Election 2020: What has President Trump done to America? | The Economist
In the 2020 election, President Donald Trump will be judged on his handling of the covid-19 pandemic. But what else will be his legacy if he loses? Further ...
The Economist
How Africa could one day rival China | The Economist
Africa is changing so fast, it is becoming hard to ignore. In the short term the continent faces many problems, including covid-19, but in the long term it could rival ...
The Economist
Stockmarket v economy: the impact of covid-19 | The Economist
American stockmarkets have enjoyed a record-breaking streak, even though the country's economy faces the deepest recession in living memory. Why is ...
The Economist
The Economist looks ahead to showdowns in 2020
If you thought 2019 was a roller coaster, just wait. The Economist is out with its annual look ahead, and if its predictions are right, 2020 could be quite a year.
CBS News
Covid-19: what will happen to the global economy? | The Economist
The covid-19 pandemic has caused economic chaos and uncertainty. Zanny Minton Beddoes, our editor-in-chief, and Edward Carr, our deputy editor, answer ...
The Economist
Covid-19: why vaccine mistrust is growing | The Economist
A vaccine for covid-19 could be rolled out before the end of the year. But a worrying rise in mistrust of vaccines threatens its effectiveness. Now & Next is a series ...
The Economist
How to prepare for the next global recession | The Economist
A decade after the global recession, the world's economy is vulnerable again. Ryan Avent, our economics columnist, considers how the next recession might ...
The Economist
China v America: who is in charge? | The Economist
Global leadership has been missing during the covid-19 pandemic. While President Trump has been pulling America out of global organisations like the WHO, ...
The Economist
The new scramble for Africa | The Economist
The past decade has seen a big surge of foreign interest in Africa—involving China, India and Russia. If the continent handles this new "scramble" wisely, the ...
The Economist
Joe Biden wins: what next for America? | The Economist
Joe Biden has won the race to become America's next president. Our experts answer your questions on potential court battles, a divided country and the future of ...
The Economist
Covid-19: how it will change the world | The Economist
Even when covid-19 is under control, the long-term effects of the virus will be far-reaching. How will the coronavirus pandemic—and the way it has been ...
The Economist
How migration could make the world richer | The Economist
Many of the recent political shifts in the West—the election of Donald Trump, the rise of populism in Europe and Brexit—can be partially attributed to the fear of ...
The Economist
How modern families increase social inequality | The Economist
Modern families with two working adults are richer than those with a single breadwinner, and can afford to take a different approach to parenting. This is ...
The Economist
Covid-19: why the economy could fare worse than you think | The Economist
Three months after lockdown was relaxed in China, its economy is now running at around 90% of normal levels. Although 90% may sound fine, for many it could ...
The Economist
Why is chicken so cheap? | The Economist
People eat 65 billion chickens every year. It is the fastest-growing meat product. Yet pound for pound the price of chicken has fallen sharply. How has this ...
The Economist
Prestigiosa revista The Economist escogió a Colombia como país del año
Emitido el 20 de Diciembre de 2016. Lo hizo por lo que llamó el "colosal logro" de haber firmado la paz con las FARC. También lanza pullas a los opositores.
Noticias Caracol
The internet's second revolution | The Economist
The second half of humanity is joining the internet. People in countries like India will change the internet, and it will change them. Read more from The ...
The Economist
America’s stimulus package: is it working? | The Economist
America has spent trillions of dollars on stimulus packages to prop up its economy in the face of the covid-19 pandemic. But is it working—and what will the ...
The Economist
Covid-19: Bill Gates predicts the end of the pandemic | The Economist
Bill Gates had long warned of the risk that a new virus would go global. Now he explains to Zanny Minton Beddoes, our editor-in-chief, how—and when—the ...
The Economist
China v America: why universities are on the front line | The Economist
The covid-19 pandemic could cause a massive drop in the number of Chinese students travelling abroad. That would be disastrous for many Western ...
The Economist
Abhijit Banerjee: how to fight poverty | The Economist
Abhijit Banerjee is a Nobel Prize winning economist. These are his radical ideas for fighting global poverty. Subscribe NOW to The Economist: ...
The Economist
Election 2020: what a Biden victory could mean for America | The Economist
Joe Biden currently stands a good chance of winning the presidency. He is a lifelong centrist, but could turn out to be the most ambitious Democratic president in ...
The Economist
Singapore's Economic Success | The Economist
When it started life as an independent, separate country in 1965, Singapore's prospects did not look good. Tiny and underdeveloped, it had no natural resources ...
The Economist
La revista británica The Economist arremetió nuevamente contra el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador en uno de sus artículos aseguró que "nada ...
Liberalism: where did it come from and are its days numbered? | The Economist
Liberalism has been the dominant political philosophy in the West for more than 200 years. Populists say liberals are too elite and are out of touch with ordinary ...
The Economist
Afghanistan: why the Taliban can't be defeated | The Economist
After almost 20 years of war with America, the Taliban control ever more territory in Afghanistan. Why has America failed to defeat them? Read more here: ...
The Economist
The changing face of tourism | The Economist
Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world—and it's rapidly changing. Chinese travellers have overtaken Americans as the biggest spenders and ...
The Economist
Covid-19: why travel will never be the same | The Economist
Covid-19 has devastated global travel and—as the industry recovers from the effects of the pandemic—tourism will be increasingly localised and complicated.
The Economist
How to tackle corruption | The Economist
Corruption costs the world nearly $3trn a year. Here are some of the innovative ways in which communities, companies and countries are tackling it. Click here ...
The Economist
Covid-19: how bad will it be for the economy? | The Economist
The coronavirus pandemic has killed thousands of people, crashed stockmarkets around the world, driven 10m Americans to claim unemployment and caused ...
The Economist
Margaret Thatcher's economic legacy | The Economist
Did Margaret Thatcher's radical, widely lauded economic agenda actually spark an improvement in Britain's fortunes? Click here to subscribe to The Economist ...
The Economist
Covid-19: your questions about coronavirus, answered | The Economist
The novel coronavirus has killed thousands of people and is devastating the global economy. Ed Carr, The Economist's deputy editor, and Alok Jha, our science ...
The Economist
Putin, the poisoning and Belarus: what's really going on? | The Economist
Vladimir Putin has been rattled by protests in Belarus and Russia's far east—and stands accused of poisoning Alexei Navalny, his only real political rival at ...
The Economist
Where is the world's most liveable city? | The Economist
Where is the world's most liveable city? The Economist Intelligence Unit has ranked 140 cities based on their liveability. Melbourne, Australia, has been ranked ...
The Economist
Is private education good for society? | The Economist
Across the world private education is booming. Though private schools and tuition promote inequality, Emma Duncan, our social policy editor, explains why ...
The Economist
The true cost of fast fashion | The Economist
Millions of tonnes of clothes end up in landfill every year—it's one of the fastest-growing categories of waste in the world. How can the fashion industry continue ...
The Economist
$1bn to save the ocean | The Economist
We asked Sir David Attenborough and four other leading thinkers on ocean conservation how they would invest $1bn to protect the ocean. Some of their ...
The Economist
Italy's divisions | The Economist
150 years after its unification, Italy remains riven by regional differences Subscribe NOW to The Economist: http://econ.st/1Fsu2Vj Get more The Economist ...
The Economist
How to get migration right | The Economist
Governments need to find better ways of managing migration. Greater freedom of movement could make the world richer, but voters need convincing.
The Economist
What will be the biggest stories of 2020? | The Economist
The battle for the White House, a possible global recession, Beethoven the eco-warrior, nurses taking centre stage and a controversial Olympic Games.
The Economist
University: does a degree pay? | The Economist
The pressure for school-leavers to get a university degree is rising across the world. But does further education lead to better pay and opportunities? Click here ...
The Economist
What does a cashless future mean? | The Economist
Many countries are going cashless at great speed. What are the advantages of ditching hard cash and what are the dangers? Read more about a cashless ...
The Economist