Week 6 - HUM100: Periods/Styles in Art - Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, and Modernism - CC
SNHU Eye on GenEd
The Man Who Invented Fiction: Cervantes & the Modern World
William Egginton discussed his new book, "The Man Who Invented Fiction: How Cervantes Ushered in the Modern World." Speaker Biography: William Egginton ...
Library of Congress
LITERATURE - Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens was one of the most popular writers in English in the 19th century. He deserves our attention for his ideas about sympathy, popularity and ...
The School of Life
HISTORY OF IDEAS - The Renaissance
The Renaissance is a historical period with some important lessons to teach us about how to improve the world today. We need to study it not for its own sake, ...
The School of Life
Literary Agents Share the Top Reasons Why Manuscripts Are Rejected in the Query Box | iWriterly
What are the top reasons literary agents reject a manuscript? Seven literary agents each share the top three reasons why they turn down a manuscript.
Nobel Prize Winners in Literature
For more information on this video and the books discussed: http://www.climbthestacks.com/blog/nobelprizewinners Bookish Links Website: ...
Climb The Stacks
Cyberpunk Documentary PART 1 | Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Shadowrun, Akira
Let's take a journey back to the 1980's and beyond, to discover the origins of the Cyberpunk movement, in literature, cinema, television, video games, comics ...
Indigo Gaming
History and Fiction as Narrative: A Chinese Perspective
In the last few decades, the literary quality of historical narratives and the historical quality of literature have been considerably recognized and debated in both ...
UC Berkeley Events
Literary Agent Critiques First Pages | Ft. Megan Manzano | Ep. 1 | iWriterly
Want to get feedback on the first page of your manuscript? Look no further! iWriterly is launching first page critiques, which will be hosted on the iWriterly ...
Alex Clark-Critical realism and realist evaluation: An overview for everyone
Dr. Alex Clark, from the University of Alberta, gave this presentation as part of the webinar series on qualitative methodology co-sponsored by the International ...
ATLAS.ti - Qualitative Data Analysis
Otis Modern Art 05: Impressionism Pt 1: The Heroicization of Modern Life
Dr. Parme Giuntini, Director of Art History at Otis College of Art and Design, presents this series on Modern Art. She will discuss the movements and ideas that ...
The Story of Crime Fiction
Mark Lawson, who recently wrote and presented BBC Radio 4 series Foreign Bodies: A History of Modern Europe Through Literary Detectives, is joined by ...
The British Library
Is there any truth to the King Arthur legends? - Alan Lupack
Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/teded View full lesson: ...
Comparative Literature -- Its Current Situation and Theoretical Perplexities
Professor Saussy has a range of scholarly interests, including Chinese poetry, literature, aesthetics and culture. His published articles explore a wide variety of ...
PHILOSOPHY - Aristotle
Aristotle was the master of virtues. For gifts and more from The School of Life, visit our online shop: https://goo.gl/OD73do FURTHER READING “Aristotle was ...
The School of Life
Graham Harman. Speculative Realism. 2013
http://www.egs.edu/ Graham Harman, American philosopher, talking about speculative realism, philosophy, natural sciences, fine art, correlational circle, object, ...
European Graduate School Video Lectures
Shakespearean Comedy and the Curse of Realism
Seminar given by Professor Michael Dobson of the Shakespeare Institute, on 1st March 2018 at The Other Place, Stratford upon Avon.
University of Birmingham
A Rock and a Hard Place: New Rules for India and the EU in a Multipolar World | Raisina 2020
With China and the US loudly proposing zero-sum models for globalisation, is it time for the EU, India and others to reject these binaries? Can India and the EU ...
Colorado Experience: Western American Art
The famous Oscar Wilde saying "Life imitates art more than art imitates life" hold little truth in Colorado. With the magnificent mountains and bucolic landscapes ...
Rocky Mountain PBS
An American Utopia: Fredric Jameson in Conversation with Stanley Aronowitz
Eminent literary and political theorist Fredric Jameson, of Duke University, gives a new address, followed by a conversation with noted cultural critic Stanely ...
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Mod-05 Lec-34 Classical Criticism
English Language and Literature by Dr. Liza Das & Dr. Krishna Barua,Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,IIT Guwahati.For more details on NPTEL ...
James Joyce's Ulysses | How To Read It
James Joyce's Ulysses is perhaps the definitive example of literary modernism. And, despite its reputation as one of the most difficult books to read in all of ...
Tom Nicholas
Mario Vargas Llosa, "The War of the End of the World," Lecture 3 of 4, 05.08.17
The 2017 Berlin Family Lectures with Mario Vargas Llosa "The Writer and His Demons" Lecture Three: "The War of the End of the World" May 8, 2017 ...
UChicago Division of the Humanities
Salman Rushdie - Gabriel García Márquez: His Life and Legacy [English audio]
The University of Texas at Austin's Harry Ransom Center and LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections hosted the symposium "Gabriel García ...
Harry Ransom Center
Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics with John Mearsheimer
John Mearsheimer, professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, provides the first systematic analysis of lying as a tool of statecraft. He identifies ...
The University of Chicago
How to win a Stalin Prize: Shostakovich’s Piano Quintet - Richard Taruskin (English)
Public Lecture by Dr Richard Taruskin, 2017 Laureate for Arts and Philosophy, and a performance by the Villiers Quartet and Jeremy Young, piano In this lecture ...
Blavatnik School of Government
Great Books: The Master and Margarita, by Mikhail Bulgakov
Misha Kligman, Assistant Professor of Art, presents Mikhail Bulgakov's “The Master and Margarita.” Professor Kligman explores the question, “What would your ...
Jeff Wall Interview: We are all Actors
An enjoyable and philosophical conversation between the pioneering Canadian photographer Jeff Wall and Belgian Wall expert Thierry de Duve about how ...
Louisiana Channel
What is a Moral Foreign Policy?
Panelists discuss the influence of ethics in the creation and execution of foreign policy, and how moral choices will affect future issues like the rise of China and ...
Council on Foreign Relations
Were the Framers Right About Constitutional Design? The US Constitution in Comparative Perspective
Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) The founding fathers were political theorists of the highest order, and founded the modern era of constitutional design. But how have ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
How to Write a Book Faster | iWriterly
HOW TO WRITE A BOOK FASTER | iWRITERLY // Are you looking to write your book faster? In this iWriterly video, we discuss 14 tricks to finish your manuscript ...
Nobel Lecture by Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney delivered his Nobel Lecture Crediting Poetry on 7 December 1995. Read the lecture and more poetry by Heaney at ...
Nobel Prize
What Makes Contemporary Photography Feminist and Queer?
This session will address questions concerning the active construction of identity through gender indeterminacy; the representation of lesbian, trans, and ...
The Museum of Modern Art
Architecture Utopia Realism - Fritz Neumeyer
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
History 1C: Modern Civilization 1750-Present, Lec 7, UCLA
Lecture 7: "Nationalism and Nation States" April 21st, 2009 Professor Lynn Hunt lectures in this course which covers a broad, historical study of major elements ...
The German Painter Who Fought In The Trenches - Otto Dix I WHO DID WHAT IN WW 1
Otto Dix was a German artist known for his unforgiving depiction of the Great War and the society of Weimar Republic. His works in the series Der Krieg (The ...
The Great War
Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives On and Beyond Asia
Professors Barry Buzan and Amitav Acharya in conversation with Dr. Dan Plesch about their research and work editing the groundbreaking book "Non-Western ...
SOAS University of London
Conversations With History - Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson
"Vice President Cheney and America's Response to 911" Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, U.S. Army (ret.) Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State (2002-2005) ...
UC Berkeley Events
'Realism' in the Fabric of Modern Debate between Europe and the Americas
From the Other Shore: Narratives and Perspectives on Spanish & Latin American Art Session Two: About Narratives in Modern Art History -- Constructing ...
Meadows Museum Dallas
The Reagan Revolution: Crash Course US History #43
You can directly support Crash Course at https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is nice ...
Tamayo: The New York Years Symposium, Morning Session
This symposium highlights new scholarship about Rufino Tamayo and other important exchanges between Mexican and U.S. artists during the twentieth century.
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Starting and Running a Nonprofit Organization, Part I
A step by step guide to starting a nonprofit organization and obtaining tax exempt 501(c)(3) status from the IRS, in two parts. Part I describes the different types of ...
Cliff Ennico