The Kingdom of God is within you (04 - Christianity misunderstood by men of science) [AudioBook]
04 - Christianity misunderstood by men of science The Kingdom of God is within you by Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910) Read by Nikki Sullivan Copyright: CC.
Simon May - What is Love?
What is Love? Simon May Blackfriars Main Aula, Oxford. I briefly trace the origin of our prevailing Western conceptions of love and argue that they constitute the ...
The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1894) by Leo Tolstoy - Chapter 4
This work is the culmination of Tolstoy's profound spiritual awakening. It argues with force, clarity, and profound zeal for a definition of "Christianity" based on a ...
Jade Vine
Were We Really Created by God? - Sadhguru
Were we really created by God?” a seeker asks Sadhguru. Our ideas of God sprung from a need to explain the creation, and vary from culture to culture, ...
Will Durant---The Philosophy of Francis Bacon
Will Durant---The Philosophy of Francis Bacon.
Rocky C
Maps of Meaning - Audiobook Part 3 - (Chapter 1)
copyright note to YouTube manual reviewers: this is my own narration of a JBPs work. I asked Dr Peterson before doing this and he also retweeting my ...
Vox Stoica
Yuval Noah Harari about the Future of Humanity | Talk-TV | Sternstunde Philosophie | SRF Kultur
After his bestseller “A Brief History of Humankind” perspicacious historian Yuval Harari looks to the future. In his book “Homo Deus” he says that the end of ...
SRF Kultur
Extremely Intelligent Man Learns Icelandic in a Week (Memory Championship Documentary) | Only Human
An extraordinary documentary on the brainpower of Daniel T, a young Englishman, who could be the world's greatest mental athlete. Daniel is not just a memory ...
Only Human
Biblical Series VIII: The Phenomenology of the Divine
In the next series of stories, the Biblical patriarch Abram (later: Abraham) enters into a covenant with God. The history of Israel proper begins with these stories.
Jordan B Peterson
The Cost of Enlightenment | Daniel Ajamian
The Lou Church Memorial Lecture, sponsored by the Lou Church Foundation. Recorded at the Mises Institute on March 23, 2019. Includes an introduction by ...
Divine Darkness and Divine Light with Stanton Marlan, Ph.D.
Jungian Analyst Stanton Marlan presents "Divine Darkness and Divine Light: Alchemical Illumination and the Mystical Play between Knowing and Unknowing.
Pacifica Graduate Institute
23rd Annual Templeton Lecture on Religion and World Affairs
The apparently sudden resurgence of religious movements in world politics since the 1970s stunned scholars of international relations who had clung to that ...
Foreign Policy Research Institute
Tolstoy the Spiritual Anarchist: On "A Confession"
A look at Leo Tolstoy's existential crisis and subsequent conversion to Christian humanism. We examine Tolstoy's great late work "A Confession" to trace the ...
Paul Griffin
D. The Concept of Religious Language as Symbol
Philosophy and Ethics
Secrets of the Moon | Episode 01 | By the light of the Moon
Clicke here for episode 2: From Prehistoric times to the Copernic Revolution, the Moon has been a rich source of inspiration and ...
Partially Examined Life podcast - Schleiermacher - On Religion
This is an excerpt from a prior episode of The Partially Examined Life podcast, discussing Friedrich Schleiermacher's On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured ...
The Partially Examined Life
This is an extract from one of our timeline projects. Please visit our timeline website for more information and to access our online ...
Timeline Theological Videos
Archetypes and Male Divinities: Crash Course World Mythology #15
This week on Crash Course Mythology, Mike is teaching you about the archetypes that are often associated with male divinities. We're going to talk about ...
1. Introduction
Introduction to Ancient Greek History (CLCV 205) Professor Donald Kagan explains why people should study the ancient Greeks. He argues that the Greeks are ...
The Marvel Universe: A History (Full Story)
Comics Explained
Lecture 1: What is reason?
To watch this in hi-def, go to: ) Reason is a 10-part video lecture series by David Kelley and William R ...
Atlas Society
Omali Yeshitela: If Jesus Was A Revolutionary, How Can Your Preacher Be Such An Uncle Tom?
Omali Yeshitela is a revolutionary who has struggled and led the movement for African liberation over the past 40 years. Leader of the Uhuru Movement, and ...
The Burning Spear TV
Humans and Nature and Creation: Crash Course World Mythology #6
In which Mike Rugnetta brings you the final installation of our unit on creation myths. This week, we're talking about human beings and their relationship to the ...
? Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy - A Grain As Big As A Hen's Egg (Short Stories)?
"A Grain As Big As A Hen's Egg" (Russian: Зерно с куриное яйцо) is an 1886 short story by Leo Tolstoy about a king seeking to understand the properties of a ...
Sharky Oceanson
Naked Science - Who Built Stonehenge?
Subscribe to Naked Science - Every other Wednesday we present a new video, so join us to see the truth laid bare... Stonehenge ...
Naked Science
The God Helmet, featuring Dr. Husband | Also a crash course in Psych Research Methods and Statistics
This video covers the 1990 paper by Ruttan, Persinger, and Koren called "Enhancement of temporal lobe-related experiences during brief exposures to ...
Cass Eris
Politics and Religion. A Reading of Eric Voegelin // Professor Bruno Latour
2. Vorlesung: "Politics and Religion. A Reading of Eric Voegelin" Die Albertus-Magnus-Professur wurde an der Universität zu Köln im Gedenken an den ...
C. S. Lewis - Transposition
Buy the audiobook:
C. S. Lewis essays
Idealism vs materialism: mind and matter
Ben Curry provides an in-depth history of the contrasting philosophies of idealism and materialism. These are the two fundamental trends in philosophy, which ...
Socialist Appeal
The myth of Pandora’s box - Iseult Gillespie
Find out how students can share their ideas as TED Talks here: View full lesson: ...
On Worldbuilding: Religions [ polytheistic l Avatar TLA l Game of Thrones l Cthulhu ]
Use my link or text hellofutureme to 500-500 to get a free book and 30 day free trial. STOP SLAVERY, GET A SUBFURY ...
Hello Future Me
Conference: Martin Buber, Philosopher of Dialogue
Day two of a two-day conference in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Buber's death, bringing together leading scholars from around the country ...
The University of Chicago
Befriending the Beloved Mystery with Magic Mushrooms: Katherine MacLean
You can watch all our videos at Psychedelics have officially re-entered mainstream consciousness, through clinical research ...
Steven Bancarz Debunks New Age Jesus Myths
Ex New Age Teacher Steven Bancarz debunks New Age Jesus Christ Myths such as Christ consciousness & Jesus being a mushroom. [Your Mate Tom Podcast ...
Your Mate Tom
Orthodoxy (audiobook) by G. K. Chesterton - part 1
Check out this book Orthodoxy (audiobook) by G. K. Chesterton (1874 -- 1936) ...
Audio Books
01 Modernist Theories of Religion 01 (Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism)
The first topic in the Beliefs in Society unit concerns the modernist theories of religion - looking at the work of Durkheim, Malinowski, Parsons, Marx, Althusser, ...
Esher Sociology
Pakistan: The Road To Shangri-La with David Adams (Utopian Mystery Documentary) | Timeline
Legend tells of a utopian kingdom hidden among the towering mountains of inner Asia. A paradise on Earth, yet a place apart. A place of spiritual contentment ...
Timeline - World History Documentaries
The Picts: Scotland's First People - History, Spirituality & Battle
This is a collection of words, photos and video clips about "The Picts".., who are considered by many.., be Scotland's first Indigenous People. ------------- The ...
Jaguar Bird
Kenan Distinguished Lecture in Ethics: Cornel West and Robert George
A conversation on friendship and faith across political difference.
Edward Edinger - Encounters with the Greater Personality
"Encounters with the Greater Personality" Lecture by Edward Edinger. Presented by the San Diego Friends of Jung.
San Diego Friends of Jung
Conversations with History: Akbar Ganji
Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes Iranian journalist and human rights activist Akbar Ganji for a discussion of the dynamics of change in Iran. Topics ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
The Mist of Avalon Guide (Part 1) Mistress of Magic
The Epic fantasy novel The Mist of Avalon takes place during a time of great change in Britain. It is a story of love, and treachery, magic, and betrayal. The novel ...
Quinn's Ideas