Keynote address by EFTA Court President Carl Baudenbacher
The Institute for Government hosted a keynote address by Professor Carl Baudenbacher, President of the EFTA Court. The UK Government says it wants to “take ...
Institute for Government
Dr. Susan Colbourn is an international and diplomatic historian whose research focuses on transatlantic relations, alliance politics, social movements and ...
checkmk conference #5 - Newest developments in Checkmk
Overview of major feature additions in the last year You can find a German version of this video in the 'checkmk conference #5 (German version)' playlist.
EU Company Law: Recent Developments in Restructuring and Insolvency
Ignacio Tirado, Professor of Commercial Law, Universidad Autónoma of Madrid; Senior Legal Consultant, World Bank, Madrid. / For the premium version, please ...
European Law
April 16, 2019 - Prof. Dr. Elena Calandri: Italy
Italy Prof. Dr. Elena Calandri University of Padova In light of the elections for European Parliament, the University of Cologne is organising a lecture series on ...
Coimbra Group
Forge DevCon Germany 2018 - Data at the Center and the Forge Data Platform
The Forge Data Platform is designed to help you manage, modify, share and collaborate on data from any application that exposes an API to access its data.
Fabrizio Barca: The need for a place based approach
Fabrizio Barca, author of the Barca report and former state-minister of Italy. Key note speech at the ESPON Seminar "Territorial Cohesion Post 2020: Integrated ...
proALPHA ERP User Report: Eckerle Group
Every year, more than 80 million cars roll off the assembly lines all over the world. Almost every car has parts of the Eckerle group installed. The successful ...
World Literature : Summing Up
This Lecture talks about World Literature : Summing Up.
Africa Forum 2018 - Opening and 1st session
The 18th Africa Forum took place on 31 October 2018 and was a joint effort between the OECD Development Centre and the African Union, and in partnership ...
The OECD Development Centre
SfB Video Broadcast: Ep. 40 Modern Voice in O365
In in this broadcast, we share how Skype for Business Cloud PBX and PSTN Calling features together provide a modern calling service available with your ...
Microsoft 365
April 09, 2019 - Prof. Dr. Kocher-Marboeuf: France
France: The 'French Spirit' of Europe – Remembrance and Nostalgy of the Great Nation Prof. Dr. Kocher-Marboeuf, Université de Poitiers In light of the ...
Coimbra Group
Peter Zudeick: „Heimat. Volk. Vaterland: Eine Kampfansage an Rechts“
Referat auf dem 2. Erich-Fromm-Studientag zum Thema: "...worin noch niemand war: Heimat" - am Samstag, dem 30. November 2019 im Ernst-Bloch-Zentrum ...
Erich Fromm Gesellschaft
#EUArchives – First European Commission President: Walter Hallstein
Walter Hallstein was the first president of the European Commission from 1958 to 1969, a committed European and a decisive proponent of European ...
European Commission
Saving the right to asylum | 5 March 2019
The migration crisis of 2015 revealed the inadequacies of European legal tools in terms of asylum and, by extension, in terms of managing migration flows.
Britain and the EU: Is Britain really a European society? Contributors open addresses
The British debate on the EU is abetted by a peculiar, but broadly shared, mental construction which talks about Britain and then Europe, as if Europe is ...
University of Leeds
Panel Discussion "The Way to the German Sovereignty": 30 Years "2+4 Agreement"
The Gorbachev Foundation, the Representative Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Russian Federation and the German Historical Institute ...
DHI Moskau
June 25, 2019 – Prof. Dr. Lucian Dirdala: Romania
Romania Prof. Dr. Lucian Dirdala Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi In light of the elections for European Parliament, the University of Cologne is organising a ...
Coimbra Group
Panel: "Brexit in Global and Historical Context"
The United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union would seem to mark an abrupt and unexpected break with post-WWII efforts to bring about greater ...
Webinar: Direct Routing Microsoft Teams
Direct Routing presents a new opportunity to capture revenue generating customers by delivering customized PSTN packages to Microsoft customers that are ...
Ribbon Communications
Eireann Leverett Kibersahs 2017 The Product Liability Directive of the EC and the Internet of Things
2017.gada 5.oktobrī CERT.LV un ISACA Latvijas nodaļa sadarbībā ar LMT, SQUALIO cloud consulting un Accenture Latvia rīko starptautisku kiberdrošības ...
AutoSensONLINE 2020 b-plus webcast recording
Alexander Noack (Head of Product Center Automotive Electronics at b-plus) explains how to harvest reliable AI training data for sensor function validation.
b-plus Group
Brussels I regulation - Ales Galic
50 years Brussels I: CJEU's landmark decisions on autonomous interpretation, jurisdictional issues, free movement of judgments and mutual trust.
European Judicial Training Network (EJTN)
Webinar: MIPEX 2015 Measuring Immigrant Rights and Opportunities
Canada, alongside the United States, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, is competing in the race for global talent. How can we evaluate what our ...
Cities Of Migration
Chapter 4 Class 12th Political science Best Explanation 2020
Visit website How to prepare for UPSC for Science/Commerce Students:- How to prepare for UPSC for ...
EduCoach -Experience the Education
Session 6: Completing European Economic and Monetary Union
46th Economics Conference of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank in cooperation with SUERF Friday, May 3, 2019 Session 6: Completing European Economic ...
Oesterreichische Nationalbank
[Inglés] Ralf Darendorf - Obras y pensamiento, por Thomas Clausen
Video con audio traducido al español: Ralf Dahrendorf (Hamburgo, 1 de mayo de 1929 - Colonia, 17 de junio de 2009) fue un ...
Fundación Libertad y Progreso
The European Union
In this video, we trace the evolution of the European Union since the end of WWII until Brexit. Patreon: English translation ...
Geo History
Right to the city: Housing, Gentrification and Urban Justice
Henri Lefevre's idea, Right to the City, has been interpreted in many ways. Geographer David Harvey defined it as “the right to change ourselves by changing ...
Smart City Expo World Congress
Chapter 28, Recording 2, Cold War
I make these videos for my students in AP European History. This one covers the European Economic Community, the Economic Miracle, Christian Democratic ...
Ellen Zitani
Alternative centres of power|Contemporary World Politics Class 12 ( in Hindi) 2019 Board exams
for the next chapter and all the chapters in the playlist click here:-
lostt and found
Yeutter Symposium - Hiroyuki Ishige
Hiroyuki Ishige, chairman and chief executive officer of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), will present a keynote address titled “Asia-Pacific ...
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
European Union
Alternative Centers of power.
Ravi Nayar
Data processing at the speed of 100 Gbps@Apache Crail (Incubating)
Once the staple of HPC clusters, today high-performance network and storage devices are everywhere. For a fraction of the cost, one can rent 40/100 Gbps ...
DataWorks Summit
Экономика миграции. Лекция 7 (Екатерина Селезнева)
Смотрите другие отснятые лекции, узнавайте о предстоящих мероприятиях: Группа ВК: сайт проекта:
Robert Zoellick - "Delivering Results"
As part of its Program in "Leadership and Governance," the Woodrow Wilson School welcomed Robert B. Zoellick to the School on November 28-29, 2012.
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Quo Vadis EU 2011-2012 Webinar IV
Jean Monnet Webinar IV: The EU Abroad in the World (April 25, 2012) Speakers: Dr. Alexander Mattelaer: The EU's role on the Global Stage Dr. Luis Simon ...
IES Brussels
Brazilian Tax Reform: An Overview on Congressional Bills, The Government Reform Plan New CBS Tax
Considered a priority by Congress, the government, and investors, a major tax reform is vital for recovery of the economy and attraction of foreign capital.
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce
Expodronica Panel on UTM Towards an integrated an digital airspace
Expodronica Panel on UTM Towards an integrated an digital airspace. Eduardo García, CANSO Manager of European ATM Coordination and Safety, ...
Special Keynote – The crisis of democracy: from fear to hope?
Special Keynote – The crisis of democracy: from fear to hope? | Day 3 | May 29 The rise of so-called populist parties should be taken seriously as a clear sign ...
Estoril Conferences
One Belt, One Road ? The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Perspective (17 Aug 2015)
ISAS Events
Lionel Barber: Can the Euro survive?
Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times, discussed the future of the Euro and Europe's scorecard in the financial crisis at Harvard Kennedy School on ...
Belfer Center