What you do with your fork impacts everything | Mark Hyman | TEDxChicago
Dr Hyman is a practising family physician, an11-time New York Times bestselling author speaker, educator and advocate in the field of Functional Medicine.
TEDx Talks
Nicholas Christakis: The Sociological Science Behind Social Networks and Social Influence
The Sociological Science Behind Social Networks and Social Influence Watch the newest video from Big Think: https://bigth.ink/NewVideo Join Big Think Edge ...
Big Think
Absolute beginners: behavioural economics and human happiness
Speaker: Professor Paul Dolan Chair: Howard Davies This event was recorded on 8 February 2011 in Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building In ...
Michael Lewis On How Behavioural Economics Changed The World
Want to join the debate? Check out the Intelligence Squared website to hear about future live events and podcasts: http://www.intelligencesquared.com. Michael ...
Intelligence Squared
Intro to Game Theory and the Dominant Strategy Equilibrium
http://economicsdetective.com/ Game theory is the study of human behaviour in strategic settings. It is used to solve some of the harder problems in economics.
The Economics Detective
Major Sociological Paradigms: Crash Course Sociology #2
This week we introduce sociology's three major theoretical paradigms, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each paradigm. Crash Course is ...
14. Portfolio Theory
MIT 18.S096 Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance, Fall 2013 View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/18-S096F13 Instructor: Peter ...
MIT OpenCourseWare
Moral Imagination: A discussion of literature and moral awareness
A discussion of literature and moral awareness by members of the University of Washington faculty Professors Johnson, Moore, and Goering read Johnson's ...
Lecture, Narrated PowerPoint on the Sociological Imagination
This lecture covers key passages in Chapter One of C.Wright Mills' book, The Sociological Imagination. These are key points students in SOC 1005 should know ...
Prof Angie Beeman
How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety into Calmness
(2:51 - Main Presentation) Visit The Healing Mind website to learn more: https://thehealingmind.org/ Physician, author, speaker, researcher, and consultant ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
Max Weber & Modernity: Crash Course Sociology #9
This week we are wrapping up our overview of sociology's core frameworks and founding theorists with a look Max Weber and his understanding of the modern ...
HISTORY OF IDEAS - Consumerism
It's only very recently in history that we've been able to buy more than the bare necessities. Can the history of consumption guide us to a wiser future? If you like ...
The School of Life
Goodness: Altruism and the Literary Imagination
The annual Ingersoll Lecture on Immortality was presented on December 6, 2012, by Toni Morrison, the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities, Emerita, ...
Harvard Divinity School
Dating & Relationships | Dan Ariely | Talks at Google
Googler Logan Ury talks to behavioral economist and "Predictably Irrational" author Dan Ariely in the second of our Modern Romance talks. They discuss the ...
Talks at Google
The Challenge of Persistent Racial Inequality in 21st Century America: Lecture by Glenn Loury, PhD
The Challenge of Persistent Racial Inequality in 21st Century America Lecture by Glenn Loury, PhD Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences, Brown University ...
UMass Boston
Dissecting Pathologic 2; The Best Game of 2019
An in-depth analysis of Pathologic 2, the best game of 2019, and one of the best games ever written. Pathologic 2 is a groundbreaking open-world horror RPG.
The paradox of choice | Barry Schwartz
http://www.ted.com Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz's estimation, choice has made ...
The True Cost of Economics
Dr Philip Roscoe argues that economics is not a science, it's a way of thinking - one that skews all our choices towards self-interest. But now that our most urgent ...
Contemporary sociological theory - Micro, macro and integrative
In this collaborative presentation, Dr. Simone Pulver provides a summary of contemporary sociological theory, organizing theorists and schools of thought in ...
sesync annapolis
2016 Personality Lecture 09: Phenomenology: Heidegger, Binswanger, Boss
SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL --- Direct Support: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/jordanbpeterson --- BOOKS ...
Jordan B Peterson
The Value of Stories in Business | Aswath Damodaran | Talks at Google
The world of investing/finance is divided into two camps. In one, you have the number-crunchers, who believe that the only things that matter are the numbers ...
Talks at Google
Webinar 2020: Why Hitotsubashi ICS? MBA in Tokyo, Japan
Are you considering applying to Hitotsubashi ICS this year? Then, this webinar is for you! In this webinar, a former MBA director Yoshi Fujikawa and a new MBA ...
Hitotsubashi ICS
Imagination and Consciousness (In Our Time)
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the question of consciousness, our sense of self, and how we are able to imagine things when they are not there, which are ...
BBC Podcasts
Art of Investing by Sajal Kapoor
In this Face2Face video, "Art of Investing by Sajal Kapoor" we will be discussing the basics of investing with a conversation between Mr. Vivek Bajaj, co-founder, ...
Preparing Our Youth for a Better World: OECD PISA Global Competence Framework Launch
Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Directorate of Education and Skills at the OECD are pleased to co-host the public launch of ...
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Are Google and Facebook monopolies?
review.chicagobooth.edu | On this episode of The Big Question, Chicago Booth's Luigi Zingales and George Mason University's Tyler Cowen discuss the market ...
Chicago Booth Review
Nick Couldry: Colonised by data – the hollowing out of digital society
The current datafication of society not only brings about another iteration of capitalism, but also a new form of colonialism. We are witnessing the start of a new ...
Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft
10. Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Evolution and Rationality
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 110) This lecture introduces students to the study of psychology from an evolutionary perspective, the idea that like the body, ...
The Power of Multisolving for People and Climate | Elizabeth Sawin | TEDxSunValley
Is the way we are thinking about climate change preventing us from solving it? Elizabeth Sawin tells how we can solve the climate issue by helping other people ...
TEDx Talks
Antonio Damasio: INET Keynote Address entitled Human Decisions
Antonio Damasio, David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience, University of Southern California delivers keynote entiteld Human Decisions at the INET's ...
New Economic Thinking
Goebbels on the German Food Crisis 1942-1943
Joseph Goebbels's diary entries give an interesting account of the food crisis going on in Germany during the mid-war years. The Third Reich lacked enough ...
China's Attempt to Influence U.S. Institutions: A Conversation with FBI Director Christopher Wray
Join Hudson Institute for a conversation with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray on the pernicious influence of the Chinese ...
Hudson Institute
Kingdom-Word Ministries
This Time With Feeling: David Brooks and Antonio Damasio
The Aspen Ideas Festival, 2009. How one of the World's leading neuroscientists has revolutionized our understanding of thought, emotion and moral ...
The Aspen Institute
EAM Dr S Jaishankar at 4th Ramnath Goenka Lecture 2019 | Minister Of External Affairs
Five months into his new role as Minister of External Affairs, S Jaishankar delivered the 4th Ramnath Goenka Memorial Lecture in New Delhi. The Ramnath ...
Hamilton Lecture 2014: Prof Cedric Villani
Hamilton Lecture 2014, with Prof Cedric Villani. This event took place at Trinity College Dublin and was sponsored by Trinity College Dublin.
The Royal Irish Academy
A brief sociology of time | Stewart Lockie | TEDxJCUCairns
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Stewart Lockie explores the battles to control time, especially future ...
TEDx Talks
Why Australia Needs a Radically New Defence Policy
Australia faces a potentially dangerous strategic outlook, which requires radical changes to the country's defence policy. For the first time since the Second ...
Who Owns New Zealand Now?
Analysis of the New Zealand housing crisis and solutions to it by award winning documentary maker Bryan Bruce.
Bryan Bruce
The Radical Imagination | Imagining Structural Violence in the Age of Trump
Host Jim Vrettos and Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee have a conversation about structural violence, its effects in the American society and how this ...
Creating Great Choices | Roger L. Martin | Talks at Google
Move Beyond Trade-Off Thinking. When it comes to our hardest choices, it can seem as though making trade-offs is inevitable. But what about those crucial ...
Talks at Google
14. Quantifying Uncertainty and Risk
Financial Theory (ECON 251) Until now, the models we've used in this course have focused on the case where everyone can perfectly forecast future economic ...