African Liberation Day! Charles H, Wright Museum of A. A. H. #2
African Liberation Day! Charles H, Wright Museum of A. A. H. #1 * * No Struggle, No Development Production! By KennySnod, Activist, Photographer, ...
Frank B. Wilderson III | Afropessimism
Recorded April 28, 2020 Frank B. Wilderson III spent more than five years in South Africa, where he was one of two Americans elected to the African National ...
Author Events
Quinn Slobodian – Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism
Neoliberals hate the state. Or do they? In the first intellectual history of neoliberal globalism, Quinn Slobodian follows a group of thinkers from the ashes of the ...
Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
What is the WESTERN SAHARA Conflict?
What is the Western Sahara Conflict - also known as the Western Sahara Dispute? By all accounts, Western Sahara should be a fully independent state and a ...
James Ker-Lindsay
Raven Leilani and Kiley Reid | The Harry Belafonte Black Liberation Speaker Series
Reid and Leilani's debut novels reflect on the struggles faced by young Black women trying to find happiness and success inside worlds dominated by ...
The New York Public Library
Professor Ashwin Desai : Stephen Biko & the Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa
Professor Ashwin Desai shares personal memories of the life and times of Bantu Stephen Biko and the Black Consciousness Movement.
Mela on SABC
Video 11: The difficulty of reading FREEDOM and the solution
This video appears on the World Transformation Movement homepage: ______ The difficulty of reading about the human ...
World Transformation Movement
Lola Olufemi & Minna Salami: Critical Reflections on Feminism
Since 2010, the award-winning blog MsAfropolitan has connected feminism with critical reflections on contemporary culture from an Africa-centred perspective.
Mau Mau Uprising 1952-60 - Anti-British Rebellion in Kenya
Our historical documentary series on the history of the Cold War continues with a video on the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, which was one of the first ...
The Cold War
Black British Feminisms: The Heart of the Race
In 1985 Beverly Bryan, Stella Dadzie and Suzanne Scafe, members of OWAAD (Organisation of Women of African & Asian Descent), published Heart of the ...
Cambridge Sociology
Molefi Kete Asante - "We Wear the Mask" by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Dr. Molefi Kete Asante is Professor and Chair, Department of African American Studies at Temple University. Considered by his peers to be one of the most ...
The Brainwaves Video Anthology
fully biology reduced detailed syllabus | class 12 | new indian era
New Indian ERA (NIE)
Women in the 19th Century: Crash Course US History #16
In which John Green finally gets around to talking about some women's history. In the 19th Century, the United States was changing rapidly, as we noted in the ...
bell hooks and Laverne Cox in a Public Dialogue at The New School
A Public Dialogue between bell hooks & Laverne Cox hosted by Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts ( Laverne Cox is a ...
The New School
Exploring the Humanities in American Life
The American Academy's Humanities Indicators project has published its latest findings about the public's engagement with the humanities. The report reveals ...
American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Womanist Biblical Hermeneutics | ANNOTATE
'I Found God in Me' is the first womanist biblical hermeneutics reader. In it readers have access, in one volume, to articles on womanist ...
Wipf and Stock Publishers
Event: Navigating North Africa in 2020 (panel three and closing remarks)
North Africa is rapidly transforming, but each of its five constituent countries are following markedly different trajectories. Watch the 2020 conference from King's ...
War Studies KCL
Justice Sonia Sotomayor Explains Magna Carta to Students from School Without Walls
Justice Sonia Sotomayor made a special visit to the Young Readers Center to read a book and talk about Magna Carta to 6th grade students from the School ...
Library of Congress
Imani Perry - 2020 Valparaiso University MLK Celebration Speech
Imani Perry is the Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studies and faculty associate in the Program in Law and Public Affairs and Gender and ...
Valparaiso University
Tarun Khanna on Trust: Creating the Foundation for Entrepreneurship in Developing Countrie
Tarun Khanna, Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor, Harvard Business School, on his new book, Trust: Creating the Foundation for Entrepreneurship in Developing ...
Harvard University
Tribute to Dr Frances Cress Welsing on The Rock Newman Show
On this Special Edition of The Rock Newman Show we pay tribute to the legacy of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing for her lifelong commitment to educate, expose ...
In conversation with: Prof Catherine Burns (CSA&G, UP)
Episode 1 of the 'In conversation with' series. An interview series with researchers and practitioners focusing on Gender Justice, tackling Gender Based ...
Centre for Sexualities, AIDS & Gender (CSA&G)
The Victorians: Empire and Race - Professor Richard Evans
Science and religion came together to help shape the attitudes of the British and Europeans towards the rest of the world, whose inhabitants were increasingly ...
Gresham College
Imani Perry -- Blackletter Law: Jurisprudence in the African American Imagination
The Reuben A. and Cheryl Casselberry Munday Distinguished Lecture presents Imani Perry. Imani Perry is the Hughes-Rogers Professor of African American ...
Africana Studies Cornell University
“These Tyrannical Times: Poetry as Liberatory, Poetry as Undoing” Dionne Brand and Harryette Mullen
To post in the chat, please watch the event at: Moderated by Emily Greenwood (run-time: 90 minutes) This event ...
The Promise of Change: Vision and Reality in Obama's Presidency
Howard Zinn, a College of Arts & Sciences professor emeritus of political science, shares the stage with novelist Mary Gordon, author James Carroll, and Boston ...
Boston University
The 2019 TB Davie Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor Steven Salaita
The 2019 TB Davie Memorial Lecture was presented by Dr Steven Salaita – a Palestinian-American scholar, author and public speaker, on 7 August 2019.
University of Cape Town South Africa
Follow Us On Twitter & FB: @UrbanNationNews Tuesday, June 30, 2015 DURHAM (WTVD) -- A local minister is hoping to give Independence Day a whole new ...
Urban Nation News
Intersectionality Matters: A Conversation with Kimberlé Crenshaw
Join us for a conversation with Kimberlé Crenshaw, hosted by Janine Jackson, about why intersectionality matters in this moment of crisis. For more info on our ...
Haymarket Books
Michael Pollan on the Power of Psychedelics [CC]
Michael Pollan, best known for his investigations into the complicated human-food-plants relationship (The Omnivore's Dilemma, The Botany of Desire), now ...
Chicago Humanities Festival
Democracy & the Rule of Law in Uganda- Straight Talk Africa
Straight Talk Africa host Shaka Ssali is joined by Major General Kahinda Otafiire Ugandan Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs and Colonel Dr. Kizza ...
VOA Africa
Liberation or obliteration? Two sides of the Raqqa story | The Listening Post
On The Listening Post this week: How media on different sides of the Syrian war portrayed the capture of Raqqa from ISIL. Plus, Lebanese media and the ...
Al Jazeera English
The Common Wind Symposium at Duke University Honoring Julius S. Scott
On Saturday, February 29, 2020, a group of Duke History Ph.D. alumni returned to campus with Julius S. Scott (Ph.D.'86 History) to celebrate the influence and ...
Scholars and Publics
Sam Sharpe Lecture 2019
The world-renowned speaker Professor Verene Shepherd (pictured) delivered the 2019 lecture on the theme of Women in Sam Sharpe's Army: Repression, ...
Baptist UnionGB
NBF Presents: A New American Curriculum (Dec 15, 2020)
National Book Award–honored authors Erica Armstrong Dunbar (NEVER CAUGHT: THE WASHINGTONS' RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF THEIR RUNAWAY ...
National Book Foundation
People-of-Color-Blindness: A Lecture by Jared Sexton
Jared Sexton, Associate Professor and Director of the Program in African American Studies at UC Irvine, will discuss the concept of "people of color," highlighting ...
UC Berkeley Events
Peace and Justice - The Roots of Mideast Terror - Mahmood Mamdani, Ph.D. St. Scholastica
Mahmood Mamdani, author and professor of government at Columbia University, spoke Thursday, Oct. 28, in the Mitchell Auditorium on The College of St.
The College of St. Scholastica
Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970
A lecture by Neelam Srivastava, Newcastle University Neelam Srivastava talks about her recently published book, "Italian Colonialism and Resistances to ...
Fascism: The Decay of Capitalism
As protests continue around the globe and COVID continues to take it's toll, more and more people are becoming disillusioned with the current system. They are ...
Mad Blender
Dr. Claud Anderson on The Rock Newman Show
Dr, Claud Anderson, President of PowerNomics Corporation of America has the plan to put Black America on it's feet to economic independence. And has a ...
67.Pres Ke Virudh Pratibandh, AdhunikItihas, Modern History ,UPSC,PCS pre & mains by Study 91.
history nitin sir, adhunikitihas by nitin sir, modern history , history mains classes, ias, pcs, state pcs, uppcs, mppcs, rpcs,bpcs, pre & mains & All Gov. Exams by ...
Moor Mother on Sampling, Afrofuturism and Collaboration | Red Bull Music Academy
Subscribe to Red Bull Music Academy: Moor Mother discussed her upbringing in Maryland, Black Quantum Futurism, being ...
Red Bull Music Academy