Slow motion footage of plunging breaker waves created in a lab
Waves crashing on seashores generate tiny droplets of water known as sea spray. Sea spray moves heat and water from the ocean to the atmosphere, but ...
Geology, volcanology and hazards of Tongariro National Park’s volcanoes - Dr Graham Leonard
This week marks the anniversary of the largest eruption in New Zealand in the 20th century – from Ruapehu Volcano on the 11th of October 1995. Ruapehu is ...
Earth Observatory of Singapore
PubTalk 11/2019 — Sea-Level Rise, Extreme Water Levels, and Coastal Erosion...How bad could it be?
Sea-Level Rise, Extreme Water Levels, and Coastal Erosion...How bad could it possibly be? - Sea-level rise represents and unprecedented civil engineering ...
UW Wonderland: Alice's Adventures in 3D Space
The University of Wyoming Department of Theatre and Dance presents a vertical dance retelling of Lewis Carroll's “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” and ...
University of Wyoming
Metal detection with drone equipped with magnetometer
The integrated system combines a #drone with a sensitive #magnetometer and a precise altimeter for True Terrain Following mode. Typical applications of a ...
Advice for students interested in optics and photonics
SPIE asked leaders in the optics and photonics community to give some advice to students interested in the field. Astronomers, professors, CEOs, a Nobel Prize ...
Prosper Mérimée, La Vénus d’Ille, Lecture Violinne
La Vénus d'Ille est une nouvelle fantastique de Prosper Mérimée, écrite en 1835 et publiée en 1837. L'histoire se déroule à Ille-sur-Têt, une petite ville des ...
Littérature - Livres Audio AudioBooks
Geoscan 401 GEOPHYSICS
Unique unmanned system for aeromagnetic surveying with a quantum magnetometer. More information: ...
Geoscan UAV
Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox
Featuring 3Blue1Brown Watch the 2nd video on 3Blue1Brown here: Support MinutePhysics on Patreon!
Q2B 2018 - Quantum technology in the short term and long term: the search for applications
John Preskill, Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, and Director of the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of ...
QC Ware
34C3 - Watching the changing Earth warning: gravity ahead For a few decades by now, satellites offer us the tools to observe the ...
Sea Level Rise: Causes, Impacts and Options for Solutions
Sea Level Rise: Causes, Impacts and Options for Solutions Perspectives from science and the stakeholder community Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Scott ...
Earth Institute
Unofficial Japan Society for Fluid Mechanics 50th Anniversary Meeting
This is an unofficial instant conference to replace the Japan Society for Fluid Mechanics 50th Anniversary conference in Osaka. The conference was cancelled ...
Nigel Goldenfeld
TEARDOWN 2019: Resistor Noise in Audio: The Sound of Angels Dancing on the Head of a Pin
Talk by Brewster LaMacchia The audio business seems to generate no end of snake-oil peddlers with devices that violate the known laws of physics. In this ...
Crowd Supply
אופטיקה - הרצאה 01
הטכניון - קורס 114210 - אופטיקה הרצאה 01 - הקדמה מרצה: פרופ' סטיב ליפסון פקולטה: פיסיקה.
Science: Ethics of using animals in science - Discovery 01.03
This episode, Athena, Jade, Jared and Lisa discuss the ethics of using animal subjects in science research. They chat about the knowledge gained from these ...
Satellite Formation Flying for Space Exploration - Simone D'Amico (SETI Talks 2016)
Two key technologies are revolutionizing the way humans conduct spaceflight, namely, the miniaturization of satellites (e.g., micro- and nano-satellites) and the ...
SETI Institute
Science of SLAC | The Shocking Truth: Pushing Metals Toward the Breaking Point
What causes materials to permanently deform instead of springing back when compressed? Does the point of permanent deformation depend on whether stress ...
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Exploring Europa - Ocean Worlds of the Outer Solar System
Where is the best place to find living life beyond Earth? It may be a small, ice-covered moon of Jupiter or Saturn that harbors some of the most habitable real ...
The ‘Near Lewes Hoard’: Capturing, visualising and presenting archaeological artefacts
In March 2011, a metal detectorist searching for artefacts on the Glynde Estate outside Lewes in the UK discovered a spectacular Middle Bronze Age hoard.
Recording Archaeology
SRTM Begins Release of International Data - Video File (AVC-2002-102)
NASA and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency are beginning the release of international topography data collected from around the world by the Shuttle ...
SETI Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates lightning talks
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work at the SETI Institute? This summer, college students from around the United States spent 10 weeks ...
SETI Institute
New Satellite to Maintain Landsat Capabilities
NASA updates the media on Jan. 10 about the upcoming launch of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) scheduled for Feb. 11. A collaboration between ...
NASA's MRO Sees Possible Martian Water Flows
Observations from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, MRO, have revealed possible flowing water during the warmest months on Mars. Scientists discuss ...
ESA PhiWeek 2018: Visualisation and Science Communication track HoloBeam keynote and sessions
The European Space Agency ESA invited me a while ago to give a keynote for the Visualisation and Science Communication track at the first ever Φ-week ...
Rene Schulte
ICESat-2 2020: Petty, Scheick, Smith, Steiker, - Intro to Sea Ice & Land Ice Products & Data Access
As a part of ICESat-2 Hackweek 2020, Alek Petty (NASA), Jessica Scheick (U Maine), Ben Smith (UW), and Amy Steiker (NSIDC) give a lecture on Introduction to ...
UW eScience Institute
Principles of Radar
Frank Lind MIT Haystack Observatory Dr. Frank D. Lind is a Research Engineer at MIT Haystack Observatory where he works to develop and use radio science ...
MIT Student Cable
Water Vapor at Europa's South Pole--Lorenz Roth (SETI Talks)
Abstract: With its subsurface water ocean and relatively young icy surface Europa is among the top candidates in the search for habitable environments in our ...
SETI Institute
4 - 2018 Winter School: Image Science, Tissue Optics & Biomedical Imaging, and Biosensing
Lars Furenlid –Introduction to Image Science, Jennifer Barton – Tissue Optics & Biomedical Imaging, Judith Su - Biosensing.
Exoplanets and Life in the Universe
Please join our Deep Astronomy Community to find out when the next hangout will be. It is also your place to ask questions and have discussions about all ...
Deep Astronomy
Planetary Formation Models - Ignacio Mosqueira (SETI Talks)
SETI Talks Archive: The formation of the regular satellites of giant planets mirrors in profound ways the physical processes leading to the ...
SETI Institute
5 - 2017 Winter School: Introduction to Imaging Science
Introduction to Imaging Science - Prof. Lars Furenlid.
Drone airborne geophysics survey
Using a drone at Kabba for an airborne geophysics survey in December 2016.
Bell Copper
Photonics Crystals: The Future of Microwave Signal Processing
Presentation by Wm. Randall Babbitt, Montana State University.
Digital Commons @ Montana Tech
Rob Jackson: Natural Gas | Energy @ Stanford and SLAC 2016
Natural Gas" Rob Jackson Professor - Earth Systems Science September 13, 2016 Energy @ Stanford and SLAC Stanford Graduate Summer Institute.
Stanford ENERGY
Next Generation Surveying Technologies - Trimble Buildings
Hiring Geoscientists as Field Administrators
Explor is a privately held Canadian company that acquires and owns the highest quality seismic data and licenses these data to energy companies. Explor has ...
PSW 2349 Isotopes: Magic Keys to Understanding Life and the Cosmos | Mark Thiemens
Friday, September 11, 2015 Mark H. Thiemens New understanding of nature is always attained when closer inspection of nature is facilitated. Clues to almost ...
PSW Science
Custom PVC Card Printers Hologram Overlay by ID Card Hologram ( By Spick Global ), New Delhi] We areManufacturers, Exporter and Supplier of Holographic Transparent Overlays Films forPVCCard Printers Generic or Stock ...
IndiaMART Sellers- Apparel & Fashion
Computation and the Transformation of Practically Everything: Physical Science and Engineering
Speakers talk about their personal experiences with computation and its impact on their work. Session Chair: Srinivas Devadas, Professor of Electrical ...
InfiniteHistoryProject MIT
Time delay in classical and quantum gravity -- UC Davis Joint Theory Seminar, 13 Jan 2013
Slides and Video available from: Speaker: Igor Khavkine Abstract: A class of ...
Igor Khavkine
Subscriber Investment Summit 2011: Wavefront Technology Solutions
Sign up for our FREE newsletter here: Brett Davidson, President & CEO of Wavefront Technology Solutions Inc. (TSX-V:WEE) presents ...
Even Keel Media