2012 Nobel Lectures in Chemistry
Robert J. Lefkowitz delivered his Nobel Lecture, "A Brief History of G-Protein Coupled Receptors" on 8 December 2012, at Aula Magna, Stockholm University, ...
Nobel Prize
DistinguishedTalk03: Nanoelectronic characterization of advanced materials
Distinguished Talk 03: Nanoelectronic characterization of advanced materials using conductive atomic force microscopy by prof. Dr. Mario Lanza (Soochow ...
IEEE SSCS-EDS South Brazil Chapter
How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr)
In this video, Prof. Carr (faculty member at the University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry) is explaining the Algorithm of writing a paper in a weekend.
Surviving and Thriving in Higher Education
Fast Publication Unpaid/SCOPUS/SCI/UGC CARE Journals: Selection Method for all Fields
The method to Fast Publication Unpaid/SCOPUS/SCI/UGC CARE Journals alomost for all field is well explained in this video so that you will be able to find the ...
My Research Support
In 15 Days Scopus and Sci Elsevier Journals | Fast Publication and Notification
computersciencejournal #multidisciplinaryjournals #scopusjournals #pharmajournals #drdineshj For Research Assistance, follow this link to join my WhatsApp ...
Computer Science Academy By Dinesh Sir
How to publish research paper in unpaid/Scopus/SCI/peer-reviewed Journals....
In this video, almost everything about research paper publication is discussed means research paper, their types, where to publish research paper. How to ...
My Research Support
Publishing in SCI Journals: Amazing Hacks for Faster Approvals of Research Papers
Get to know amazing hacks for faster approvals of research papers and get published in SCI, Scopus, Impact Factor journals.
Five Vidya
Wide Bandgap (WBG) Power Electronics for Heavy-Duty Vehicles | Dr Brij N Singh
Abstract: This presentation will discuss public information related to John Deere project funded by the US DOE-PowerAmerica. Through PowerAmerica, John ...
Janamejaya Channegowda
Greg Offer & David Ainsworth - Lithium-sulfur Batteries Conference 2017 Opening
Presented at Li-SM3 2017 at the IET in London (see www.lism3.org) Presenters: Drs. David Ainsworth and Greg Offer Affiliations: OXIS Energy and Imperial ...
Energy Futures Lab
If You Had Everything Computationally Where Would You Put it, Financially?
Google Tech Talks May 5, 2008 ABSTRACT Technology has transformed investment and trading over the past 30 years. Markets have become computer ...
Google TechTalks
Scopus Journals Publish in Less than 30 Days | Fast Publication Scopus Journals | #rapidpublication
fastpublicationscopusjournals #publishpaperwithin1month #scopusindexedjournals For Research Assistance, follow this link to join my WhatsApp group: ...
Computer Science Academy By Dinesh Sir
Tips mencari referensi pada database elektronik yang dilanggan Perpustakaan UGM
Tips ini berisi info sumber referensi pada berbagai database yang dilanggan UGM. Melalui dua pendekatan utama: dari dalam jaringan internet kampus, atau ...
Perpustakaan FT UGM
Best SCOPUS indexed Journals II SCI Journals II Unpaid Journals for Quick Publications
In this video, 8 best SCOPUS/SCI/Unpaid Journals are discussed those are having very fast publication process, However few of the journals mentioned in this ...
My Research Support
Quantum Technology & National Security Presentation
Quantum technologies have the potential to defeat modern crypto-systems and provide otherwise unimaginable computational capabilities. The current ...
Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
"Quantum Networks: From a Physics Experiment to a Quantum Network System" with Stephanie Wehner
Title: Quantum Networks: From a Physics Experiment to a Quantum Network System Speaker: Stephanie Wehner Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 ...
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Michael Faraday (In Our Time)
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the eminent 19th-century scientist Michael Faraday. Born into a poor working-class family, he received little formal schooling ...
BBC Podcasts
How to Read a Paper Efficiently (By Prof. Pete Carr)
In this video, Prof. Pete Carr (faculty member at the University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry) shares an algorithm to read a scientific paper more ...
Surviving and Thriving in Higher Education
Janet Kourany: Agnotology
Professor Janet Kourany (University of Notre Dame) speaks at a workshop on Ignorance and Under-representation at the University of Edinburgh, 10th March ...
Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh
How to write a research paper (Title, Abstract........... References, Appendices) (Hindi)
In this video, research paper structure and its components (Title & Affiliations to Appendices) are explained with proper examples. How to write a research paper.
My Research Support
The Patent Pollution Problem: Its Causes, Effects and Solutions
Google Tech Talk April 26, 2012 Presented by Daniel B. Ravicher ABSTRACT America's patent system dates back to the founding of our nation when it was ...
Google TechTalks
Selecting a journal for a publication
This video presentation differentiate the different types of publication with a focus on journals. Concepts such as peer reviewing, Eigenfactor and Impact Factor ...
Shady Attia
Virtual Workshop on Scopus & Mendeley
IMTWebinar #WebinarSeries #Bschools #IMTGhaziabad #MBA #Management #Marketing #PGDM Library, IMT Ghaziabad organized a virtual workshop on ...
IMT Ghaziabad
236th ECS Meeting Plenary
The 236th ECS Meeting, was held in Atlanta, GA, from October 13-17, 2019. At the Plenary session, participants from all symposia came together for an ...
ECS - The Electrochemical Society
Novedades en la Web of Science
Curso novedades de de la Web of Science.
FECYT ciencia
Illuminating the Early History of Sound Recording
Speaker/Performer: Carl Haber, LBNL Sponsor: CITRIS (Ctr for Info Technology Research in the Interest of Society) The technology of sound recording was first ...
Royal Society of Chemistry on Dec,2019 GJLT
IITISM Dhanbad
বাংলায় গো-/গবেষণা Research Method নিয়ে কিছু কথা/প্রথা ১
Research methodology in Bangla ১: ~46m Other talks/notes are in: http://ahadvisionlab.com/#notes Speaker: Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad, PhD, SMIEEE Professor, ...
Rumaisa Umar Foundation
The History of ASHRAE - 1995 Centennial
This project, created in 1995 as part of the ASHRAE Centennial, tells the story of ASHRAE and 100 years of HVAC&R engineering breakthroughs.
How to find Scopus indexed journals?
Checking journal indexing in Scopus Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference ...
Research HUB
Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Eat Meat
John from http://www.okraw.com/ shares his top 10 reasons why he does not eat meat. In this episode, you will discover the most important reasons John does ...
Science as revolution - Sir Paul Nurse
Rothamsted Seminars Sir Paul Nurse FMedSci FRS 18th December 2017 Title: Science as Revolution Abstract: Science has brought about revolutionary ...
Rothamsted Research
SCI, Scopus, ABDC Indexed Journals कैसे देखें | UGC Care List में कौनसी Journal आती हैं | Gaurav S
Telegram channel- https://t.me/researchsuccessclasses SCI- https://mjl.clarivate.com/journal-profile Scopus- https://www.scopus.com/sources InderScience- ...
Research & Ph.D Guide Success Classes
SciPy 2013 Keynote: The New Scientific Publishers
Presenter: William Schroeder, Kitware Track: Keynotes Scientific societies such as the Royal Society were formed in the 17th century with the goals of sharing ...
Sustainability, All or Nothing? By Mani Sarathy
Sustainability, All or Nothing? on Tuesday March 12th 2020 1:00 - 2:00 pm By Mani Sarathy Abstract: The origins of sustainable design and development can be ...
Students for Sustainability
Master Journal List
Description for the master journal list website from Thomson Reuters and how to use it to find ISI indexed journals.
Aws Zuhair
Big Picture Science: Air Apparent - 22 Oct 2018
An atmospheric episode. Hosted by Seth Shostak and Molly Bentley. (Repeat) Whether you yawn, gasp, sniff, snore, or sigh, you're availing yourself of our very ...
Eurico Roberto
Wow !! फ्री 10000 Courses | top 10 free e-learning sites | free courses in hindi |earn 50K/month
10 best sites for free courses, free e-learning sites, free online education sites, 10 online programs that are completely free of charge. Here're 10 incredible sites ...
Др Александар Декански – Како рецензирати научни рад?
Центар за промоцију науке и Природно-математички факултет Универзитета у Новом Саду организовали су 19. јануара у великој сали Ректората ...
CPN - Centar za promociju nauke
Webinar Talk - "A comprehensive roadmap to pursue Academic Research" - Dr.T.Thyagarajan, Professor &
Webinar Talke.
Семинар по работе с базой данных Scopus
Обучающий Семинар Elsevier по Анализу научных трендов и планированию научно-исследовательской деятельности компаний с помощью Scopus.
Elsevier CIS
IP strategy for biotech startups
Michael Hostetler, IP Partner at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, discusses how biotech startups should manage their intellectual property. SLIDES HERE: ...
Bay Bridge Bio
Module 1: Open Principles and an Introduction to Open Science
Video companion to Module 1 of the Open Science MOOC: https://eliademy.com/catalog/oer/module-1-open-principles.html Rationale: To innovate in a field ...
Open Science MOOC