Brian Bruya: Apply comparative philosophy on the contemporary issues
Eastern and Western philosophy have distinguished heritages and are both are valuable cultural assets. However, today's philosophical training in the West ...
Fulbright Taiwan
Contemporary Issues: Is the Qur'an A Good Book? - Dr. Joseph Lumbard
A common question that is both basic yet extremely profound - posed by many critics of the Islamic tradition is whether or not the Qur'an is a good book. Does it ...
Bayan Islamic Graduate School
Contemporary Issues in Applied Ethics
Nikhil Rajput
Timothy Williamson | The Role of Philosophy
Philosopher Timothy Williamson explains our instruments of understanding, the value of analytic philosophy, and why we debate. Subscribe to the Institute of Art ...
The Institute of Art and Ideas
Contemporary Issues in Personal Identity: Philosophy
Animated Video created using Animaker - Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Measure of a Man.
jap j
A192 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues
Chew Yongkiat
Contemporary Issues: Does Islam Allow Freedom of Speech? - Imam Marc Manley
Bayan Claremont presents: Contemporary Issues Imam Marc Manley, of ICIE California, discusses misconceptions regarding freedom of speech, and confronts ...
Bayan Islamic Graduate School
Contemporary Issues: What Happened to the Golden Age of Islam - Dr. Asad Q. Ahmed
Bayan Claremont Islamic Graduate School presents a reflection on the misperception the Islamic golden age, and the subsequent "stagnation and decline ...
Bayan Islamic Graduate School
Natural Law Theory: Crash Course Philosophy #34
Our exploration of ethical theories continues with another theistic answer to the grounding problem: natural law theory. Thomas Aquinas's version of this theory ...
Study Philosophy at UOW
Find out what to expect if you choose to study philosophy at UOW. Philosophy academic Professor Dan Hutto and philosophy student Sharri talk about different ...
What is Philosophy?: Crash Course Philosophy #1
Today Hank begins to teach you about Philosophy by discussing the historical origins of philosophy in ancient Greece, and its three main divisions: metaphysics, ...
Existential and Humanistic Psychology: Integration and Contemporary issues
This is a video lecture that touches on several contemporary issues in existential and humanistic psychology, including 1) integration, 2) multiculturalism ...
Louis Hoffman, PhD
Philosophy in the Islamic World | Prof. Peter Adamson | Talks at Google
Peter Adamson is Professor of Philosophy King's College London and LMU Munich, whose primary areas of interest are late ancient philosophy and Arabic ...
Talks at Google
Philosophy Pop-Up Session - Student Success, Obstacles, and Issues
Support my video production - Find out more about my work - This is the recording of our live ...
Gregory B. Sadler
The Audiopedia
Is Sharia Law Barbaric? | Dr Jonathan Brown | Islam & Contemporary Issues Series
In the current age of increasing anti-Muslim sentiment, it has become routine to hear ignorant pundits and bigoted political activists make baseless claims ...
Karima Foundation
MPU 1043 Philosophy and Contemporary Issues Group G
Nurul Izzah Sahid
Introduction to Ethics
Recommended Readings: An Introduction to Ethics by John Deigh - (affiliate link) Human Happiness and Morality: A Brief Introduction to ...
Academy of Ideas
PHILOSOPHY - Epistemology: The Problem of Skepticism [HD]
Is knowledge humanly possible? In this Wireless Philosophy video, Jennifer Nagel (University of Toronto) looks at skeptical arguments, starting with Ancient ...
Wireless Philosophy
Social Issues in the Philippines: A Social Philosophy project
No copyright infringement intended. All the copyrights belongs to the owner. Dubbed on the video are views and opinions of the researchers only.
Harvey Amora
Unit 2 - Contemporary issues in science education
Christine McDonald
Assisted Death & the Value of Life: Crash Course Philosophy #45
As we wrap up Crash Course Philosophy, we're using the things we've learned to explore big issues like the value of life. Today, we're discussing abortions in ...
Daniel Hausman — Philosophy of Economics
Serious Science - Philosopher Daniel Hausman on rationality, John Stuart Mill, and austerity ...
Serious Science
Contemporary Issues: Is the Original Qur'an Preserved? - Dr. Joseph Lumbard
Orientalist scholarship since the 19th century has proposed various theories that seek to disqualify the Muslim narrative on the authenticity of the Qur'anic ...
Bayan Islamic Graduate School
Virtue Ethics | Application | Contemporary Problems
Virtue Ethics“ is a free online course on Janux that is open to anyone. Learn more at Created by the University of Oklahoma, Janux is an ...
Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy Valid or Outdated ? UPSC IAS UPPCS MPPCS SSC IBPS
Click here to Download our Android APP to have access to 1000's of #Smart_Courses covering length and breadth of almost all ...
Study IQ education
Contemporary issues on ethical intelligence of a socially intelligent consumer robot, Amit Pandey
The lecture of Amit Pandey delivered during the conference entitled "Machine Ethics and Machine Law" co-organized by Department for the Philosophy of Law ...
Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies
Contemporary Issues in Sport
Jessica Boulton
Rabbi Benjamin Hecht - Freedom of Religion Part 3 (Contemporary Issues in Jewish Philosophy -2012 0
15) Rabbi Hecht is the Founder of NISHMA and a Senior Member of Nishmas Circle of Scholars www - In this Video you will find out about Thank ...
Rabbi Benjamin Hecht - Freedom of Religion Part 2 (Contemporary Issues in Jewish Philosophy -2012 0
08) Rabbi Benjamin Hecht is the Founder of NISHMA and a Senior Member of The Nishma Circle of Scholars www - - This event is art of the Adult ...
The Death Penalty For and Against Point Counterpoint Philosophers Debate Contemporary Issues
Juan Gillman
A Perspective on Contemporary Issues in Risk Assessment
A public health seminar recorded on February 28, 2011 with UC Riverside Professor David Eastmond.
UCI Open
Great Books: The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Great Books 2015.
Contemporary Issues in Bioethics
When it comes to technological advances that could reduce human suffering, improve health and reduce disease, we are generally all in favour. But recent ...
Contemporary Issues: Does Islam Allow Women to be Educated? [Part 2] - President Jihad Turk
Bayan Claremont presents: Contemporary Issues Bayan Claremont President Jihad Turk discusses misconceptions regarding women's education in Islam, and ...
Bayan Islamic Graduate School
Contemporary Issues in Modern Marketing Practices
Marketing Management-I
Byte sized Canvas- How to Use the Canvas Syllabus the Right Way
Are you among the cadre of instructors who disables the Canvas Syllabus page in your course navigation? Let me show you a nifty way to organize your ...
Online Network of Educators
Western Philosophy by Mr. Mitrapal (Mitra's IAS) | NeoStencil
NeoStencil's partner teacher for Philosophy, Mr. Mitrapal (Mitra's IAS) has given more than 100 results in IAS Exam including AIR 2, AIR 6, AIR 11, AIR 42, AIR ...
NeoStencil - India's #1 LIVE Online Platform for Competitive Exam Preparation
Family Obligations: Crash Course Philosophy #43
Today we are investigating our moral obligations to our parents and our families. Do we owe our parents anything as adults? Would it be a good idea to license ...
Lecture 1: Introduction to Power and Politics in Today’s World
Professor Ian Shapiro introduces the class “Power and Politics in Today's World.” This course provides an examination of political dynamics and institutions over ...
Bertrand Russell, The Problems of Philosophy - Appearance Vs Reality (Episode 1)
Is the world we perceive with our senses really representative of the reality beneath appearance? Episode 1 of #AppearanceVsReality looks at Bertrand ...
Our Knowledge of the World
Contemporary Issues in Education
References - Bloom, A. (2017) Half of British pupils 'scared to use the internet'. TES, 7 February. Available at: ...
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