Journal of urban health : Bull. of the New York acad. of medicine. Vol.24, №11
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Journal of urban health : Bull. of the New York acad. of medicine. Vol.24, №11

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Серии: ; Journal of urban health
Иностранная периодика
1948 Написание диссертации по данной теме
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Дата создания:
2021-01-06 17:16:44
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The Journal of Urban Health with David Vlahov
David Vlahov, PhD, RN is Professor at the University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing and Editor-in-Chief of the ...
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Journal of urban health : Bull. of the New York acad. of medicine. Vol.24, №11
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The Journal of Urban Health with Marc Gourevitch
Marc Gourevitch, MD, MPH, Chair, Department of Population Health, NYU School of Medicine and Editorial Board Member of ...
Integrating health in urban and territorial planning: a sourcebook
The way we plan and build our urban environments defines our quality of life and has an impact on our health and well-being.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Why Study Urban Health?
Why do we study health in cities? It's going to be the way we live going forward. Learn more about the Drexel Urban Health ...
Urban Health Collaborative
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Dr. Sharon Friel, Professor of Health Equity, Australian National University Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, our ...
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