Public Lecture—The Large Hadron Collider: Redefining High Energy
Lecture Date: Tuesday, June 19, 2007. Particle physicists have a description of the forces of nature, known as the Standard Model, that has successfully ...
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Frontiers of Discovery Plenary Session: Larry McLerran, 20 Years of RHIC and Beyond
The RHIC accelerator has discovered and explored properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma. The equation of state of the Quark Gluon Plasma is tested in ...
APS Physics
Uncovering the Universe: Latest news from the LHC
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the most powerful particle collider ever built and has been described as the world's biggest science experiment.
The Royal Institution
GOTO 2019 • Can Quantum Computing Help to Unlock the Secrets of the Universe? • Heather Gray
Heather Gray - Assistant Professor of Physics at UC Berkeley ABSTRACT Particle physics seeks to answer fundamental questions by studying tiny particles ...
GOTO Conferences
Aspects of Experimental High-Energy Physics (1 of 4)
Journeys into Theoretical Physics - 2019 July 06 - 12 Speaker: Thiago Tomei (NCC-UNESP/IFT-UNESP) More information: ...
How massive detectors at CERN search for tiny particles
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world. Beams of high-energy particles are collided ...
Fysikum Stockholm University
The Lighter Side of Dark Matter (Dark Matter Day 2018)
(October 31, 2018) Three Berkeley Lab scientists share their expertise and insights about Dark Matter and the experiments designed to search for it.
Berkeley Lab
Where physics and guitars collide: Dr Mark Lewney
The Institute of Physics Schools and Colleges Lecture 2008. Delivered by science presenter and rock guitarist Dr Mark Lewney. Rock guitars, superstrings, 11 ...
Institute of Physics
String theory - Brian Greene
Physicist Brian Greene explains superstring theory, the idea that minuscule strands of energy vibrating in 11 dimensions create every particle and force in the ...
Joseph D. Lykken - “The Future of Particle Physics”
Stanford University APPLIED PHYSICS/PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Tuesday, November 19, 2019 4:30 p.m. on campus in Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200 ...
Stanford Physics
The ATLAS Experiment: Mapping the Secrets of the Universe
Michael Barnett of Berkeley Lab's Physics Division discusses the ATLAS Experiment at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics' (CERN) Large Hadron ...
Berkeley Lab
LNS 1992 Symposium: On the Matter of Particles - Dirk Walecka - Electron Scattering by Nuclei
Lab for Nuclear Science Symposium: On the Matter of Particles - Dirk Walecka, “Electron Scattering by Nuclei” 5/15/1992 Please Subscribe for more great ...
MIT Video Productions
The Large Hadron Collider Project - the Higgs boson and beyond
Andy Parker from the University of Cambridge gives a lecture detailing the Large Hadron Collider project and the Higgs boson. Recorded at NPL on 12 Dec ...
National Physical Laboratory
Peter Onyisi - “Top Quarks: The New Flavor”
Stanford University APPLIED PHYSICS/PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Tuesday, April 10, 2018 4:30 p.m. on campus in Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 201 Peter ...
Stanford Physics
34C3 - Free Electron Lasers
...or why we need 17 billion Volts to make a picture. Wouldn't it be awesome to have a microscope which allows scientists to map atomic details of viruses, film ...
Physics@Veldhoven 2018 Johanna Stachel Universität Heidelberg
Science Lecture: Talking the Higgs Boson with Dr. Joseph Incandela
Dr. Joseph Incandela, Senior Spokesperson for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider explains the exact nature of the ...
U.S. Department of Energy
Chilling with Cloud Chambers
Watch mesmerizing video of a cloud chamber as Brookhaven Lab scientists sit down for an informal Q&A about nuclear science research and its medical ...
Hangout With CERN: The Large Hadron Collider (S01E02)
In this second Hangout with CERN "The Large Hadron Collider" ATLAS physicist Steven Goldfarb is joined by Giulia Papotti and Laurette Ponce from the CERN ...
Physics Colloquium - Rolf Heuer (CERN) - AO Williams Lecture
April 20, 2015: “Breaking the wall of the hidden universe - what the discovery of the Higgs boson tells us about Physics, Mankind and the Universe “ With the ...
Brown University
Day 3 - Part 1 - Indirect
3rd South American Dark Matter Workshop - December 02-04, 2020 Speakers: Rebecca Leane (SLAC, USA): Exoplanets Sub-GeV DM Marco Chianese ...
Rethinking Reality: Rethinking the Rules of Reality
In this series kickoff lecture for the 2017 UA College of Science lecture series, we take a tour through some of the most cutting-edge concepts in modern physics.
Arizona Public Media
We have a discovery: the future of the Higgs boson
We have a discovery: the future of the Higgs boson. Panel discussion with Professor Ben Allanach, Professor John Ellis CBE FRS, Professor Tara Shears, ...
The Royal Society
Thomas Schwarz - Update on Physics from the LHC - 03/30/19
SATURDAY MORNING PHYSICS Thomas Schwarz "Update on Physics from the LHC" March 30, 2019 Weiser Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Michigan Channel
The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment
A video by FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) regarding the CBM experiment. Source-
"The Ultimate Collision: Neutron Stars Rattle, Shine, and Sparkle," Sanjay Reddy, Univ of Washington
Neutron stars are small, extremely dense objects. A teaspoon of neutron star stuff has 100 times the mass of the great pyramid of Giza. Theorists speculated ...
Aspen Physics
Equilibration of the QGP and it’s Phenomenological Consequences by Sören Schlichting
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Collider Physics from the Bottom Up - Nima Arkani-Hamed
Prospects in Theoretical Physics Particle Physics at the LHC and Beyond Topic: Collider Physics from the Bottom Up Speaker: Nima Arkani-Hamed Date: July ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Voltaire Lecture 2010 - Prof Brian Cox on "The Value of Big Science"
Brian Cox speaks on "The value of Big Science: CERN, the LHC and the exploration of the Universe" Professor Brian Cox holds a chair in particle physics at the ...
Humanists UK
Nicole Bell - July Physics Lecture - The Rise of Cosmology and Particle Physics
Is our present understanding of the universe about to be replaced? Over the past 50 years explanations for the origin and evolution of the universe has provided ...
The University of Melbourne
Renaissance of nuclear physics at the LHC - Laura Fabbietti
STRONG 2020 public lecture series In this talk I will discuss how all the two body interactions containing a strange quarks that can be measured at the LHC and ...
INFN LNF - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Science Documentary: Large Hadron Collider, Time, Galaxy Formation a Documentary on Particle Physics
Science Documentary: Large Hadron Collider, Time, Galaxy Formation a Documentary on Particle Physics What is the Universe made of? That is what scientists ...
PHENO 2020 Plenary Talk - Jianwei Qiu
"Physics at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)" - Jianwei Qiu PHENO 2020 Plenary Talk.
University of Pittsburgh Physics & Astronomy
The Large Hadron Collider and the Higgs boson: Latest news from the energy frontier (23 Oct 2012)
Prof Jon Butterworth, Head of Department (Physics & Astronomy), UCL Mathematical and Physical Sciences Faculty The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is ...
UCL Minds Lunch Hour Lectures
Live underground visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland | ICHEP2020 for Public
Go 100m underground and join ATLAS physicists Clara Nellist and Muhammad Alhroob on a live tour of the ATLAS experiment at CERN, see up close a marvel ...
ICHEP 2020
The Large Hadron Collider with Dr. Marta Sabaté - Science on Sundays
Did you know that 500 feet below the France-Switzerland border, lies the largest machine in the world? This Sunday at 3PM, we bring you a special edition of ...
Nisaba Education
Andrew Geraci: Searching for 'Fifth Forces, Dark Matter, and Quantum Gravity in the Lab 5/8/20
We normally think of large accelerators and massive detectors when we consider the frontiers of elementary particle physics, pushing to understand the universe ...
Beyond Spacetime
The Structure of the Nucleus and Proton at the LHC
Prof. Anthony Timmins 2019 12 02 University of Houston At extremely high temperatures and pressures, nuclear matter “melts” and a phase of matter known as ...
KU Physics & Astronomy Colloquium Series
Introduction to Particle Physics for Non-Physicists Part 1/4
Introduction to Particle Physics (For Physicists and Non-Physicists) Part 2: Part 1 of a 4 part lecture ...
Muon Ray
Strangeness in the Neutron stars investigated at the DAFNE accelerator (Catalina Curceanu)
INSPYRE, International School on modern PhYsics and REsearch, organized by INFN Frascati National Laboratory is addressed to High School students and ...
INFN LNF - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
New Experimental Directions for Fundamental Physics II - Peter Graham
Prospects in Theoretical Physics Particle Physics at the LHC and Beyond Topic: New Experimental Directions for Fundamental Physics II Speaker: Peter ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Aspects of Experimental High-Energy Physics (2 of 4)
Journeys into Theoretical Physics - 2019 July 06 - 12 Speaker: Thiago Tomei (NCC-UNESP/IFT-UNESP) More information: ...