XRP & Streaming Payments – User Can Delete Accounts – NEXO - With Guest Rob Licker - The Roundtable
XRP & Streaming Payments – User Can Delete Accounts – NEXO - With Guest Rob Licker - The Roundtable - On The Chain Subscribe to our other Youtube ...
On The Chain LIVE
نانو بالعربي: قابلية الابتلال Nano in Arabic : Wettability
يشرح هذا الفيديو مبادئ تبلل الأسطح مشير الي الدور المحوري للنانو في هذا المجال. ويتضمن هذا الفيديو ملخصًا...
نانو بالعربي
The Liquefaction of Gases - by Michael Faraday in the year 1823
Sources: M. Faraday (1823) On fluid Chlorine. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 113, 160-165. M. Faraday (1823) On the ...
Joe Black
The wisdom of the crowd (with Professor Marcus du Sautoy)
From guessing the weight of a cow or the number of sweets in a jar, there is evidence that the average of a crowd's guesses can deliver surprisingly accurate ...
The Royal Society
Nanoscience: A Science of 21st Century
Nanoscience – Science of 21st century What is nanoscience? The word itself is a combination of nano, from the Greek “nanos” (or Latin “nanus”), meaning ...
Dr. Anil Palve Academy
Jim Al-Khalili discusses Faraday's Researches in Electricity
2015 sees the 350th anniversary of the journal Philosophical Transactions, making it the world's oldest scientific journal. As part of the celebrations to mark this ...
The Royal Society
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? (2009) (with audio)
Author: Mark Fisher https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Fisher_(theorist) Amazon: ...
Ansys - 054 - Projeto de uma parede blindada Pt. 1
Neste vídeo demonstro o projeto de uma parede blindada e um projetil colidindo! Contato: E-mail: goncalves.engmec@gmail.com Skype: goncalves.gustavo ...
The Great Experiment: the early evolution of the Royal Society
Speaker: Professor Michael Hunter, Birkbeck Filmed at The Royal Society, London on Wed 08 Sep 2010 6pm - 7.30pm ...
The Royal Society
Journal of the Chemical Society A | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journal_of_the_Chemical_Society 00:00:35 1 History 00:03:42 2 See also ...
wikipedia tts
Jiří Podolský - Od hmotných bodů ke spojitým polím (MFF FJDP 15.3.2018)
V rámci semináře Filosofické problémy fyziky v letním semestru 2018 opět běží přednáškový cyklus Fyzika jako dobrodružství poznání a zde je záznam čtvrté ...
Jiří Podolský - Faraday a Maxwell (MFF FPF 5.3.2015)
Celý název přednášky z 5.3.2015: Od hmotných bodů ke spojitým polím - odkaz Faradaye a Maxwella Přednášející: prof. RNDr. Jiří Podolský, CSc., DSc.
Safety Underground: Mining and the Miners' Lamp - Professor Frank James
A short history of the engineering and scientific force put to work to save lives underground, focussing particularly on the work of Sir Humphry Davy and George ...
Gresham College
Petroleum Downstream Crash Course 4 - Crude Impurities
ExxonMobil Crude Oil Assay http://corporate.exxonmobil.com/en/company/worldwide-operations/crude-oils/assays What other impurities in a crude can inhibit ...
Theo Ong
Foreign Secretary - Objectivity #95
Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff FRS joins Brady and Keith to look at the famous Bakerian lecture of Thomas Young FRS, in which he challenges Newton's theory ...
Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journal_of_the_Chemical_Society 00:00:40 1 History 00:04:11 2 See also ...
wikipedia tts
Lecture Five: The Chemical History of a Candle - Respiration & the Burning of a Candle (6/6)
Bill Hammack presents Lecture Five of Michael Faraday's lectures on The Chemical History of a Candle. A free companion book helps modern viewers ...
LSE Events | Jeffrey D. Sachs | Man and Machine
The automation of robots and artificial intelligence is pretty well advanced in certain industries. The income now is shifting more and more to capital and away ...
이화지식나눔특강 시리즈, 물리학전공 김찬주 교수의 '물리학: 혁명, 그 이후의 혁명'
[English Caption] 화면 오른쪽 하단의 자막 아이콘 클릭 물리학전공 김찬주 교수가 '2017 이화지식나눔특강' 시리즈의 포문을 열었다. '2017 이화지식...
ChemCareers 2019: Discussing CChem Attribute E
Part of our 5-part webinar series discussing each of the Chartered Chemist (CChem) attributes. This webinar covers Attribute E and talks about the type of ...
Royal Society Of Chemistry
La `Síntesis´ de Maxwell
Actividad del Mes Cultural de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante celebrada en febrero de 2015.
Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante
Webinar: Industrial Boiler Water Treatment and Chemistry - An Introduction
Controlling corrosion and deposition within any industrial boiler is critical to ensuring safe, reliable and efficient operation, but is often shrouded in mystery.
Supertheories and Consilience from Alchemy to Electromagnetism
Many of us—though not all—believe that good scientific theories are ones that simultaneously explain disparate phenomena. The theory of evolution in Biology, ...
Santa Fe Institute
Who cares about the history of science?
The 2015 Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Lecture was this year presented by Professor Hasok Chang, Hans Rausing professor of History and Philosophy of Science at ...
The Royal Society
Founding the Royal Society (Part 1)
A documentary about the founding of the royal society, focusing on the mathematicians involved. (Part 1)
I wasn't always a scientist - Simon's story
Simon left school at 17 without any A-levels. He worked in boatyards in Southern California before returning to the UK and becoming a professional fisherman, ...
The Royal Society
Open Data: How We Got Here and Where We're Going by Rufus Pollock
Over the past few years, there has an explosive growth in open data with significant uptake in government, research and elsewhere. Open data has the potential ...
4. Coping with Smallness and Scanning Probe Microscopy
Freshman Organic Chemistry (CHEM 125) This lecture asks whether it is possible to confirm the reality of bonds by seeing or feeling them. It first describes the ...
Menargues_From Lavoisier to..._2020
Video de diapositivas preparadas por Sergio Menargues (Universiad de Alicante) sobre la historia de la química.
Avances-Quimica Sociedad
The 2013–2016 Ebola epidemic
In this video, we speak to guest editors Cordelia Coltart and Katie Atkins about their special issue on the 2013–2016 Ebola epidemic. The issue gathers together ...
The Royal Society
Cybersecurity Conference at Miami Herbert Business School 2019 - pt. 2
Miami Herbert Business School is dedicated to elevating the intellectual and cultural awareness of our community while building new relationships that advance ...
Miami Herbert Business School
"Paradigm Shifts Across the Ages" - HAPP Centre - Professor Frank James
Professor Frank James (The Royal Institution) - Electric Paradigms from Volta to Maxwell Talk given during the HAPP "Paradigm Shifts Across the Ages" ...
St Cross College
Webinar: Industrial Boiler Corrosion Deposition Failures
The most efficient plant or process is a reliable plant or process, and these certainly applies to industrial boilers and process heat equipment. The webinar will ...
The Role of the Royal Society in the Battle over Mendelism
History of science lecture given by Professor Gregory Radick. Filmed at The Royal Society, London on Fri 05 Oct 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm ...
The Royal Society
Spotlight E-Conference: The Newest Oldest Mining Districts
Paul Kuhn, Lucy Crane and Mike Hudson talk about how modern technology and exploration is breathing life into historic mining districts - Join our weekly ...
Spotlight Mining
De Lavoisier hasta la eternidad... Una historia visual de la Química.
Presentación preparada por Sergio Menargues (Universidad de Alicante). La duración de cada diapositiva permite leer mejor la información.
Avances-Quimica Sociedad
#71 History of information on Oil
A walk through 4 centuries to showcase the evolution of the information on petroleum systems (with F. Gerali). Francesco Gerali is a 2019 PUGH VISITING ...
Mini Geology
Schawlow-Townes Symposium on Photonics 2015 - Nader Engheta
This annual symposium aims to bring to light the research and discoveries of photonics experts from across Canada and from around the world. Bridging the gap ...
Max Planck - uOttawa Center for Extreme and Quantum Photonics
Block.one buys 3,300,000 EOS ($25M) worth of RAM on EOS Mainnet! (Everything EOS Livestream)
Everything EOS has been the longest running EOS podcast since March 2018. Zack Gall and Rob Finch go in-depth on EOS dapp news, EOS VC ...
Everything EOS
How To Become Anonymous And Secure Your Privacy 2020: Joel Stein
How to stay anonymous and fight big tech while securing your privacy with Joel Stein. Joel Stein of Time Magazine went deep undercover for a week into the ...
Cambridge House International Inc.
Sergio Mello, CEO of Tangem, and Kyle & Brittany from Swiss Key talk about Tangem card security.
http://swisskeycard.com & http://tangemcards.com What is the tangem card? How are the keys generated? Can the keys be backed up? What applications are ...
Swiss Key
Fmr Director US Mint: "Bitcoin is good competition for Gold and Fiat"
Ed Moy, who was the 38th Director of the United States Mint, and one of the highest ranking government officials to have spoken out favorably about Bitcoin in its ...
Naomi Brockwell