Environmental Modelling and its Application to Nanomaterials
Niall O'Brien Interactive Session: Demonstration of environmental model(s) and hands-on example.
QSARs from the perspective of TKTD modelling
Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships are regressions linking physico-chemical or structural properties of a chemical to its biological activity (e.g., the ...
DEB videos
Modelling the environmental fate of nanomaterials: Predicting and regulating safe use
Prof. Steve Lofts has led a team creating tools to predict the environmental fate of nanomaterials. They can show what happens to nanoparticles as they make ...
NanoFASE Project
Contaminant Fate Modeling
MIT RES.TLL-004 Concept Vignettes View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/RES-TLL-004F13 Instructor: David Griffith This video combines the concepts ...
MIT OpenCourseWare
University of Koblenz-Landau-M.Sc. Environmental Sciences & M.Sc. Ecotoxicology
Part 2: Ecotoxicology: Effects and Risk Mitigation
Video create by Prof. Dr. Ralf Schulz (Expert in Ecotoxicology), Pesticides, Effects and Risk Mitigation.
Introduction to system dynamics modelling
This lecture introduces the system dynamics modelling of social-ecological systems Content: Overview of modelling approaches Introduction to SD (History, ...
Toxicology Session 1
Royal Society Of Chemistry
Risk 2018 | Lecture 1| Intro to Risk Assessment | Beate Escher | University Tübingen
Lecture 1 of the IIES e-Lecture series on Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment. Introductory Lecture was given by Dr Beate Escher (University ...
International Institute for Environmental Studies
Lecture 16: Fate and Transport of Contaminants Discharged in River
IIT Kharagpur July 2018
Jessica LaRocca on Epigenetics
Environmental sustainability challenges in the Arctic – developing solutions with the help of DEB
Keynote talk by JoLynn Carroll at the 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Energy Budget theory http://deb.akvaplan.com/symposium.html Rich in natural ...
DEB videos
Toxicological Tools for Greener Product Design
This webinar will feature two professional toxicologists who will share their experience working across the disciplines of chemistry and toxicology through ...
Beyond Benign
Introduction to the PATROLS project
This 30 minute webinar introduces the scientific drivers behind the PATROLS project, its scientific aims and activities plus the potential impact for industry, ...
NIA Nanotechia
Computational biomodeling | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modelling_biological_systems 00:01:44 1 Standards 00:02:23 2 Particular tasks ...
wikipedia tts
Modelling biological systems | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modelling_biological_systems 00:02:04 1 Standards 00:02:50 2 Particular tasks ...
wikipedia tts
Part 3: Ecotoxicology: OneHealth
Video create by Dr. Mäggi Hieber Ruiz (Expert in Limnology, worked for NGO in Latin America)
Environmental Modeling Fate and Transport of Pollutants in Water, Air, and Soil
Mathew Eadie
Modeling biological systems | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modelling_biological_systems 00:01:57 1 Standards 00:02:40 2 Particular tasks ...
wikipedia tts
Environmental Modeling Fate and Transport of Pollutants in Water, Air, and Soil
Heather Oakes
Ecosystem ecology: Concepts, data, models
In this second of two lectures on ecosystem ecology, Dr. Whendee Silver focuses on specific examples of how to conceptualize and measure complex changes ...
sesync annapolis
HESI: Assessment of the Zebrafish Model for Developmental Toxicology Screening.
May 31, 2012. 2012 HESI Asia Outreach Webinar Series: Topic: The use of zebrafish in for developmental toxicity testing. Webinar title: "Assessment of the ...
MarILCA Webinar - An introduction into its methodological framework
Recording of the webinar hosted by the MarILCA project team on the 10th of June 2020 to present its methodological framework to address marine litter within ...
FSLCI e.V. News
Scaling sublethal effects of contaminants and stressors to fish population dynamics: A multi
Cheryl Murphy (Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State Univ.) gave a talk entitled "Scaling sublethal effects of contaminants and stressors to fish population ...
What is dose response, and what's a dose response model? | Andrew Maynard
What's the difference between a threshold dose response model, and a no-threshold model? And what are the limitations of each? This week Risk Bites tackles ...
Risk Bites
Lecture 8 Transport Of Pollutants in the Environment
Transport Of Pollutants in the Environment Prof R. Ravi Krishna Department Of Chemical Engineering IIT Madras.
ECETOC - Risk Assessment
Daniele Fallin on Epigenetics
Guided tour along DEB resources
In this video we will provided a guided tour of resources supporting the research, development and application of the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory.
DEB videos
RACI Chemicals in the Environment series - Heavy Metals in the Environment and Soil Remediation
Join the HSE Group and SCI in a free webinar series on Chemicals in the Environment. This webinar is the first in a series on Heavy Metals in the Environment ...
ENVIMPACT TRANSNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Experiences on best practices toward Horizon 2020 (Session 3)
ENVIMPACT TRANSNATIONAL CONFERENCE: Experiences on best practices toward Horizon 2020 Best practice in dissemination of results in environmental ...
Dr Karen Fildes University of Wollongong Studies in Human Health
Dr Karen Fildes was appointed as Lecturer in Medical Science in the Graduate Medicine (GM) in 2013. She comes from a research background in ecotoxicology ...
Working Scientifically at CEDP
What is the value in looking to nature when seeking to solve human problems?
ScienceChats with Melissa Sterry: Building Blocks of the Future This video represents the speaker current view of the state of science and does not necessary ...
Arthur Beusen: Coupling Hydrology and Biogeochemistry at Regional to Global Scales
On June 16, 2016, Arthur Beusen, from Utrecht University, presented “Coupling Hydrology and Biogeochemistry at Regional to Global Scales” at the University ...
Stoichiometric producer-grazer models: Modeling the effects of food quality on grazer dynamics
Dr. Angela Peace, a Postdoctoral Fellow at NIMBioS, gives a talk entitled "Stoichiometric producer-grazer models: Modeling the effects of food quality on grazer ...
Modeling environmental impacts of engineered nanomaterials
Dr. Roger Nisbet gives a talk entitled "Modeling environmental impacts of engineered nanomaterials: The value of 'generic models' of individual organisms," ...
Erik Muller: Dynamic Energy Budget Theory as integrative hub for evaluating organismal [...]
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: http://library.cirm-math.fr. And discover all its ...
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
Austin Python Meetup 11 March 2020
This was the stream of a backup talk instead of the in person python meetup: https://www.meetup.com/austinpython/events/lgrbmqybcfbpb/ Jacob was ...
Jacob Barhak
The SEURAT-1 programme – achievements and impact
The SEURAT-1 video gives a very comprehensive overview of the main achievements of the SEURAT-1 programme and its impact on human safety assessment ...
Sensitivity Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation
When you are working with large and complex Simulink models, it is sometimes difficult to determine which model parameters impact behavior the most.
Opti-Num Solutions
ELSPAC 2017 PHS Symposium
Data Science and the Environment
On August 23-24, 2018 the CMSA hosted our fourth annual Conference on Big Data. The Conference featured many speakers from the Harvard community as ...
Harvard CMSA