Political Figures, Lawyers, Politicians, Journalists, Social Activists (1950s Interviews)
Interviewees: Harold Himmel Velde, United States political figure Hugh D. Scott, Jr., American lawyer and politician John V. Beamer, U.S. Representative from ...
The Film Archives
Exposing the Secrets of the CIA: Agents, Experiments, Service, Missions, Operations, Weapons, Army
Allan James Francovich (March 23, 1941 – April 24, 1997) was an American maker of investigative films, including documentaries on CIA covert operations and ...
The Film Archives
The Savings and Loan Banking Crisis: George Bush, the CIA, and Organized Crime
A savings and loan or "thrift" is a financial institution that accepts savings deposits and makes mortgage, car and other personal loans to individual members—a ...
The Film Archives
The CIA, Drug Trafficking and American Politics: The Political Economy of War
Historian Alfred W. McCoy stated that: "In most cases, the CIA's role involved various forms of complicity, tolerance or studied ignorance about the trade, not any ...
The Film Archives
The CIA and Defecting Foreign Spies
An individual may want to leave their service at once, perhaps from high-level disgust, or low-level risk of having been discovered in financial irregularities and is ...
The Film Archives
Was the Reagan Era All About Greed? Reagan Economics Policy
Prior to the Reagan administration, the United States economy experienced a decade of rising unemployment and inflation, (known as stagflation). Political ...
The Film Archives
The CIA's Covert Operations: Afghanistan, Cambodia, Nicaragua, El Salvador
A 2002 article by Michael Rubin stated that in the wake of the Iranian Revolution, the United States sought rapprochement with the Afghan government—a ...
The Film Archives
Prednáška: Nástup komunizmu v ČSR
Náš člen Jakub Šimko prednáša pre študentov FIIT na tému z trochu iného súdka. NTECast môžete sledovať na Mixcloud, iTunes, Youtube alebo Stitcher a v ...
Národ technickej excelencie
"STOP 447. Polacy w walce o prawdę" - film dokumentalny
Przekaż nam 1% swojego podatku: KRS 0000406677 ▻ WSPIERAJ MEDIA NARODOWE: Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości nr rach. 34 1020 1013 0000 ...
Media Narodowe
Mannerheim Gustav Karlovich changes opponents, part 3, subtitled
If the video is blocked in your country use VPN for Russia Watch our channel World War 2 and Great Patriotic War in the USSR 1941-1945 ...
Irina Boyko
Leaders Hunting WW2, part 3, subtitled
The documentary "Leaders Hunting" provides documentary evidence that Hitler's intelligence tried to carry out the elimination of US President Roosevelt, British ...
Irina Boyko
Oboyan. End of operation Citadel. Kursk Bulge. subtitled
If the video is blocked in your country use VPN for Russia Watch our channel World War 2 and Great Patriotic War in the USSR 1941-1945 ...
Irina Boyko
Battle for the Soviet Ukraine 1943 subtitles
You can support the channel on Paypal for odetta3@yandex.ru.
Irina Boyko
Šach, mat -- stratégia revolúcie 3/6
Východná Európa, rok 1989. Revolúcie. „Vlny hnevu" po rokoch útlaku zvrhávajú komunistické režimy. „Všetko prebehlo spontánne...aspoň tak to tvrdia.
iniciativa answer
U.S. Economic Collapse: Henry B. Gonzalez Interview, House Committee on Banking and Currency
Henry Barbosa González (born Enrique Barbosa González; May 3, 1916 -- November 28, 2000) was a Democratic politician from the state of Texas.
The Film Archives
Political Documentary Filmmaker in Cold War America: Emile de Antonio Interview
He has been referred to by scholars and critics alike, and arguably remains, "...the most important political filmmaker in the United States during the Cold War.
The Film Archives
Attorney and Progressive Civil Rights Leader: Arthur Kinoy Interview
Arthur Kinoy (September 20, 1920-September 19, 2003), was an attorney and progressive civil rights leader who became a professor of law at the Rutgers ...
The Film Archives
ISTORIJA 8 - Društvene i kulturne prilike u svetu u vreme hladnog rata
Titlovi: Radio-televizija Vojvodine (rtv.rs) © Radio-televizija Srbije (rts.rs) Zabranjeno je svako neovlašćeno preuzimanje i objavljivanje na drugim kanalima.
Nastava titlovana na manjinske jezike RTV-RTS
Ron Paul - Ukončme túto vojnu! (End this war!) 1.7.2010 + titulky
Ron Paul - Ukončme túto vojnu! Po 20 rokoch zabíjania boje a lži pokračujú bez dohľadného konca (End this War! After 20 Years of Killing the Fighting and the ...
Maitreya Rael: The survival of Humanity (71-08-06)
Maitreya Rael: The survival of Humanity (71-08-06) Each year, on the day before the Raelian New Year on August 6th, Maitreya Rael receives a message from ...
Rael Academy
UFO/ET a Eisenhower | Jim Nichols
Písomná forma: http://thewebmatrix.net/jimnicholsufo/disclosure.html Wernher von Braun: ...