curves, integrability and topological string partition functions
Prof. Jörg Teschner from University of Hamburg and DESY gave a talk entitled “Quantum curves, integrability and topological string partition functions” at ...
Tohoku University
Emilio Trevisani : Spinning operators and defects in conformal field theory
Complex ODEs: Asymptotics, Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices - 14 May 2018
Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi http://crm.sns.it/event/429/ Complex ODEs: Asymptotics, Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices An ...
SNS Channel Mathematical and Natural Sciences
String spreading and S-matrix data: Eva M Silverstein
URL: https://strings2015.icts.res.in/talkTitles.php.
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Gravitational Scattering Theory... Boundary - Tom Banks
NatiFest - September 16, 2016 "Gravitational Scattering Theory as a Map Between Current Algebras on the Conformal Boundary" by Tom Banks ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Higgs bundles, harmonic maps, and applications by Richard Wentworth
Higgs bundles URL: http://www.icts.res.in/program/hb2016 DATES: Monday 21 Mar, 2016 - Friday 01 Apr, 2016 VENUE : Madhava Lecture Hall, ICTS ...
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Thin Matrix Groups - a brief survey of some aspects - Peter Sarnak
Speaker: Peter Sarnak (Princeton/IAS) Title: Thin Matrix Groups - a brief survey of some aspects More videos on http://video.ias.edu.
Institute for Advanced Study
Non-commutative motives - Maxim Kontsevich
Geometry and Arithmetic: 61st Birthday of Pierre Deligne Maxim Kontsevich Institute for Advanced Study October 20, 2005 Pierre Deligne, Professor Emeritus, ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Gerald V. Dunne - Resurgence and Phase Transitions
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Alexandru Dimca: Betti numbers of hypersurfaces and defects of linear systems II
Our approach is a generalization of Griffiths' results expressing the cohomology ofa smooth hypersurface V: f = 0 in a projective space P^n in terms of some ...
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
[W35] Javier Redondo: MADMAX: the Quest for Axion Dark Matter
Speaker: Javier Redondo Abstract: We will briefly review axions as dark matter candidates to identify the most predictive scenario, currently untargeted by axion ...
Drinfeld's shtukas and Langlands' correspondence - Laurent Lafforgue
Automorphic Forms Laurent Lafforgue April 4, 2001 Concepts, Techniques, Applications and Influence April 4, 2001 - April 7, 2001 Support for this conference ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Danilo Lewanski : Orbifold Hurwitz numbers, topological recursion and ELSV-type formulae
Recording during the thematic meeting : "Pre-School on Combinatorics and Interactions" the January 13, 2017 at the Centre International de Rencontres ...
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Gregory W. Moore, "Smooth Invariants of Four-dimensional Manifolds and Quantum Field Theory"
JMM 2020: Gregory W. Moore, Rutgers University, gives an AMS Invited Address on "Smooth Invariants of Four-dimensional manifolds and Quantum Field ...
Abstract Analogues of Flux as Symplectic Invariants - Paul Seidel
Paul Seidel Massachusetts Institute of Technology November 16, 2012 For more videos, visit http://video.ias.edu.
Institute for Advanced Study
Panorama of Mathematics: Andrei Okounkov
Panorama of Mathematics To celebrate the tenth year of successful progression of our cluster of excellence we organized the conference "Panorama of ...
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
0930 1000 David Kutasov – A Solvable Irrelevant Deformation of AdS 3 CFT 2
Strings 2017 Conference
Martin Ammon - Introduction to Higher Spin Gravity, part 1
Lecture at the 2014 Arnold Sommerfeld School "Strings and fundamental physics" held at LMU Munich, Aug11-22, 2014. Event website: ...
Tim Perutz: From categories to curve-counts in mirror symmetry
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its ...
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Light-cone lattice, quantum affine algebras, and the modular double | Joerg Teschner | EIMI
Light-cone lattice, quantum affine algebras, and the modular double | Курс: Mathematical Physics: Past, Present and Future | Лектор: Joerg Teschner ...
Strings 2017 - Nicholas Warner - Microstate geometries deep inside the black hole
26/06/2017 Strings 2017 Conference. Tel Aviv, Israel. 26-30 June, 2017.
Strings 2017 Conference
Gong Show (Strings 2016)
Talk at Strings 2016 held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, Aug01-05, 2016. Event website: http://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn:8090/strings/ Enjoy!
Eva Silverstein - The powers of monodromy
Talk at Strings 2014 held at Princeton University and the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, June23-27, 2014. Event website: ...