The Changing Landscape of Plate Tectonics
W. Jason Morgan, Professor Emeritus, Princeton University; Visiting Scholar, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University Plate tectonic ...
Harvard Museum of Natural History
The Dark Matter Mystery and the Large Hadron Collider
Benjamin Allanach is a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge. He has realized a life ambition by working at the European particle ...
National Physical Laboratory
CDAC Summer Lab: AI + Science
How is the emerging field of AI defined by current cutting-edge research? What are the unique challenges to this field in its myriad real-world applications?
Center for Data and Computing at UChicago
Wits Geotalk - Geology & tectonic setting of South Africa’s remarkable ore deposits - Wits Honours
Wits Geosciences
Jonathan Ott - If Energy is Eternal Delight, What about Matter?
In answer to the question, as to the real effects of psychoptic drugs… we shall examine the attoscopic nature, of macroscopic reality; by way of determining ...
Breaking Convention
Dr. Katherine Freese — Cosmic Cocktail: Three Parts Dark Matter
This lecture was recorded on September 7, 2014 as part of the Distinguished Science Lecture Series hosted by Michael Shermer and presented by The Skeptics ...
Subatomic Smash: The Quest for the Higgs Boson
UVic particle physicist Dr. Michel Lefebvre speaks about the hunt for the Higgs Boson, at the Apr. 9, 2013 "Subatomic Smash", a public lecture and signature ...
Searching for the Genetic Code of our Universe
Visit: The 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson completes a powerful and comprehensive description of nature known as the standard model of ...
University of California Television (UCTV)
Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe - Professor Ian Morison
There are many things that we do not understand about our Universe. This lecture will discuss some of the most perplexing of these and survey the instruments ...
Gresham College
Beyond the Higgs: What's Next for the LHC? - with Harry Cliff
In 2012, the announcement of the Higgs boson made headlines around the world. But what has been going on at the Large Hadron Collider since? Physicist ...
The Royal Institution
Angels & Demons: The Science Revealed
Could you really destroy the Vatican using a small amount of antimatter made in the Large Hadron Collider? Thats the question Carnegie Mellons Manfred ...
Carnegie Mellon University
Homer Neal - Saturday Morning Physics - 10/18/08
Homer Neal "The Large Hadron Collider: The World's Most Powerful Particle Accelerator" October 18, 2008 170 Dennison Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Michigan Channel
WELCOME TO TRICKY KNOWLEDGE " નમસ્કાર દોસ્તો , બધી ગુજરાત ની પરીક્ષાઓ નો સિલેબસ, રોજગાર સમાચાર, સરકારી ભરતી ને ...
Delhibird Talks: Talking Tigers with Bittu Sahgal
Bittu Sahgal is an environmental activist, writer, and the founder of Sanctuary Nature Foundation. He is also the founding editor of Sanctuary Asia, a wildlife and ...
Delhibird Foundation
UCT's Dr Andrew Hamilton on why the Higgs Boson matters
Public interest in physics spiked after the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN)'s announcement on July 4 2012 that it had detected a particle that ...
University of Cape Town South Africa
The Standard Model: Fundamental Forces and the Origin of Mass
Title: Origins Science Scholars Program "The Standard Model: Fundamental Forces and the Origin of Mass" Speaker: Cyrus Taylor, PhD Location: campus, ...
Case Western Reserve University
Fermilab: A Frontier History
Valerie Higgins, Lab Archivist and Historian of Fermilab, gives an overview of the lab's 50+ year history, from the reasons for the lab's creation to their plans for ...
Wheaton Public Library
HE neutrino detection (1 of 5)
School on High Energy Astrophysics August 5-16, 2019 Speakers: - Carlos Arguelles Delgado (MIT, USA) More informations: ...
Erforschung der erdnahen Asteroiden (2/2) • Live im Hörsaal | Alan Harris
Die zweite Hälfte des Vortrags von Alan Harris vom Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Berlin. Anlässlich des Astroiden-Tags erläutert er den ...
Urknall, Weltall und das Leben
STD:9 #English (SL) || Unit:2 Dental Health Part - 2 (Guj Med) #GSEB #DHARMESHKANTHARIYA
આ વિડિયોમાં તમે ધોરણ 9 ની દ્વિતીય ભાષા (English)નું Unit 2 Dental Health ની માહિતી મેળવી શકશો... આ પાઠના Free Materials ...
Deepam Gyan Kranti
And then there was Mass: From the Higgs to the Unknown
Dr. Joe Incandela, Yzurdiaga Chair in Experimental Science and professor of physics at University of California–Santa Barbara and former spokesperson ...
OSU Physics Smith Lecture Series
Joe Incandela - The Discovery & Study of a Higgs Boson at the Large Hadron Collider (Nov 13, 2013)
More details:
Simons Foundation
Brightness variations of solar-like stars
Brightness variations of solar-like stars Dr. Alexander Shapiro, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) Germany Date: June 5, 2020 11:00 AM ...
Heliophysics Online Seminars
Space Station Leak Was Man-Made | SpaceTime with Stuart Gary S21E73 | Astronomy Science
The world's premier astronomy and space science podcast. *Space Station leak was man made It's been revealed that the hole found in the hull of a Russian ...
SpaceTime with Stuart Gary
Project Gasbuggy Atomic Explosion Site, Dulce, New Mexico - Nuclear Fracking
By the late 1960s the U.S. government was eager to find some use for its stockpile of unexploded nuclear bombs. Its friends in the oil industry had an answer: ...
Oppenheimer Ranch Project
The Moon and the Gods
Not in HD, so watch in mid-screen.
Kernel Recipes 2018 - ObsBox: a Linux-based real-time system for LHC beam monitoring - Miguel Ojeda
At the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, the radiofrequency and transverse damper feedback systems digitize beam phase and ...
The LHC project at CERN: exploring physics moments after the Big Bang
Professor Jim Virdee looks at how the Large Hadron Collider is addressing some of the most fundamental questions about the origin, evolution and composition ...
Imperial College London
IceCube and the Discovery of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos
The IceCube project has transformed one cubic kilometer of natural Antarctic ice into a neutrino detector. The instrument detects 100000 neutrinos per year in ...
Mauro Donega, Is it the Higgs Boson? zurich 2012/11/22
go to the ETH-Zurich media archive to find cutting edge lectures and frontier science videos ...
The Higgs Boson & the Ultimate Fate of Our Universe
God Particles? Supercolliders? The end of time? Gain a basic understanding of the latest revolution in physics and how it shapes our view of the universe today ...
Notre Dame Science
Science at Cal - Beate Heinemann - The Quest for the Higgs Boson at Large Hadron Collider
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) was built in the past decade near Geneva at the border of Switzerland and France, and is now operating since last year at the ...
Hunting the invisible across space and times: a tale on accelerators
Altri video disponibili su: Speaker: Sergio Bertolucci (Univ. Bologna) Download Slides: ...
INFN LNF - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Dr. Fons Rademaker, Smashing Atoms and Processing Massive Results at CERN, Samsung Forum
CERN, the home of Large Hadron Collider, is actively managing 700PB of data, has designed the data analytics platform for it, and is working on the next ...
Samsung Strategy & Innovation Center
The Discovery and Characterization of a Higgs Boson
Joe Incandela, CERN, presents at the APS April Meeting 2014 Fred Kavli Keynote Plenary Session on the Mysteries of Mass. Abstract: The announcement on ...
APS Physics
Сессия Комитета полномочных представителей ОИЯИ 2013, доклад директора ОИЯИ академика Матвеева В.А.
A Discovery! The Higgs? Why it is important. How it was done
The ATLAS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider with its sister experiment CMS reported a discovery last summer of a new boson which is consistent with ...
Georgia Tech Physics
The New Fire and other Matter Manipulation - 24 April 2017
MFMP volunteer, Bob Greenyer, asks what energy source / storage medium, might account for common New Fire observations and the form of modern claimed ...
Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project
CBPF 15/08/17 - CERN, software and computing for LHCb
Colóquios do CBPF CERN, software and computing for LHCb Stefan Roiser Centro Europeu de Pesquisas Nucleares (CERN) Local: Auditório Ministro João ...
How do we see Colour? - Professor William Ayliffe
Evolving in a silent, dark world, organisms developed receptors that could detect and differentiate components of the electromagnetic spectrum from the sun.
Gresham College
Words In Action: Language and Education in the Armenian Diaspora
Language and education in the Diaspora are frequent topics of conversation. A public program on Thursday, January 11, sponsored by The Calouste ...
USC Institute of Armenian Studies
Our Universe, From Quantum Fluctuations to Everything We (Don’t) Know - part 3/3
Topic: The Search for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Dr. Harry Cliff: holds a joint fellowship between the Cavendish Laboratory at the University of ...