Milton Friedman: The Problem with the Welfare State
For more videos: Facebook: Media Website: Twitter: ...
Common Sense Capitalism
Economic Freedom and Growth
Economics professor Josh Hall describes how greater economic freedom leads to higher incomes and more economic development over time.
Learn Liberty
Rafeeq Hasan Freedom, Property and the State: A Neglected Alternative
American society (and political philosophy) is conflicted about the role the state ought to play in the economy. Egalitarians think that current levels of economic ...
Robert Higgs | The Welfare State
Robert Higgs discusses the rise of the welfare state in the United States. For information on The Challenge of Liberty Summer Seminar, visit ...
Independent Institute
Debate on the Future of the Welfare State
The Institute for the Study of Western Civilization and the Free Market Institute invited Dr. Peter H. Lindert, Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of ...
WesternCiv at TTU
Erik S. Reinert - Resurrecting the economic ideas that produced the welfare state
This event celebrates the 70th birthday of Erik S. Reinert, one of the most prolific and important development economists and historians of economic policy today ...
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Millennials and the Welfare State: Burden or Blessing? (Tom G. Palmer)
Featuring Michael D. Tanner, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Tom G. Palmer, Executive Vice President, International Programs, Atlas Economic Research ...
The Cato Institute
John Clarke - welfare state and nations
John Clarke tells us how his interest in the relationship between welfare state and nations developed.
Social Justice, Basic Income and the Universal Welfare State
The purpose of the course “Universal Basic Income: New Avenues in Social Welfare Policy” (held at University of Tampere, Finland) is to offer students a ...
Alusta Verkkolehti
10 Sakari Hänninen - The Relational Nordic Welfare State
International Symposium: Seeking and Seizing - The Nordic Way? 2 - 3 November 2017 at the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
The case for a targeted criticism of the welfare state | Leszek Balcerowicz
This lecture was part of the Fall 2018 Economics, Growth and Prosperity Seminar. See more and apply for future seminars at
Friedberg Economics Institute
An Alternative to Welfare
... Humane Studies on the subject. The welfare state is a (bad) polygamist (blog post): Prof.
Learn Liberty
Freedom to Give - Why Liberty?
The welfare state is created with good intention; to help those that need assistance most. However the welfare state cannot provide nearly what philanthropy ...
The Cato Institute
3 Units of Freedom - Welfare State
3 Units of Freedom - Welfare State.
3 Units of Freedom
Rights and Freedom: A critique of the welfare state. Part 1
This talk was delivered at the first Wau Bebas Freedom Academy organised by Malaysia Think Tank at Residence Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, on 22 - 24 August 2008.
Milton Friedman - Free immigration & welfare
Milton Friedman explains his view on free immigration and how welfare impacts it. The United States of America (USA) before 1914 had completely free ...
The Wisdom Wire
Mental Health: The New Frontier for the Welfare State
Speaker(s): Professor Lord Layard Recorded on 6 March 2012 in Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building. mp3 podcast available here ...
Political Theory: Freedom Overview-Struggles | English | NCERT Class 11 Political Science Chapter 2
Dr. Manishika Jain in this lecture explains NCERT Class 11 Political Science Part 2 Chapter 2: Freedom Overview Freedom@0:18 Heroic Struggles against ...
Welfare state || Understanding the welfare state: Crisis, critics, and Countercritics
The Crisis of the Welfare State,. Collective Consumption,. And the Rise of New Social Actors.
UPSC Preparation
Slavoj Žižek: Democracy and Capitalism Are Destined to Split Up | Big Think
I also think that this Keynesian welfare state model is passé. In the conditions of today's global economy it no longer works. For the welfare state to work you ...
Big Think
Economic Indulgences: Old and New Debates on Welfare and Freedom | David Cowan
The Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture, sponsored by Hunter Lewis. The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of ...
What is Liberal Democratic State, Structure, Features, Constitution, Freedom of Press, Human Rights
Ascertain Productions
End the Debt Draft: How the Welfare State Is Exploiting Millennials
If nothing is done, the bill for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will bankrupt Millennials and their children. But support for these programs is strong, ...
Ayn Rand Institute
The History of the Welfare State
Delving into the results of a review of public attitudes to the welfare state since World War Two, Shelter's Director of Communications, Policy & Campaigns, ...
History of Social Welfare
BEH101: Introduction to Behavioral Health Rachelle Chaykin Pennsylvania Institute of Technology.
Rachelle Chaykin
Ronald Reagan speech_Oct. 27, 1964 (Part 1 of 2)
45 years ago Mr. Reagan was able to forsee today's events. Here he addresses the following; -Real Peace -True Freedom -Greater Govt. Activity -Liberalism and ...
Economic and ethical Implications of the Welfare State by Professor Philip Booth PhD
Toward a Free and Virtuous Society 2014 Part 4/10 Professor Philip Booth PhD Economic and ethical Implications of the Welfare State Professor Philip Booth ...
Toward a Free and Virtuous Society 2014
17. Distributive Justice and the Welfare State
Moral Foundations of Politics (PLSC 118) The main focus of today's discussion is Rawls's third, and most problematic, principle is the difference principle, which ...
Debate: Should Libertarians support the welfare state?
Kristian Niemietz chairs a discussion by James Bartholomew, Dr Harry Binswanger and Prof Philippe Van Parijs about whether a libertarian can support a ...
Milton Friedman describes the welfare state's effect on private charitable activity
From "Free to Choose" (1980), Part IV: "From Cradle to Grave."
Canada ponders the Welfare State in 1949
In 1948, Britain's Labour government established a universal health care scheme as part of its post-war Welfare State initiatives. In Canada, where most of the ...
Jamie Whyte: "From the Welfare State to the Welfare Society. The case of New Zealand"
Jamie Whyte, Research Director at the Institute of Economics Affairs and former leader of the ACT Party in New Zealand. Conference organized by Catalans ...
Institut Ostrom Catalunya
Silicon Valley: The New Welfare State? - Evgeny Morozov in Maastricht 2015
Today, technology companies promise us a seemingly genuine path towards social mobility. So they are more than happy to provide the public with free ...
School of Business and Economics
Charles Murray: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State
"In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State." Charles Murray, W.H. Brady Fellow, American Enterprise Institute. April 3, 2006.
Ford School
Researcher Talk: Tax and Spend: The Welfare State, Tax Politics...
Molly Michelmore is an Associate Professor of History at Washington and Lee University. She is the author of the highly-regarded Tax and Spend: The Welfare ...
US National Archives
"Poverty & the Transformation of the Welfare (State) Arrangements"
Dr. Holger Schoneville, Wuppertal University; Wuppertal, Germany Dr. Hans-Uwe Otto, University of Bielefeld; Bielefeld, Germany Dr. Schoneville and Dr. Otto ...
Penn School of Social Policy & Practice
Welfare state
A welfare state is a concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens ...
Political Science Optional for UPSC || IAS - Laissez faire / Individualist Liberal State
Creating top-rankers in civil services from all the corners of the country now. We now have SINGLE-DIGIT RANK HOLDERS in UPSC & Pb, Hry, HP, UP, Assam, ...
Sleepy Classes
Professor Cass R. Sunstein - On health nudges in the welfare state
What are the pros and cons of using health nudges in the welfare state? And which ethical concerns does the use of health nudges raise? Havard professor and ...
Det Etiske Råd
Economics of the Welfare State
Covers poverty, social insurance, inequality, gini coefficient, and American health care; Krugman ch. 18.
Joe Pastorino
Post-War Social Democracy and the Welfare State
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the sessions had to be moved online. The video and audio quality is not always consistent. We apologize for the ...
Democracy and Socialism
Freedom and Capitalism | Exploring Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand | Episode 7
Gloria Alvarez and Harry Binswanger discuss capitalism and why it is the only proper political system according to Ayn Rand. They also address the ...
Ayn Rand Institute