Emanuel Diaconescu - Flops and Hilbert scheme of space curve singularities
Emanuel Diaconescu (Rutgers University); April 27, 2023 This is joint work with Mauro Porta, Francesco Sala and Arian ...
M-Seminar, Kansas State University
Goo Ishikawa: Singularities of tangent surfaces and generalised frontal
Find this video and other talks given by worldwide mathematicians on CIRM's Audiovisual Mathematics Library: ...
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
What is Curved Spacetime? Curvature Visually Explained!
When people say the universe is curved, what do they actually mean? I explain the concept of Curvature in two parts, and end off ...
The Why of Psi
Is Space Really Curved? Real Shape Of Spacetime
According to Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, gravity is no longer a force that acts on massive bodies, as viewed by ...
The World Of Science
Aaron Silberstein - Plane Curve Singularities and the Absolute Galois Group of Q
Plane Curve Singularities and the Absolute Galois Group of Q.
Center of Math
algebraic geometry 39 Du Val singularities
This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It discusses ...
Richard E Borcherds
Lecture 15: Curvature of Surfaces (Discrete Differential Geometry)
Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9_jI1bdZmz0hIrNCMQW1YmZysAiIYSSS For more information see ...
Keenan Crane
The Journey from Black-Hole Singularities to a Cyclic Cosmology
Gresham College presents The Annual Sir Thomas Gresham Lecture 2022 with Sir Roger Penrose: The “singularity theorems” of ...
Gresham College
IX Workshop on Algebraic Theory of... - Rational curves with hyperelliptic singularities
IX Workshop on Algebraic Theory of Singularities and International Meeting of young researchers in Singularity Theory and ...
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Gravity Visualized
Help Keep PTSOS Going, Click Here: https://www.gofundme.com/ptsos Dan Burns explains his space-time warping demo at a ...
Black Holes Explained – From Birth to Death
Black holes. Lets talk about them. OUR CHANNELS ·························· German Channel: ...
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Alessandra Pluda - Resolution of singularities of the network flow
Alessandra Pluda (University of Pisa) Resolution of singularities of the network flow The curve shortening flow is an evolution ...
Geometric Analysis Seminar
Space-time Singularity(Black hole Singularities ‖Infinite curvature‖ ) | Black hole Technical Series
Hello & Welcome Guys, I am Aditya Pawar; And Lets start our Journey to the Universe!! In this Video I goin to talk about ...
A panorama on Singularities: Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Applications - Raúl Oset-Sinha
Speaker: Raúl Oset-Sinha (UFSCar) - Curvatures of singular surfaces Videos playlist: http://bit.ly/2SW9uzq Program: ...
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Algebraic geometry 44: Survey of curves
This lecture is part of an online algebraic geometry course, based on chapter I of "Algebraic geometry" by Hartshorne. It gives an ...
Richard E Borcherds
How we know that Einstein's General Relativity can't be quite right
Einstein's theory of General Relativity tells us that gravity is caused by the curvature of space and time. It is a remarkable theory ...
Sabine Hossenfelder
General Relativity Explained simply & visually
Get MagellanTV here: https://try.magellantv.com/arvinash and get an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, month-long trial, ...
Arvin Ash
VAPS 2: "Isolated singularities of minimal hypersurfaces"
Speaker: Luca Spolaor, UC San Diego Abstract: In this talk I will discuss some old and new results about a class of isolated ...
Virtual Analysis and PDE Seminar
The Chiliagon
shorts #geometry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiliagon https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_polygons.
The intrinsic Equations of Space Curves Review 2
Calculus at University of Kansas
Elliptic Curves - Lecture 4b - Singularities, morphisms
This video is part of a graduate course on elliptic curves that I taught at UConn in Spring 2021. The course is an introduction to the ...
Alvaro Lozano-Robledo
Mary Sandoval (Trinity College) - Detecting Orbifold Singularities via the Orbifold Length Spectra
In this talk, we will consider the geodesic flow on a compact Riemannian orbifold $\mathcal{O}$. Assuming the set of closed ...
Virtual Seminar on Geometry with Symmetries
Does singularity have gravity?
In our current understanding of physics, gravity is a fundamental force that governs the behavior of matter and spacetime.
Rovin Karki
Singularities of mappings part 1
Examples of singularities of simple mappings in R^1, R^2, R^3, leading to the basics of the general theory (inverse and implicit ...
David Metzler
Why Time Is Mystery In Physics | COSMOS in a minute #16
Time is weird. It slows down at high speeds and around massive objects. It completely stops at the speed of light and at the event ...
The Secrets of the Universe
Julie Rana, Singularities and divisors in the moduli space of surfaces
Ivan Cheltsov
Alessandra Pluda - Resolution of singularities of the network flow
This talk was part of the Online Workshop on "Free Boundary Problems and Related Evolution Equations" held at the ESI ...
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
The Other Side of a Black Hole [4K]
One of astronomy's great, enduring mysteries is what really happens on the inside of a black hole. We know that anything which ...
20 - Focussing equation, singularity theorems, laws of blackhole mechanics
K Raviteja
A panorama on Singularities: Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Applications - Marcelo José Saia
Speaker: Marcelo José Saia (ICMC-USP) - Plenary Talk on: Multiple point sets and good real deformations of map germs ...
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Slice and Collide (ES2 Remix) - Endless Space 2: Harmonic Memories Original Soundtrack
Download the OST on Bandcamp: https://endlessspace2.bandcamp.com/album/endless-space-2-harmonic-memories Download ...
G4F Records
3-RRR manipulator tracking a path containing singularities
In this experiment, the 3-RRR manipulator manages to track a path which is cut by the singularity curve at two different points.
Discovery That Changed Physics! Gravity is NOT a Force!
Discovery That Changed Physics! Gravity is NOT a Force! ▻ Subscribe: https://goo.gl/r5jd1F Gravity is one of the four fundamental ...
How Black Holes Spin Space Time
Thank you to World of Warships for supporting PBS, go to: http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1691420200309 and use the code: ...
PBS Space Time
AI Progress Report: Singularity's Arrival Imminent?
This was one of the wildest most significant week in AI and in tech HISTORY. The exponential growth of this technology is unlike ...
Authority X
Charles Fefferman, Formation of singularities in fluid interfaces
2015 Clay Research Conference.
Clay Mathematics Institute
A panorama on Singularities: Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Applications - Christophe Eyral
Speaker: Christophe Eyral (Instytut Matematyczny PAN) - Newton non-degeneracy, local tameness and Whitney-equisingularity ...
Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
Özgür Esentepe - Annihilation of cohomology over curve singularities
Hilbert's syzygy theorem implies that the second syzygy of every module over a polynomial ring S inHilbert's syzygy theorem ...
UCGEN Uluslarası Cebirsel Geometri Neşesi
Marc Henneaux - Ultrarelativistic Limit of Gravity, Spacelike Singularities and E(10)
Marc Henneaux, Collège de France & ULB Bruxelles Ultrarelativistic Limit of Gravity, Spacelike Singularities and E(10) Einstein's ...
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHÉS)
Lecture 10: Smooth Curves (Discrete Differential Geometry)
Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9_jI1bdZmz0hIrNCMQW1YmZysAiIYSSS For more information see ...
Keenan Crane
Quaternions and 3d rotation, explained interactively
Go experience the explorable videos: https://eater.net/quaternions Ben Eater's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eaterbc ...
The fundamentals of space-time: Part 1 - Andrew Pontzen and Tom Whyntie
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-fundamentals-of-space-time-part-1-andrew-pontzen-and-tom-whyntie Space is ...