International journal of behavioural development : IJBD A publ. of the Intern. soc. for the study of behavioural development (ISSBD). Vol. 41, № 6
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International journal of behavioural development : IJBD A publ. of the Intern. soc. for the study of behavioural development (ISSBD). Vol. 41, № 6

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International journal of behavioural development : IJBD : A publ. of the Intern. soc. for the study of behavioural development (ISSBD). Vol. 41, № 6:. - 2017
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2019-09-01 14:00:35
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International journal of behavioural development : IJBD A publ. of the Intern. soc. for the study of behavioural development (ISSBD). Vol. 41, № 6
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Егор Петров
International journal of behavioural development : IJBD A publ. of the Intern. soc. for the study of behavioural development (ISSBD). Vol. 41, № 6. April 1993.]. Эти три параметра важны в силу разнообразия жизненных ситуаций и их влияния на успешность адаптации.
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