Kiritchenko, Valentina / Demazure operators and geometric mitosis
(ICM 2014 Satellite conference) Topology of torus actions and applications to geometry and combinatorics Kiritchenko, Valentina (National Research University ...
Mathnet Korea
ICM2014 VideoSeries IL6.5: Micheal A. Hill on Aug15Fri
Invited Lecture Speaker: Micheal A. Hill Title : On the non-existence of elements of Kervaire invariant one.
Takashi Kimura - On stringy algebraic operations in equivariant K-theory
Talk at String-Math 2011 held at University of Pennsylvania, Jun06-11, 2011. Event website: Enjoy!
Hana Jia Kang: Motivic Chow t-structure & computational tools for the R-motivic homotopy groups
I will first talk about the joint work with Tom Bachmann, Guozhen Wang and Zhouli Xu on motivic Chow t-structure. This t-structure is a generalization of the ...
Motivic Geometry
Chain models of string topology coming from symplectic geometry -- Pavel Hajek, PHK 16.12.2020
Speaker: Pavel Hajek (University Hamburg) Abstract: I will recall loop spaces, natural structures on their homology and the relation to symplectic geometry of the ...
Igor Khavkine
Equivariant cohomology, GKM-compatibility, and Schubert calculus for Hessenberg varieties
2011 KAIST Math Colloquium Megumi Harada (McMaster University) / 2011-11-17.
Mathnet Korea
7.2 V. Voevodsky : Motivic homotopy types
Visions in Mathematics Towards 2000 All videos playlist The Proceeding of this ...
Visions in Mathematics Towards 2000
The evenness conjecture in equivariant unitary bordism – Bernardo Uribe – ICM2018
Topology Invited Lecture 6.9 The evenness conjecture in equivariant unitary bordism Bernardo Uribe Abstract: The evenness conjecture for the equivariant ...
Rio ICM2018
Tom Bachmann: Eta-periodic motivic stable homotopy theory
Over any scheme on which 2 is invertible, we establish a 2-term resolution of the eta-periodic, 2-local motivic sphere spectrum by shifts of the connective 2-local ...
Motivic Geometry
From algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology and back | Marc Levine | Лекториум
Although homology and cohomology had been a well established theory before the middle of the twentieth century, it proved surprisingly difficult to construct a ...
Princeton/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar - Keon Choi
Keon Choi University of California, Berkeley March 7, 2014 Embedded contact homology is an invariant of a contact three-manifold, which is recently shown to ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Spatial refinements and Khovanov homology – Robert Lipshitz & Sucharit Sarkar – ICM2018
Topology Invited Lecture 6.11 Spatial refinements and Khovanov homology Robert Lipshitz & Sucharit Sarkar Abstract: We review the construction and context ...
Rio ICM2018
Ozgur Bayindir (Paris 13)- Algebraic K-theory of THH(F_p)
Purdue Topology Seminar
Knot Floer homology - Prof. Peter Ozsváth
Annual Lecture Series in Topology and Geometry in memory of Prof. Alexander Zabrodsky Knot Floer homology Knot Floer homology is an invariant for knots, ...
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
String topology coproduct: geometric and algebraic aspects of chain constructions (Manuel Rivera)
String topology coproduct: geometric and algebraic aspects of chain level constructions Plática dada por Manuel Rivera (Miami-Cinvestav) en el evento ...
efrain vega
Informal talk in Derived Geometry (Jacob Lurie)
Informal talk in Derived Geometry Plática dada por Jacob Lurie (Harvard University, Cambridge) en las Conferencias José Adem 2016 en el Centro de ...
efrain vega
Symplectic Geometry & Vertices by Chris Woodward
Yuan-Pin Lee - Introduction to Gromov-Witten theory (Part 4)
In these lectures, Gromov{Witten theory will be introduced, assuming only basic moduli theory covered in the rst week of the School. Then the Crepant ...
Institut Fourier
Pavel Sechin - Applications of Landweber-Novikov operations on algebraic cobordism
I will try to give an overview of how Landweber-Novikov operations can be used in the study of algebraic cobordism. In particular, these operations allow one to ...
Motives and What Not
The Whitehead group of Hilbert modular group (Luis Sánchez)
The Whitehead group of Hilbert modular group Plática dada por Luis Sánchez (Centro de Ciencias Matemáticas, CCM) en las Conferencias Samuel Gitler 2016 ...
efrain vega
Giovanni Felder - Elliptic quantum groups and elliptic equivariant cohomology
Abstract: I will report on joint work with R. Rimanyi and A. Varchenko. We define an elliptic version of the stable envelope of Maulik and Okounkov for the ...
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Surgery Theory lecture 8 part 3
Simple homotopy equivalences, Whitehead torsion and the s-cobordism theorem - Spiros Adams-Florou This is Lecture 8 of the Edinburgh Surgery Theory ...
Kenji Fukaya - Can one use virtual fundamental chain in (topological) quantum field theory ?
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
An integral lift of contact homology - Joanna Nelson
Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members Joanna Nelson - September 28, 2015 More ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Sergei Gukov - Fivebranes and 4-manifolds
Sergei GUKOV (Caltech, Pasadena, USA)
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties
Description: Pierre Deligne (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) Monday 3 August 2009, 17:00-18:00 Created: 2009-08-05 15:00 Collection: Rothschild ...
xuan-gottfried YANG
Descent in algebraic K theory Mathew
xuan-gottfried YANG
Pairs of invariants of surface singularities – András Némethi – ICM2018
Algebraic and Complex Geometry | Topology Invited Lecture 4.8 | 6.4 Pairs of invariants of surface singularities András Némethi Abstract: We discuss several ...
Rio ICM2018
David Hyeon (POSTECH) / Geometry, algebra and computation in moduli theory / 2014-06-27
2014 KMRS 세미나.
Mathnet Korea
David Ayala: Higher categories are sheaves on manifolds
David Ayala, Harvard University) Abstract: Chiral/factorization homology gives a procedure for constructing a topological field theory from the data of an E_n ...
University of Notre Dame
Anna Marie Bohmann: CoTHH and calculations
July 18, 2017 @UIUC.
Vesna Stojanoska
Michael Atiyah - Twisted K theory and physics
Professor Michael Atiyah's talk at Strings 2002 held at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, July15-20, 2002. Event website: ...
Symplectic homology for cobordisms - Alexandru Oancea
Princeton/IAS Symplectic Geometry Seminar Topic: Alexandru Oancea Speaker: Alexandru Oancea Affiliation: Université Pierre et Marie Curie; Member, School ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Completion theorems in equivariant homotopy theory - Saul Glasman
Short Talks by Postdoctoral Members Saul Glasman - September 22, 2015 More ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Homotopical group theory 1
Primera sesión del curso "Homotopical group theory", impartido por José Cantarero, durante la Escuela de Verano 2014 del Mathematical Sciences Research ...
eCHT, Zhouli Xu, 1 November 2018
Dan Isaksen
Brauer Groups in Chromatic homotopy Theory (Jacob Lurie) 2/3
Brauer Groups in Chromatic homotopy Theory 2/3 Plática dada por Jacob Lurie (Harvard University, Cambridge) en las Conferencias José Adem 2016 en el ...
efrain vega
Agnes Beaudry: K(n)-local Picard Groups and Gross-Hopkins Duality
July 17, 2017 @UIUC.
Vesna Stojanoska
James Pascaleff: Poisson geometry and monoidal Fukaya categories
The lecture was held within the framework of the Hausdorff Trimester Program: Symplectic Geometry and Representation Theory. Abstract: Poisson manifolds ...
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics
Media Rich Presentation.
Miles Van Kopp
Sarkar, Soumen (Univ. of Regina) / Explicit triangulation of complex projective spaces / 2014-08-08
(ICM 2014 Satellite conference) Topology of torus actions and applications to geometry and combinatorics.
Mathnet Korea
Cho, Cheol Hyun (SNU) / Introduction to lagrangian floer theory in toric manifolds 2
KAIST Toric Topology Workshop 2010 2010-02-23.
Mathnet Korea