What You Need to Know About the Food Supply Disruptions
Restaurants are closed due to COVID-19. Farmers are dumping fresh milk and eggs. Meat processing plants are shutting down, causing shortages of beef, ...
The Heritage Foundation
The Economics of Organic Dairy Farming in New England
In this webinar from 2010, University of Vermont agricultural economist Bob Parsons will address the economics of organic dairy farming in New England, based ...
The Future of Farming
Technology is revolutionizing farming. That's great news—by the year 2050 Earth's population will be 10 billion, so we need to almost double the amount of food ...
The Daily Conversation
Driving dry matter intake on dairy farms
Mike Hutjens from the University of Illinois presented “Driving dry matter intake on dairy farms” as part of the Hoard's Dairyman webinar on Monday, August 14, ...
Hoards Dairyman
Being a Farmer in the age of robotics and AI | James Lowenberg-DeBoer | TEDxKeeleUniversity
Professor Lowenberg-DeBoer draws on both his academic expertise and his many years experience as a farmer to explore the surprising ways in which the ...
TEDx Talks
Farming and Climate Change: Farm Business Case Studies
Farming Business Case Studies This session at our recent conference 'Farming and Climate Change: Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions', features a selection ...
Sustainable Food Trust
Introduction to International Business
BUS113: Introduction to Business Rachelle Chaykin.
Rachelle Chaykin
Can Planting Billions Of Trees Halt Climate Change?
Trees are burning up around the planet at an alarming rate and impacting the climate. Now a new effort to plant as many trees as possible has taken hold ...
How the Meat and Dairy Industry, Addicts you to their Food - David Robinson Simon
Expert Panel Host: David Robinson Simon, J.D. • Meatonomics: How the Rigged Economics of the Meat and Dairy industry, make you consume too much.
The Real Truth About Health
How Corporations Ruined Food (Food Industry Documentary) | Real Stories
When we walk into a supermarket, we assume that we have the widest possible choice of healthy foods. But in fact, over the course of the 20th century, our food ...
Real Stories
Peter Eisenman - Lecture
Lecture date: 2012-10-10 Peter Eisenman is an American architect, writer and educator whose work has long been informed by reading architecture through a ...
AA School of Architecture
WHO...Dairy Causes Cancer Too | Research Bomb
Ruining your day with science. The evidence for dairy causing cancer is as strong as processed meat causing cancer. Sources: 34% increase in prostate cancer ...
Mic the Vegan
Post-Brexit Agricultural Policy with Professor Pierre Desrochers
In recent years, activists and policymakers have called for greater agricultural protectionism and local food production. However, in the last two decades, ...
ENDGAME 2050 | Full Documentary [Official]
What will the future be like in the year 2050? A mere three decades away, most of us hope to still be around. So, what kind of future are we riding into?
Endgame 2050
Gardening with a mission | John MacLeod Lecture 2017 | Royal Horticultural Society
The John MacLeod Annual Lecture was created to highlight important and inspiring topics on horticultural science. A broad audience of RHS members, ...
RHS - Royal Horticultural Society
Improving cow comfort Webinar Video - brought to you by AHDB Dairy
Improving cow comfort on farm presented by international expert Professor Nina von Keyserlingk from University of British Columbia in Canada. The webinar will ...
AHDB Dairy
The New Rules of 21st Century Passion Economy
According to Adam Davidson, co-founder of NPR's podcast “Planet Money” and staff writer at “The New Yorker,” the middle class is not dying, robots are not ...
World Affairs
Farming and Climate Change: Making sustainable farming pay
"How could a combination of policy change, financial investment and market mechanisms create the conditions for sustainable farming to become mainstream?
Sustainable Food Trust
Getting From Ideas To Innovation In Healthcare
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) 2:00 - Andrew Hargadon, UC Davis Professor UC Davis Professor Andrew Hargadon was the keynote speaker and panelist at Blue ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
A Solution to World Hunger?
A look at some well documented and major inefficiencies in the global food distribution that are by driven food choice plus how fix them. - Links and Sources - A ...
Mic the Vegan
ORFC 2019 The promise of silvopasture - Steve Gabriel
0900 - 1000, 3rd January, Main Hall Oxford Real Farming Conference 2019 http://orfc.org.uk/orfc-programme-2019/#event-506.
Oxford Real Farming
Nathan D. B. Connolly on White Supremacy and the American City
'Blood and Soil!': White Supremacy and the American City” - a talk by Nathan D.B. Connolly, Herbert Baxter Adams Associate Professor of History at Johns ...
Brown University
The Evolving Role of Taiwan in Promoting Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Please join the CSIS China Power Project and the Americas Program on Thursday, September 26th at 10:00 am for a discussion of the evolving role of Taiwan ...
Center for Strategic & International Studies
Identifying opportunities for farmed animals | Leah Garcés | EA Global: Virtual 2020
What if a single tool could utilize animal numbers as well as economic, political, and cultural data from a multitude of countries to help effective altruists identify ...
Centre for Effective Altruism
Online Event: Are We Heading toward Another Global Food Price Crisis?
Despite strong agricultural productivity and ample grain stocks worldwide, numerous countries have applied food export restrictions for fear that supplies will run ...
Center for Strategic & International Studies
? Keto Salmon Cakes w/ Garlicky Spinach
Order our cookbook: https://amzn.to/2TOHWJLLet's make a juicy low-carb salmon cakes with garlic and butter sautéed spinach. Get the RECIPE: ...
FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
The Water We Drink | Felix Machacek | TEDxThorntonAcademy
Felix is an international student from Czech Republic attending high school in the United States. At TEDxThorntonAcademy 2019 he spoke about one of the ...
TEDx Talks
Reintroduction of grazing for dairy cows on a mixed farm in Northern Germany
What to expect: The recent intensification in European dairy production has raised environmental and sustainability questions around the current housed ...
AHDB Dairy
Rem Koolhaas
Rem Koolhaas lecture on the countryside.
Harvard GSD
The Farmer Mental Health Crisis: Understanding A Vulnerable Population
Join APA and Farm Aid for a special webinar, "The Farmer Mental Health Crisis: Understanding A Vulnerable Population," on the mental health crisis among ...
American Psychological Association
AP U.S. History: Period 6 – 1865–1898 (Immigrants, Labor, Westerners, Farmers, and Industrialism)
AP U.S. History Period 6 – 1865–1898 (Immigrants, Labor, Westerners, Farmers, Critics of Industrialism, and Big Picture of Period 6). Skills Explain how cultural ...
Advanced Placement
Bringing Love into Business and Farming - Melissa Clark-Reynolds at New Frontiers
Melissa Clark-Reynolds, the first non-farmer Director of New Zealand Beef + Lamb, talks about how bringing love, connection and understanding into business ...
Edmund Hillary Fellowship
“Knocking around between money, sex, and boredom”: Walker Evans in Havana and New York
John Tagg, Distinguished Professor of Art History, Binghamton University, State University of New York The title comes from a short memoir of his arrival in ...
2018 Nobel Peace Prize Forum Oslo: How to Solve the Climate Crisis?
The Nobel Peace Prize Forum 2018 is organized by the Norwegian Nobel Institute and Nobel Peace Prize – Research and Information AS in partnership with ...
Nobel Prize
The Power of Plant-Based Eating | Dr. Joanne Kong | TEDxWilliam&Mary
In this engaging talk, Dr. Joanne Kong explores dietary trends and advocates for the importance of plant-based eating. Dr. Joanne Kong has received praise for ...
TEDx Talks
In New York City, bringing urban farms into the classroom
New York City Public Schools grew a successful urban farming program. Now may be the right time for other school districts to do the same.
Successfully Developing a High-Performing Heifer
Learn more about the impact of colostrum quality on life-long profitability in this Real Science Lecture Series webinar with Dr. Mike Van Amburgh from Cornel ...
Dr. Peter Orszag - "The New U.S. Political Economy"
The New U.S. Political Economy Room 028, Silsby Hall 4:00 PM Dr. Peter Orszag Vice Chairman of Global Banking, Citigroup, Inc. Adjunct Senior Fellow, ...
Diet for a New America | John Robbins | Talks at Google
Americans today spend a smaller percentage of our income on food than any people in the history of the world. We spend vastly more on disease care than any ...
Talks at Google
Urban Agriculture in New York City
USDA Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden visits the Union Square Farmers Market in downtown NYC sampling products and chatting with farmers and producers ...
Environmentalist, Author, and Activist Paul Hawken in Conversation with Jonathan F. P. Rose
NOFA-VT - "Poison Free Food & Farming" with Dr. Vandana Shiva
International Scientist/Activist Dr. Vandana Shiva speaks on the steps of the Statehouse, May 6, 2019. Presented by Northeast Organic Farming Association of ...
ORCA Media