Sean Carroll, "Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime"
One of the great intellectual achievements of the twentieth century was the theory of quantum mechanics, according to which observational results can only be ...
Harvard Science Book Talks and Research Lectures
Particle Physics - the building blocks of the universe
The work of the Particle Physics research group at the University of Warwick.
Sean Carroll - The Particle at the End of the Universe: Q&A
Following his talk at the Ri, theoretical physicist Sean Carroll takes questions from a packed audience in the famous Faraday Theatre. Chaired by science ...
The Royal Institution
Alan Guth: Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse?
Inflationary Cosmology: Is Our Universe Part of a Multiverse? Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Laureate Alan Guth, Hunter College (CUNY), New ...
Lisa Randall. How Physics Scales the Universe
Quantum theories help us to understand a reality that is hidden from our senses, but which affects our daily lives more than we can imagine. Lisa Randall is one ...
Physics in Trouble: Why the Public Should Care
In this Microsoft Research program, American theoretical physicist Lee Smolin, author of "The Trouble with Physics," states that physics has lost its way amid ...
Simulation #123 Dr. Garrett Lisi - Our Geometric Universe
Garrett is a theoretical physicist and founder of the Pacific Science Institute in Maui. Welcome ✌ We Uncover The Nature of Reality 1 Interview Smart ...
Neutrino Physics I - André de Gouvêa
Prospects in Theoretical Physics Particle Physics at the LHC and Beyond Topic: Neutrino Physics I Speaker: André de Gouvêa Date: July 18, 2017.
Institute for Advanced Study
Introduction to Particle Physics
Professor Mike Charlton gives an introduction to Particle Physics with Dr Tom Whyntie of CERN at the Cheltenham Science Festival.
collegeofscience swansea
Physics in the Dark: Searching for the Universe’s Missing Matter
If you believe the world's leading physicists, the vast majority of matter in the universe is hiding in plain sight. For nearly a century, evidence has mounted that the ...
World Science Festival
What is the Future of Particle Accelerators?
Suzie Sheehy chairs a discussion between accelerator physicists from across the field on what's next for particle accelerators. Watch our full series on particle ...
The Royal Institution
What´s Wrong with Physics Today - Why the standard models are an erosion of science
What's Wrong with Physics Today - Why the standard models are an erosion of science Dr. Alexander Unzicker (Pestalozzi-Gymnasium, Munich, Germany) ...
Risky Space Travel - Danger in Space | SPACETIME - SCIENCE SHOW
SPACETIME - SCIENCE SHOW: Space, John F. Kennedy once said, is the new ocean. And for more than half a century now, man has been exploring this ocean ...
WELT Documentary
Quantum Mathematics and the Fate of Space, Time and Matter - Robbert Dijkgraaf
The elementary particles that make up the bizarre quantum world not only represents a more fundamental description of nature, they also inspires a new realm ...
The Mystery of Empty Space
Visit: Get ready to re-think your ideas of reality. Join UCSD physicist Kim Griest as he takes you on a fascinating excursion, addressing some ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
What is Dark Matter and Why Does it Matter?
In this public lecture, Fermilab physicist Dan Bauer explains what scientists know about dark matter, the mysterious, invisible stuff that accounts for most of the ...
Alexander Unzicker at the 2nd Rational Physics Conference in Salzburg-Austria
Testing the Limits of Cosmology
As physicists attempt to answer some of science's biggest questions about the universe, they are testing the limits of experimental and observational science ...
World Science Festival
Does the world need a larger particle collider?
In this video I discuss whether physicists should build or not to build a bigger particle collider. I explain why accelerating particles and colliding them is a good ...
Sabine Hossenfelder
Adventures of Particle Physicist - CERN Scientist | Mrs. Archana Sharma
Happy to invite you all to listen from CERN - Scientist - Switzerland, *Archana Sharma, who will deliver a lecture titled "Adventures of Particle Physicist" jointly ...
"Lawrence Krauss - Life, the Universe, and Nothing: A Cosmic Mystery Story "
Webcast sponsored by Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the Vancouver Institute. Lawrence Krauss' work has been primarily in theoretical (as ...
The University of British Columbia
Leonard Susskind on Richard Feynman, the Holographic Principle, and Unanswered Questions in Physics
Leonard Susskind is a professor of theoretical physics at Stanford University and he's regarded as one of the fathers of string theory.
Y Combinator
Lee Smolin: Galaxy rotation curves: missing matter, or missing physics?
Lee Smolin, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics June 14, 2017 Cosmology and the Future of Spacetime conference Western University, London, Ontario, ...
Rotman Institute of Philosophy
Joseph D. Lykken - “The Future of Particle Physics”
Stanford University APPLIED PHYSICS/PHYSICS COLLOQUIUM Tuesday, November 19, 2019 4:30 p.m. on campus in Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 200 ...
Stanford Physics
Physics: its birth in Greek Ionia
A scientific approach to the universe started to take off in around 600 BCE in Greek cities. What were the pioneering theories of early 'scientists'? A lecture by ...
Gresham College
The Vacuum Catastrophe
Viewers like you help make PBS (Thank you ) . Support your local PBS Member Station here: If vacuum energy really does ...
PBS Space Time
Echoes From The Beginning: A Journey Through Space And Time
In what many call a “golden age of cosmology”, astronomers can now observe the universe with unprecedented precision, resulting in spectacular progress in ...
World Science Festival
Erik Verlinde Public Lecture: A New View on Gravity and the Dark Side of the Cosmos
In his public lecture at Perimeter on October 4, 2017, Dr. Erik Verlinde explored the core ideas behind this research into emergent gravity, and examine the ...
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Leonard Susskind - How Do Particles Explain the Cosmos?
The cosmos is vast, the largest stuff that exists. Particles are tiny, the smallest stuff that exists. Yet the particles compose the cosmos; there is nothing in the ...
Closer To Truth
Quantum Theory - Full Documentary HD
Check: The World of Quantum - Full Documentary HD For more Scientific DOCUMENTARIES. Subscribe ...
Advexon Science Network
Supersymmetric Particle Found?
With the large hadron collider running out of places to look for clues to a deeper theory of physics, we need a bigger particle accelerator. We have one - the ...
PBS Space Time
Cosmology for Feynman: What We Know & What We Don’t Know - Michael Turner - 5/12/2018
Newton Medal winner (2010): Edward Witten
Dame Jocelyn Bell presents the 2010 Newton Medal to Edward Witten who gives a revealing interview to the Institute of Physics. He applied mathematical ...
Institute of Physics
How Beauty Leads Physics Astray
To develop new laws of nature, physicists routinely rely on arguments from beauty. This method has worked badly and has resulted in 40 years of stagnation in ...
Santa Fe Institute
Dan Hooper discusses At The Edge of Time: Exploring The Mysteries of Our Universe's First Seconds
cosmology #particlephysics #bigbang Professor Hooper focuses on the interface between particle physics and cosmology. Particle ...
Arthur C. Clarke Center for Human Imagination
Quantum Mechanics and String Theory | Gerard 't Hooft, Cumrun Vafa, and more
Leading physics discuss quantum and string theory. Watch more on quantum and string theory at ...
The Institute of Art and Ideas
Public Lecture—Deep Secrets of the Neutrino: Physics Underground
Lecture Date: Tuesday, March 23, 2010. Among the many beautiful, unexpected and sometimes revolutionary discoveries to emerge from subatomic physics, ...
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Sean Carroll: Many Worlds
Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist, a professor at CalTech, and an acclaimed science writer. And there might be more than one of him. At least, that's what his ...
Chicago Humanities Festival
Multi-messenger astrophysics neutrino breakthrough!
On Sept. 22, 2017, the National Science Foundation's IceCube Neutrino Observatory alerted the international astronomy community that a high-energy neutrino ...
National Science Foundation
Lawrence M. Krauss || A Universe from Nothing || Radcliffe Institute
The question "Why is there something rather than nothing?" has been asked for millennia by people who argue for a creator of our universe. Taking a trip back to ...
Harvard University
Black Holes and the Fundamental Laws of Physics - with Jerome Gauntlett
Black holes are extraordinary and may even hold the key to unlocking the next phase in our understanding of the laws of physics. Watch the Q&A here: ...
The Royal Institution
A New View on Gravity and the Cosmos | Erik Verlinde
Where did it all come from?” This eternal question has served as the driving force for human innovation and evolution. Curiosity continues to take progress from ...
Studium Generale Delft