19th RPC Luminescence Sep 15, 2020
EFRE 2020
Session 5: Mission & Campaign Designs
Session Organizers: Nahum Melamed, Marco Tantardini, Makoto Yoshikawa 0:18 IAA-PDC-17-05-17: "Directed Energy for Planetary Defense" by Philip M.
Planetary Defense Conference 2017, Japan
X-ray Spectroscopy
Subject :Food Technology Course :Food Technology Keyword : SWAYAMPRABHA.
Ch-10 Applied Sc, Allied Physical and Chemical sc
CENPA seminar - Dan Melconian, July 19th, 2018
Trapped Atoms and Ions for Tests of the Charged Electroweak Interaction Nuclear decay has a long-standing history of shaping and testing the standard model ...
Center for Experimental Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics (CENPA)
foodtechtalks #fsopreparation #fsopreviousyearquestions In this video, we will be discussing FSO exam topic ,that is food irradiation.Topics covered in this video ...
Food tech Talks
Ions and lasers: exploring new diagnostics for nuclear materials science
Cody Dennett presents, “Ions and lasers: exploring new diagnostics for nuclear materials science”
MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
21 3 OU λ=hp Quantum Theory and Photons
TRACO 2019: Radiation oncology and Case reports
TRACO 2019: Radiation oncology and Case reports Air date: Thursday, October 24, 2019, 4:00:00 PM Views: Total views: 50, (18 Live, 32 On-demand) ...
NIH VideoCast
RaBBiT - Radiation Biology and Biophysics | Parte 02
Radiation Biology and Biophysics (RaBBiT) 24 e 25 de Junho de 2014 Auditório da Biblioteca Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade Nova de ...
Laboratorio FCT UNL
Correlative (Cryo-)Microscopy for Cell Biology
Presented By: Elizabeth R. Wright, Ph.D., Jae E. Yang, Ph.D., Bryan S. Sibert, Ph.D. Speaker Biography: Liz received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from Emory ...
ICCF-18 : Tritium Panel part 2 Mahadeva Srinivasan
ICCF-18 Tuesday, July 23, 2013 9:30-11:30AM Tritium Panel Part 2 Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan (Switch quality to "720P" for HD quality.) Dr. Mahadeva Srinivasan ...
Atomic Physics
Subscribe: http://bit.ly/UCHICAGOARTSytSubscribe About #UChicagoArts: Where scholars, students, artists and audiences converge, explore, and create at ...
Engineering an Instrument to Investigate the Habitability of Jupiter’s Moon Europa
NASA has selected LASP to provide the Surface Dust Analyzer (SUDA) instrument for NASA's mission to Jupiter's icy moon Europa. The Europa Clipper will orbit ...
LASP CUBoulder
Claude Cohen Tannoudji at GYSS 2019 - Polarising, Cooling and Trapping Atoms with Laser Light
More info on the Global Young Scientists Summit at www.gyss-one-north.sg.
National Research Foundation Singapore
CNNP 2017 - Nucciotti Angelo Enrico Lodovico
Direct neutrino mass measurement by the HOLMES experiment Content The assessment of the neutrino absolute mass scale is still a crucial challenge in today ...
zammù multimedia - Università di Catania
DOE NNSA SSGF 2012: Investigating Warm Dense Matter with X-ray Scattering
View more information on the DOE NNSA SSGF Program at http://www.krellinst.org/ssgf Paul Davis University of California, Berkeley Warm, dense matter (WDM) ...
Krell Institute
Homegrown Particle Accelerators
We've updated this video: https://youtu.be/OvxAG8e4RZA QUEST journeys back to find out how physicists on the UC Berkeley campus in the 1930s, and at the ...
FY 2020 Phase I Release 1 Topics 26-35
FY 2020 Phase I Release 1 Topics 26-3.
Degallaix J. - Large optics for next generation gravitational wave detectors
Large optics for next generation gravitational wave detectors Presented by Mr. Jerome DEGALLAIX on 1 Mar 2018 from 11:10 to 11:40 Session: Development of ...
Aula Rostagni UniPadova DFA
A novel laser-solid interaction geometry for the creation of a convergent.. by Robbie Scott
06 March 2017 to 17 March 2017 VENUE: Ramanujan Lecture Hall, ICTS Bangalore Particle accelerators have been instrumental in unraveling some of the ...
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
7f Plasma beating - ohmic and by neutral beams
Plasma Physics and Applications
Advanced Nondestructive Testing Techniques, NDT Standards, Safety in NDT
Advanced Nondestructive Testing Techniques, NDT Standards, Safety in NDT.
IIT Roorkee July 2018
Focused Near-Field Testing of Multiphase-Center Systems | Lecture #5 | Alan Fenn
Focused Near-Field Testing of Multiphase-Center Adaptive Array Radar Systems.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Radiation Protection: Controlling exposures in the workplace
WorkSafeBC Occupational Hygiene Officer Mark Teo gave a presentation on October 21st titled 'Radiation Protection: Controlling exposures in the workplace.'
Topic 1 - Atomic structure and the periodic table
Presentation on Topic 1 - Atomic structure and the periodic table for Edexcel A-Level Chemistry. NOTE: From 0:49:53 onwards, the volume of the audio drops, ...
Mr J D Field
Science for Tomorrow
RIKEN is involved in a broad range of science covering physics, chemistry, engineering, biology, and medical science. RIKEN scientists at the forefront of their ...
Homegrown Particle Accelerators (updated) - KQED QUEST
QUEST journeys back to find out how physicists on the UC Berkeley campus in the 1930s, and at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in the 1970s, created ...
Ideas in Science
Creating the Primordial Quark-Gluon Plasma at the LHC - John W. Harris
Dr. John W. Harris (Yale University) presents at the APS April Meeting 2013 in Denver on the primordial "soup" of quarks and gluons created during ...
APS Physics
Delayed neutrons: measurements and usage
Speaker: Xavier Ledoux (GANIL, France) Joint ICTP-IAEA School on “Nuclear Data Measurements for Science and Applications” | (smr 2741) ...
ICTP Applied Physics
Zoz – Data Demolition: Gone in 60 Seconds
https://www.hacktivity.com Organizations know the importance of destroying retired physical data storage units: the waste stream has the potential to be a major ...
Hacktivity - IT Security Festival
History, Development and Applications of Neutron Sources
The 2015 MRS Innovation in Materials Characterization Award was presented to John M. Carpenter, Argonne National Laboratory at the 2015 MRS Spring ...
Materials Research Society
FY19 Phase I Release 1 Topics: 24-32
DOE Program Managers discuss SBIR Topics.
"Numerical Methods for Radiation Hydrodynamics" - Jim Stone
Computational Plasma Astrophysics: July 27, 2016 Prospects in Theoretical Physics is an intensive two-week summer program typically designed for graduate ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Mass Spectrometer (Part-I)
Dr. RK Joshi.
Modification of semiconductor or metal nanoparticle lattices in amorphous alumina by MeV heavy ions
Video abstract for the article 'Modification of semiconductor or metal nanoparticle lattices in amorphous alumina by MeV heavy ions' by I Bogdanović Radović, ...
NN 2015 - Constraints on the asymmetric EOS from Heavy Ion Reactions
YENNELLO, Sherry (Texas A University, USA)
Eventi Laboratori Nazionali del Sud INFN
Week-5 Lesson-3 Micro and Nano Joining Processes Part III
Advances in welding and joining technologies - IITG
ANITA Lecture - Radio Astronomy and Interferometry Fundamentals – David Wilner
Title: Radio Astronomy and Interferometry Fundamentals [Lecture 1/2] Speaker: David Wilner, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (dwilner at ...
Anita Chapter
Webinar "Photonics for Batteries Manufacturing" by secpho__ICMAB-CSIC
The use of synchrotron radiation in battery research Ashley Black. ICMAB- CSIC Summary: - The design of the cells improves battery performance. - Cell design ...
Frontiers of Physics Lecture Series: Dr. David Wineland, Fall 2017
For many centuries, and continuing today, a primary application of accurate clocks is for precise navigation. For example, GPS enables us to determine our ...
Facebook Live: Celebrating 50 years of physics at ISOLDE
Live from the ISOLDE control room celebrating the 50th anniversary of ISOLDE's physics program with host Sarah Charley and our guests from ISOLDE, Erwin ...