Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2015
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 was awarded jointly to Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald "for the discovery of neutrino oscillations, which shows that ...
Nobel Prize
PHYSICS 20170109 05 Awschalom 016
Cqcs Departmental
Scientists From The NSF Hold Conference On Results From The Event Horizon Telescope | TIME
Scientists from the National Science Foundation hold a news conference on the groundbreaking results from the Event Horizon Telescope, releasing the first ...
Stephen B Libby : “High Energy Density Physics – Theory and Exp. in the Realm of the Superlasers"
Stanford University APPLIED PHYSICS/PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Tuesday, November 6, 2018 4:30 p.m. on campus in Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200 ...
Stanford Physics
Quantum Computing: Feynman’s Opportunity - Christopher Monroe - 5/12/2018
Mod-08 Lec-46 Photo-absorption by Free and Confined Atoms and Ions: Recent Developments
Special/Select Topics in the Theory of Atomic Collisions and Spectroscopy by Prof. P.C. Deshmukh,Department of Physics,IIT Madras.For more details on ...
Building Blocks of Matter
Since ancient times, humans have inquired about what makes up the world around them. In antiquity, the Greeks believed the world to be made up of earth, ...
Jefferson Lab
The Future of Quantum Communication - Panel Discussion - AAAS 2012
Institute for Quantum Computing
On-line Workshop on Excited Charge Dynamics in Semiconductors | (smr 3516) Part 5of5
The aim of the workshop is to discuss recent progress in the investigation of dynamics of excited charges in semiconductors. The workshop will reach a global ...
ICTP Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
Joseph D. Lykken - “The Future of Particle Physics”
Stanford University APPLIED PHYSICS/PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Tuesday, November 19, 2019 4:30 p.m. on campus in Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200 ...
Stanford Physics
Charles Baily: Active Learning and Quantum Simulations in the Classroom
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Programmable Photonic Integrated Circuits for Quantum Information Processing and Machine Learning
Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) now allow routing photons with high precision, low loss, as well as the integration of a wide range of photonic and electronic ...
Samsung Strategy & Innovation Center
Stanford Seminar - Data Analytics at the Exascale for Free Electron Lasers Project
Jana B. Thayer SLAC, Stanford University March 4, 2020 The increase in velocity, volume, and complexity of the data generated by the upcoming Linac ...
2016 Physics Slam
From the Fermilab archives: The 2016 Physics Slam! The 2016 Physics Slam was held at Fermilab and included talks: 7:39 Robin Bjorkquist on the muon g-2 ...
Canada’s Quantum Valley: An Integrated Pathway to the High-Tech Future 1
Welcoming Remarks from Kenneth R. Weinstein and Introduction by Arthur Herman - Keynote Remarks by Mike Lazaridis.
Hudson Institute
UXSS 2014: Coherent X-ray Scattering at Ultrafast Timescales
Oleg Shpyrko from UC San Diego discusses coherent X-ray scattering at ultrafast timescales. Talk originally given on June 18, 2014 during the Ultrafast X-ray ...
Quantum of Promise - Research Tuesdays July 2019
Unlikely as it sounds, quantum physics is as much a part of our daily lives as a morning coffee. The study of subatomic particles has enabled everything from ...
University of Adelaide
The Evolution of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Over the course of its 50 year history, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has evolved from a groundbreaking particle physics research facility to one of the ...
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
A Golden Age in Physics: Heavy Ion Physics at High Energies by Rob Pisarski
Distinguished Lectures A Golden Age in Physics: Heavy Ion Physics at High Energies Speaker : Rob Pisarski (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA) Date: 10 ...
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Adams Seminar 2019 | 1/2 Opening & Awarding of the Fellowships
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Cordially invites you to the ADAMS SEMINAR 2019 CELEBRATING THE 99TH BIRTHDAY OF MR. MARCEL ...
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
15th Annual Pappalardo Fellowships Symposium - Inna Vishik
Dr. Inna Vishik, 2013–16 Pappalardo Fellow (Experimental Condensed Matter Physics) "A Picosecond in the Life of a Superconductor"
MIT Department of Physics
Strange metals and black holes | Subir Sachdev
Science Media Centre, IISER Pune
Light and Life: Applications from physics to chemistry and biology
Presented by Professor Siva Umapathy, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
National Physical Laboratory
Developing Flexible and Robust Software in Computational Atomic and Molecular Physics
ITAMP Physics
Louis DiMauro "Transition from Multiphoton to Tunneling Regimes
Louis DiMauro (Brookhaven), Title of talk "Transition from Multiphoton to Tunneling Regimes Observed in Double Ionization Electron Energy Spectra"during ...
2D Material Workshop 2017: Nanophotonics
Xia, Fengnian 2D Material Nanophotonics.
Minnesota Nano Center
“Particle Physics at the Crossroads," Csaba Csaki, Cornell University
Particle physics has had a triumphant march since the 1950's, which culminated in the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ...
Aspen Physics
Atomically thin canvas for quantum optoelectronics
All-optical integrated circuits have long been a major pursuit for scientists and engineers, because they may allow ultra-fast computing with ultra-low power ...
MIT Energy Initiative
Wolfgang Lorenzon - The Proton Radius Puzzle - 11/10/18
SATURDAY MORNING PHYSICS Wolfgang Lorenzon "The Proton Radius Puzzle" November 10, 218 Weiser Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Michigan Channel
UXSS 2016 - Dr. Agostino Marinelli
Dr. Agostino Marinelli from SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory presents "Introduction to the Physics of Free Electron Lasers" on June 13, 2016 at the Ultrafast ...
Rob Moore Public Lecture: Building a Future From the Atoms Up
In his Apr. 4 public lecture at Perimeter Institute, Rob Moore (Assistant Director of the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences) explored how the next ...
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Tools, Techniques and Technology Connections of Particle Physics
Particle physics shares with other basic sciences the need to innovate, invent and develop tools, techniques and technologies to carry out its mission to explore ...
Jefferson Lab
Considering Higher Education in Chemistry- Yale Chemistry Department Bootcamp 2020
Hi Everyone, We hope you enjoy this graduate school application bootcamp prepared and kindly shared by the Chemistry Department at Yale University.
NSF Physics Frontiers Centers: Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics Center for Evolution for ...
Thursday, July 30, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET: NSF-funded Physics Frontiers Centers (PFCs) are pushing the frontiers of science across the disciplines of physics.
National Science Foundation
WATCH: Scientists reveal first picture of a black hole
The first image of a black hole was released Wednesday by the Event Horizon Telescope -- likely the most hyped moment of the week aside from the possible ...
PBS NewsHour
Matteo Mitrano, Harvard Physics Colloquium - 03/30/2020
Matteo Mitrano (Harvard U.), "Controlling quantum materials with light"
3/31/2015 - DSC - Sebastian Schmidt - Physics and Life
3/31/2015 Director's Special Colloquium - Dr. Sebastian Schmidt.
Argonne National Laboratory
Sergei Kalinin: "Deep Learning Dive into the Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy: Material..."
Machine Learning for Physics and the Physics of Learning 2019 Workshop II: Interpretable Learning in Physical Sciences "Deep Learning Dive into the ...
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)
Mod-01 Lec-24 Hartree-Fock Self-Consistent Field formalism - 5
Select/Special Topics in Atomic Physics by Prof. P.C. Deshmukh, Department of Physics, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit
The Quantum Origins of Gravity by Leonard Susskind
The 2018 Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture was given by Leonard Susskind (Stanford University) with the title **The Quantum Origins of Gravity ** It is often said ...
Nobel Laureate Physics 2018 Arthur Ashkin - Harvey Prize Recipient 2004
In 2004 Dr. Arthur Ashkin was awarded the Harvey Prize at Technion. Dec. 10, 2018 Ashkin is awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Dr. Ashkin retired from AT&T ...
Computing Sciences Area 2020 Postdoc Symposium — Revathi Jambunathan
Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: More Berkeley Lab ...
Berkeley Lab