2015/3/6 I2CNER Seminar Series : Prof. David Smith
[Title] Exploring Resolution Limits in the Electron Microscope? [Speaker] Prof. David Smith, Regents' Professor, Department of Physics, Arizona State University, ...
「The Photonic Microscope System HAMAMATSU -c1966-」Produced by Tokyo Cinema Co., Inc.
Part Color 15 min. (1984) Sponsored by Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Produced by Tokyo Cinema Co., Inc. Abstract This film, made in 1984 in the analog video ...
R1. Determining, Analyzing, and Understanding Protein Structures
MIT 5.08J Biological Chemistry II, Spring 2016 View the complete course: https://ocw.mit.edu/5-08JS16 Instructor: Shiva Mandala This recitation covers different ...
MIT OpenCourseWare
PEETTutorial5: Clustering / Unsupervised Classification
Managing heterogeneity in aligned subvolumes.
Nobel Lecture: Jacques Dubochet, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017
"Early cryo-electron microscopy" Jacques Dubochet delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University.
Nobel Prize
Advanced methods in Near-Field Microscopy
Professor Aaron Lewis, who was awarded the Rank Prize in optoelectronics for his pioneering development in near-field optics, reviews the basis and the history ...
Nanonics Imaging
Hearing under the microscope
David Furness Inaugural Lecture: 'Hearing under the Microscope, A Personal View'.
Keele University
Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Lecture by Prof. Avanish Kumar Srivastava, Director, AMPRI, Bhopal.
Nobel Lecture: Richard Henderson, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017
"From Electron Crystallography to Single Particle cryoEM" Richard Henderson delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm ...
Nobel Prize
scanning tunneling microscope
other animations at http://www.toutestquantique.fr/en/ Production : Physics Reimagined group (LPS, CNRS Universite Paris-Sud) with funding of Labex PALM.
New views on The Nano-World offered by Hyper-spectral Electron Microscope By Prof. Christian Colliex
By Prof. Christian Colliex, CNRS Emeritus Research Director, University of Paris.
let's Talk Science: What, Why, and How? Session on "Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy"
Let's listen to Dr. A.K. Srivastava on "Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy" over CSIR-JIGYASA: Student-Scientist Connect Programme as Scientific Social ...
The Sir Ernst Chain Lecture 2019: The electron cryomicroscopy revolution in structural biology
Dr Richard Henderson, CH, FRS, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 presents the annual lecture from the Department of Life Sciences.
Imperial College London
Cell Biology and Biophysics at EMBL
The Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit at EMBL Heidelberg physicists and chemists work closely together with biologists to elucidate the fundamental rules that ...
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Overview of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)
Part of NEEDS (Nano-Engineered Electronic Device Simulation Node) seminar series. More at needs.nanoHUB.org An introductory talk about scanning probe ...
PEET Tutorial 4: Subunits Along a Filament
Aligning and averaging subunits along a filament with PEET.
Microscopes Through The Ages (1965)
Australia. Title reads '300 Years of Achievement - From Leevwenaoek to Ruska'. CU. Shot, through microscope, of the organic life in a small drop of water.
British Pathé
Dr. Hans Gelderblom's Extended House of Numbers Interview
Dr. Hans Gelderblom's Extended House of Numbers Interview with Director Brent Leung. To learn more visit: http://tiny.cc/yftxl.
Raúl Arenal - Electron energy loss spectroscopy in a TEM
Aula ministrada por Raul Arenal, pesquisador do Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (Espanha), durante o IV Curso Teórico-Prático de Microscopia Eletrônica ...
Large-scale Connectomics of Cerebral Cortical Networks - R. Clay Reid
Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2019: Great Problems in Biology for Physicists Topic: Large-scale Connectomics of Cerebral Cortical Networks Speaker: R.
Institute for Advanced Study
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Glomerular Disease Study & Trial Consortium
Lec-12 Quasicrystals Part-I
Lecture Series on Advanced Materials and Processes by Prof.B.S. Murty, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. For more details on NPTEL ...
Neurohistology Overview
Israel Alfonso
Frances Ashcroft (Oxford) 2: ATP-sensitive potassium channels & neonatal diabetes
https://www.ibiology.org/human-disease/neonatal-diabetes/#part-2 Frances Ashcroft and her colleagues have identified mutations in a potassium channel as the ...
Understanding the Generation of Charge Carriers in Organic Photovoltaic Devices
A plenary talk from SPIE Optics + Photonics 2012. http://spie.org/op This presentation discusses an alternative approach to understanding the important ...
David Schatz - The Genome as Playground: Jumping Genes and the Evolution of the Immune System
April 27, 2019 - The paradigm of a static human genome, identical in each cell of a person's body, was shattered by the landmark finding that segments of ...
National Academy of Sciences
Engineering T cells: moving beyond leukemia
Engineering T cells: moving beyond leukemia Air date: Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 3:00:00 PM Category: WALS - Wednesday Afternoon Lectures ...
NIH VideoCast
Nucleic acid testing for COVID-19
This is a replay of our biotechnology training workshop which was held on 08/27/20. You may have heard a lot about RT-PCR testing for COVID-19 in the news.
Edvotek Inc.
Nobel Laureate in chemistry Dan Shechtman – Nobel Lectures in Uppsala 2011
Public lecture at Uppsala University by 2011 Nobel Laureate in chemistry Professor Dan Shechtman titled The Discovery of Quasicrystals For many years it has ...
Uppsala universitet
Renal Transplant Pathology-1: Biopsies Strategies and Evolution of Banff Schema. Prof Wesam Ismail
Renal Transplant Pathology: I (Strategies for renal allograft biopsies and Evolution of Banff Schema). Prof. Wesam Ismail, ESNT-CME and Distance Learning ...
Tim Mitchison (Harvard) Part 2: Self-organization of meiotic spindles
https://www.ibiology.org/cell-biology/microtubules/#part-2 In his first talk, Tim Mitchison introduces the concept of self-organization of molecules in living systems.
Jennifer Dionne | Plasmonic Methods to Improve Renewable Energy Generation and Storage
Cool Chemical Transformations and Hot Carrier Upconversion: Emerging Plasmonic Methods to Understand and Improve Renewable Energy Generation and ...
Stanford ENERGY
Hairy Cell Leukaemia
This is a Learning in 10 voice annotated presentation (VAP) on Hairy Cell Leukaemia To learn more about Learning in 10 (LIT), please visit learningin10.com.
Learning in 10
Medical Errors in Hospitals: Cause and Prevention
Edward A. Dauer, MD, FACR, University of Miami, discusses the causes and prevention of hospital medical errors in this seminar hosted by the program on ...
Transmission EBSD
Part One: high resolution EBSD; transmission EBSD introduction; applications. Recorded at EBSD Workshop 2014.
James Spudich (Stanford) 2: A brief history of muscle biology 1969-2017
https://www.ibiology.org/cell-biology/muscle-biology/#part-2 James Spudich begins his talk with an early history of muscle biology, and through parts 2-4 of his ...
The Cell Biology of Extracellular Vesicles: From Immunity to Pigmentation by Graça Raposo
WebEVTalk 011 Graça Raposo (Research Director in Institut Curie, CNRS, France) gives a lecture on the cell biology of extracellular vesicles, how they are ...
Atomic Model of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus
The rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) is extremely contagious and often associated with liver necrosis, hemorrhaging, and high mortality in adult rabbits.
Microscopy: What Can You Learn With a Light Microscope (Ron Vale)
Get the whole course: https://www.ibiology.org/talks/light-microscopy/ This lecture provides an overview of the historical contributions that light microscopy has ...
iBiology Techniques
Stefan Lanka - HIV artefact -
A critique of the Montagnier evidence…. Article in Medical Hypotheses (2004) “…Montagnier and his colleagues reported that electron microscopy of the ...
8.5.2020 - Single Stranded DNA Production for Gene Therapeutics and Vaccines
Mark Bathe Professor of Biological Engineering Associate Member, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard Co-Chair of the MIT New Engineering Education ...
MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP)